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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Figures this putz is trying to screw over as many people as possible.

    I still can't figure out why the sheeple of Ontario re-elected him. :whistling:



    McSquinty is a putz!!!!


    McGuinty to NHL's Senators: I'm listening



    05/03/2012 5:47:00 PM


    TORONTO - Premier Dalton McGuinty says he's willing to listen to organizations like the Ottawa Senators who are worried about Ontario scrapping a key tax break.


    The Liberal government has said it wants to end a policy allowing businesses to write off as much as 50 per cent of tickets and luxury suites for sporting events.


    But officials with Ottawa's NHL team say that could put the club out of business.


    McGuinty says tough economic times mean choices have to be made but his government will listen to groups that could be affected by dropping the tax break.


    The writeoff, which also applies to other live performances like theatre and concerts, costs the cash-strapped province about $15 million a year.


    Senator's president Cyril Leeder says his team operates in a smaller market than other teams - such as the Toronto Maple Leafs - and it needs the corporate tax deduction to survive.


    McGuinty said serious thought is needed to find solutions to the current period of "difficult economic challenge."


    "We're listening very closely to organizations that could be affected by that kind of an initiative and we'll work our way through it," he said.


    Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan has sent a letter to his federal counterpart, Jim Flaherty, requesting co-operation on a list of proposed changes to the tax system.


  2. I have been wanting to redo the console on my lund. Currently, it has a makeshift aluminum console that sits on an angle. Has anyone made a whole console from scratch? I'm not sure where to start and don't want to build off the original because of the darn angle. Also, its started to tear from lack of support and the big waves on LSC. Here's a pic of my boat.


    Anyone with any ideas or even an old console sitting around?





    I would build one similar to mine that is secured to the floor on the back and left side and to the gunnel on the right side. The left side and back go all the way to the floor and are attached by a 1" lip that is folded to the inside of the console. You could also use 1 1/2" aluminum angle to attach to the floor and console.

  3. Well I'm betting on one thing, they're all rolling off Hop Sings conveyer belt after being "dressed" in different covers with different names. Roll'em over and check Made in _______. The only way I see getting ones that have the power is to go cross border shopping and get the 5 watt GMRS models that are not available here.



    I have a set of the Motorola ones. ;)

  4. Thanks but...no thanks OP...Haven't been in a beer store but once in close to 40 years and that is when Roy paid us a visit...


    I sent the pictures to the town council by e-mail with the heading "Look what your damn tree did to my birdhouse" along with copies of the correspondence I have had about the trees the past eight years...


    I got a phone call reply stating that it is councils policy not to cut down trees on open road allowances...


    I replied that I was not happy with their stand on this matter especially when life and limb (mine) and or property damage could result...Grrrr...mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif


    Just grab the saw, problem solved!!! :whistling:

  5. GO DON GO!!! I told yah and you guys jumped on me for calling Burke an american lover. Don is ripping up Burkie for not bringing in Canadians to play for the leafs. HAHAHA Go get himm Donnie Boy!!!


    That was AWESOME!!!!!

    I think he's ready to drop the gloves!!! :clapping: :clapping:

  6. I would have the Sparrows Union of North America launch a class action suit against the township!!! This is obviously negligence on the part of the township and maybe they will learn to think of others if they lose a 100 billion dollar lawsuit!!! :devil:



  7. I like that step thing in Cabelas Dave, That may do the trick.clapping.gif

    This is why they think i drive a truck.....





    You already have a nice step there Paul.

    Just use the spare trailer tire to step down on.

    If thatdoesn't work that step from Cabelas would. ;)


    FYI, when I drive my boat onto the trailer I leave it in gear while I lean over the front to connect the winch cable. I then shud down and tilt the motor, jump down and onto the tongue, tighten the winch, hop in tow vehicle and drive to the prep area to finish unloading the boat and hooking up the tiedowns.


    Wow, they redesigned the Skoda I see. :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

  8. I'll be 50 in 21 days.....



    JEEEZ, YOU'RE OLD!!!! :tease: :tease: :tease:

    I won't be 50 until July!!! :lol:


    Why does everyone think Paul drives a pickup truck?

    I though he drove a Skoda. :dunno: :dunno:

    I drive an SUV and if the water is deep leave the lift gate open and climb over the side onto the trailer frame and walk into the back and climb through to the front seat or pop out of the back side door.

    Eazy, Peazy!!!! ;)

  9. You could buy one of These for the tongue, or one of these or maybe one of [url="these"]these[/url].


    I just swing a leg over the side of my boat and stand on the trailer frame, but one of these steps would make it easier. I like the last one that could go on the Y on the side opposite the TM.


    Not sure what you have for a boat but this is mine and it sounds yours is similar with it being 4' or so from gunnel to ground.





  10. McLean is doing just fine Laff fan, don't you worry.



    As I remember the laffs had another meltdown against the Blackhawks, but I won't go there!!



    How are the Sen's doing against the Hawks?

    Kicking their :asshat: 's I guess from this post. :whistling:

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