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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. All the pictures I have of the house and tornado damage was taken on slide film in 1983....but I do still have the pics....don't know if I can somehow get them on the internet.


    There are a couple of ways.

    If they are on slides and not prints you can use a scanner that will scan slides.

    If you have prints you can scan with a regular scanner and then post or take digital photos of the prints and post.


    Heck you could probably put the slides into your projector, and take a digi picture of it projecting on the wall or screen for that matter. :D

  2. Look at your electric bill. They deliver you don't have to use it.You will pay the delivery charge. Gas is the same thing


    So if you are not connected to the pole and you cancel your hydro service they charge you just because.

    If you are not hooked up to the grid and do not get a bill and do not want their service there is no way they can charge you for it.

  3. Thanks for all inputs.


    What is the catch in plain English?



    The catch is:


    Leasing: You are renting the vehicle for the term of the lease after which you can purchase it for a fee or return it and you have nothing to show for your hard earned money.


    Financing: You are purchasing the vehicle and at the end of the financing term you own the vehicle. You have something to show for all the $$$$ you have paid out.

  4. When I replaced my helm a couple of years ago I got a No Feed Back rotary.

    The rotaries take up less room behind the dash but the non no feed back ones tend to turn by themselves when idling and you let go of the sterring wheel. The NFB unit actually has a built in clutch that holds your course while you are setting lines, dropping your down riggers etc. I have the Safe-T II but they make nother rotary and a rack and pinion unit too.


    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/w4B0eSHiIzM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  5. One important point, who does servicing for these units in Canada, hmmm, ya have to send them back to the US and wait til they rape you for shipping and handling. They absolutely won't do anything other than UPS and we all know how nice they are.


    I've sent mine in twice for service and it only cost me to send it to them (I sent it CPOST).

    Marcum coughed up for shipping it back to me.

    I just ordered some acc. for mine from Marcum and they shipped them USPS.


    Buddy we've been looking for 3 years and any existing homes with 4 rooms and somewhere to put an office are 300K+,


    Don't come looking in Yellowknife 'cause 300K won't even buy you a good trailer!!!!!! :w00t:

    New trailers in town are going for 369K!!! You don't want to know what a stick built house costs!!!

  7. Yeah h h h . . . . I DO check in and 'skim' most days. The knee is ALMOST as sore now as it was back in mid-November when it was done. I'm startin' to get just a wee bit worried . . . . the normal time for this is about 5 to 8 weeks?


    I would be going in to see the doc.

    We have a lady here at work who had hers done not long ago and it's infected and she is going to need to be operated on again. :(

  8. I have to agree with Buck.

    Spend the extra $$$$ for the LX-5.

    It's worth it for the dual freq. 'ducer alone. Especially if you fish steep dropoffs or weeds. Being able to go to the narrower cone enables you to see fish that get lost in the clutter of a 20* cone. The super fine line is pretty cool too.

  9. ??? I mean other than being on the grid eg solar panels,windmills, gensets.



    Lots of people living off-grid here. Most of the ones that live off-grid full time use a combination of all three or a combination of solar and generator.

  10. Hard to believe that he only backed up that much.. and then shut the friggin machine off!! What a fool.. or is that tool ?! :o



    I think he was afraid reversing the sled would break another chunk of snow off sending him to an early grave. Better to be bhind the sled on safer snow in case the cornice breaks off. Then he would only lose his sled and not his life. Probably not thinking real clear in that kind of situation though.

  11. Just recently bought 2 new rods with fixed reel seats but unhappy with the position they are set at. Is it still possible to reposition the reel seat or am I stuck with where they are at.


    It's possible but it takes time and if you take it to a builder a bit of $$$$.

    The handle will need to be stripped off and replaced completely.

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