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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Got out to the lake and drilled a few holes today.

    First spot I had 2 hits, which I missed. :wallbash:

    It was a scenic spot though.








    Stuck around for about an hour and a half and moved to the West side of the lake.

    I wanted to get into the sun and warm up a bit. ;)

    Fished the same lure that I had the 2 hits on earlier with not even a sniff and no fish on the flasher. Changed up to a white tube and promptly hit 3 fish landing 2 and losing the third just below the ice. Took a pic of the bigger one a fat 26"+ fish. :D




    The bite died nad I hit one more spot with no luck before heading home.


    Took a different route to see the temporary military base the Army has set up on the edge of town. There are 1,500 of them in town doing a little winter arctic training. I figured I best go have a peek before htey head out in a few weeks. Seems most are out on the land training (there have been some paratrooper jups too). They sure have a bunch of stuff. :P

    There was a pretty big incident earier this week when one of their helos hit a main power wire putting the city into darkness. Luckily none of the 3 on board the helo was injured and they managed to land safely at the airport. Unfortunately there was an injury at the airport due to the reduced lighting. One of the rampys was hit by the prop of a Dash8 and is in hospital in critical con. in Edmonton. :(


    Operation Arctic Ram main base. :good::good:







  2. Oh to be a kid again,and think it was the show,the one you looked forward to every year with your pop. Thats the problem IMO. They need to make it like a candy store. Saddly, it,s not anymore.



    Back in the early days the show was awesome and we would spend the whole day going through all the vendors, manufacturers and outfitters booths.

    Now you can do it in an hour. <_<

  3. Roy it has a 3 prong plug on the end.What do you think it should have?



    That means nothing.

    A charter boat I used to work on had their downriggers wired that way.

    12V from battery to outlets mounted under the gunnal and then 3 prong plugs on the downriggers plugged into the outlets.

    Easy way for the non-electrically inclined to wire it up.

  4. Every year Muskymatt shows up around trade deadline to bash players and be a negative person all around. Does anyone actually take this guy seriously? I know I sure don't.



    :rofl2: :rofl2: :clapping: :clapping: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2::clapping: :clapping: :rofl2: :rofl2:


    No, but button pushing is sooooooooooo much fun!!! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  5. i think you misunderstood what he meant matt. he was suggesting that pavel datsyuk plays the game on a higher level like gretz or #4, and i definitely agree with him.




    Ottawa fans are a little light in the cognitive skills area.

    I probably should have drawn him stick figures or used puppets just for young Mathiew.

    He never was the sharpest pencil in the box. :whistling:

  6. You're comparing Kessel to Gretzky, paaaallleeeezzzeee!!! :wallbash: :wallbash:


    Gretzky has the scoring title won, on his assists alone, and then there's his goals. :worthy: :worthy:


    92 goal season, 4 200+ point seasons, Stanley cups, over 60 NHL records..... :worthy: :worthy:


    And Kessel has what??????? Yeah compare Gretz to Kessel :w00t: :w00t:


    I'm glad Gretz kicked your a$$ :asshat: in the playoffs, silly leafs. When will they learn :stretcher: :stretcher: :rofl2:


    You Ottawa fans don't know how to read English do you Matt?

    I said that Datsyk is, not Kessel.

    I'm saying that Kessel isn't. :rolleyes:


    Maybe you could learn the English language during the off season while your precious Senators are pitching and putting while the Leafs are playing in the 1st round of the playoffs. :tease::tease::tease:

  7. pavel datsyk is my definition of a well rounded player.


    That's like saying Bobby Orr or Wayne Gretzky is my definition of a well rounded player. :rolleyes:

    Pavel is probably the best player in the league right now and all others are rated lower. IMHO

    Kessel is an excellent player but not quite in that league.



    The Leafs have some good talent on their squad.

    Early season I said that the biggest issue they had at the time was the PK.

    Well now the PK is awesome but goal tending has not been the same since Reimer got run in the crease and suffered his concussion.

    I think if the goal tending were to be brought in line with the way the rest of the team is playing we would be in a much better place.

  8. Snidley lebarons has never been part of the fishing show and as far as deals they will there just like last yr and the yr before and before that. You just have to look for deals. I had a both last yr with everything 25% off and other dealers had great promo's as well so put the pipe down :).



    They most certainly were part of the spring fishing show at one point.

    In fact they had the largest booth as well.

    Back in it's hey day the spring fishing show was the most anticipated show as it had the most fishing related stuff going on and not a bunch of non-fishing related stuff like the Toronto Sportsmans Show did.

    The first few years the spring fishing show was held in Pickering and it then moved to the International Center. I don't remember when the big vendors started disappearing but I think it was in the late 80's.

    I stopped going shortly after LeBarons left the show (only because it coincided with a bunch of other large vendors leaving).

  9. The toothpick is not a great idea b/c it defeats the fast sink rate of the egg. Not a big deal if your sink rate doesn't matter, but in a lot of places it does. Consider the end of a riffle before it drops into a pool. Sometime you need to get done into that transition water fast. Fish can sit in this water picking up drifting eggs from fish spawning on said riffle. The rubber pegs are fine. You can easily tie them on too. Peg from the bottom up. my 2c


    You want a faster sink rate just ditch the plastic beads and run glass or clay beads.

  10. I would go with a Van Staal if you can afford it.

    At the lower end price wise is The VM-150 and at the expensive end are These and This One if you're into a little bling factor and need tons of line. :lol:

    But if you want bling and a bail you need one of These :whistling:

    Or if you have gobs of $$$ burning a hole in your pocket you could get a Diawa Saltiga for $1,100-$1,200 or step down to a Shimano Stella SW for $730-$950 :ninja:

  11. One of my strengths is finding deals, I have a knack for it what can I say?


    It's an estate sale. Talked to the son a couple days ago and am quite comfortable that everything is on the up and up. It's an '07 Highlander Hybrid with 56K on the odometer. He faxed me copies of all the pertinent paperwork including the vehicles history a couple days ago and everything looks good.


    I can also have the vehicle checked by a local mechanic of my choice.



    There is however a slight catch, it's located in Edmonton LOL!


    That said I've already looked into one way flights and can get one for $240 tax in.


    He said he'd pick me up at the airport as well.


    I'd have to drive the vehicle home, however that's not all that bad.


    I foresee a possible pitstop at Lake Winnipeg and Lac Seul enroute home for some ice fishing. :)


    I love doing stuff like this, it's kind of an adventure.


    Just have to make a quick decision and get a bit of time off work which may not be that easy.


    Before you head East, head North for a 12 hour drive and come ice fish with me Mike. :lol:

  12. I believe you actually need to get your wires disconnected and the meter removed otherwise you will pay


    That's exactly what I'm saying.

    If you are not connected to their system they can't charge you for delivery to the pole that you are no longer connected to.

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