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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Good deal!!!

    I don't have one of those but with that seat it's got to be really light and easy to pack into those back lakes. ;)

    I have an ODC 816 which is similar and very light.

    I also have a Fishcat Cougar which is a much better built cat but alot heavier and not good for hike in spots.

  2. Interesting. That's always been a favourite color of mine too, I've got at least 6 identical ones in my collection.


    If you're really desperate you can have them for $25 each LOL!


    Recently I've had very good success on the piers using a very different spoon.


    Short fat, compact spoons like the KO Wobbler and Moonshine Glow Spoons in a variety of colors have been lethal.


    Point is, it's a good spoon, but not the be all and end all trust me.



    Thanks for under cutting me buddy!!!!! :devil:

    I got mine up in the classified section for $300 a piece since they are very rare and discontinued!!!! :whistling:


    I used to have a lot of luck chucking Cotton Cordell Big O plugs as well.

    Perch, chartreuse, silver and best of all pearl white worked well for me.

  3. oof... that was a harsh game to watch... i'm not sure what was worse... the sens defensive zone coverage or the referees. apparently both were terrible because that was ugly!



    what i find odd is leaf fans rejoicing in a habs win. real leaf fans would be ashamed of you!!! :jerry:


    We aren't cheering a Habs win, that would be sacrilegious.

    We are cheering another Sens loss. :clapping: :clapping:

  4. So those that fish the opener,are really fishing steelhead,not rainbows? So the wording "Rainbow opening weekend", is wrong"


    Not necessarily.

    There are lots of places that open on the 3rd Saturday in April that have regular rainbows in them. :lol:

  5. Could you imagine the stream fishermen with there 13ft rods and CENTER PIN reels saying they caught rainbows.


    Actually I catch very few steelhead now.

    But every fall I catch tons of rainbows and occasionally a steelhead or two. ;)

    Here's one of those little rainbows I chase after.



  6. Steelhead are anadromous rainbow trout.

    This means they are a rainbow that migrates out of it's natal river to an ocean or large lake (Great Lakes) when it smolts. It lives it's life in the ocean or large lake and when mature it returns to it's natal stream to spawn. It returns to the ocean/lake after spawning to return (hopefully) yearly on these spawning runs.


    A rainbow (non-steelhead) is one that does not drop out of it's natal stream into a large lake or ocean. It spends it's life in the river/stream it was born in.

  7. It will come with time and practise. When I first bought my boat it took me 15min to back it into the launch with my fishing partner throwing his hands up in the air and offering to back it in for me (maybe he will chime in here) :thumbsup_anim:. The first time taking the boat out at the beginning of boat season I am a little rusty too.


    On a side note, nothing is harder to back into the water then a sea doo with a pick up as you can't see the thing. I saw a girl struggling to do it at a launch so I offered to back it in for her but quickly realised why she was struggling. My eyes were struggling to stay off her as well :D


    You need to take up ice fishing so you have to tow your quad or snowmobile around all winter.

    Keeps you in tune for the softwater season. ;)

  8. Not as stupid as it is innocent... But when a new fisherman asks " how do you know when there's a fish bitin?"


    I asked that once while bottom fishing in 400' of water off islamorada with 3#'s of weight on the line.

    I asked the captain "how the heck do you know when you have a bite with all this line out and weight?"

    His answer was simply "Oh, you'll know ;)"

    He was right, darn near got yanked outta the boat!!!!! :lol:

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