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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. There are 2 reasons the electric start conversion is spendy.

    1/ Labour charges (probably in the 3-5 hour range)

    2/ It's more than just sticking an electric starter motor and key switch in there.

    There is a full charging system for the battery plus wiring for the starter and charging system.

  2. Had an issue with my boat a couple of weeks ago with it doing something similar.

    Ended up being a bad plug.

    They were new too. :glare:


    Could be another electrical issue too.

    Maybe a pad plug wire or coil pack.

    But I would swap in a new set of plugs before anything else.


    If it is still doing the same after a plug change I would run it on the lake with the cover off and see if the fuel filter is emptying (plugged vent maybe).


    But it sounds electrical to me. B)

  3. I got laid off from my job at Christmas time in 1999.

    I used the opportunity to go back to school.

    EI paid for 1/2 and paid me while at school (however at a reduced rate after my regular EI ran out).

    I got a job in my field before graduation and am now employed with the Govt. have a great pension and make great $$$$.

    Getting laid off was the best thing that could have happened!!!!! :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:

  4. This was posted on TSN's facebook page about 1/2 hour ago. :ninja:


    Ryan Rishaug recently tweeted: Burke and Gillis just walked off the draft floor together into the tunnel by penguins room. Clearly not a quick hello, all business.

  5. Can someone PM me a link for this vid Im very interested




    Same here.... I missed it!


    Well as luck would have it, I downloaded it before reporting it so that if it got taken down before the CO's got a chance to see it the proof would still be easily available. :D


    I uploaded the file to my site.

    Be patient as the file needs to download to your machine before it starts playing. ;)


    OOS Bass Fishing Video


    I also took a screen grab of the video description.



  6. In the US they use online videos against "sportsmen" all the time.

    Sometimes the person in the video makes a mistake and sometimes they know exactly what they are doing.

    For instance, earlier this year Ted Nugent was convicted of an offence in Alaska.

    He was up filming a bear hunt and winged a bear with his arrow. They tracked the bear and after quite a long time determined that the bear was ok and merely winged. They carried on with the hunt and harvested a nice bear. Unfortunately by winging the previous bear under Alaska law they should have stopped hunting because in the regs when you take a shot at an animal it is considered in your bag limit if you hit it or not. By law Ted's hunt was over the second he released the arrow. :huh:

    Unfortunately neither he or any of his crew knew about this law as their hunting regs are like Ontario's fishing regs.


    Any how, someone saw a video online of him missing the first bear and then harvesting a bear and let the ADFG know about it. Ted was charged with taking game without a license as he only had one bear tag. He plead guilty and paid his fines and did a bunch of public service pieces to air during his show.


    So you see anyone can make a mistake and if they aren't made aware of their mistake it will continue.

    Even if the guy who posted the vid is only made aware of the error of his ways that is good in my books.


    So you see I only want to educate the feller about the error of his ways. B)

  7. Last week there was a thread poseted about an OOS smallmouth bass fishing video.

    At the time I sent in a complaint to the MNR about the video.

    Well I just got an email back from them.

    Enjoy!!!! :D


    Hi Dave


    Thanks for sending in the tip about pre season bass fishing. I'm just letting you know that we're aware of the tip and are actioning it (it has been reported to us four times thus far).


    Take care and thanks again.




    Bill Fisher

    Supervisor, Special Investigations Services Unit

    Intelligence and Investigations Section

    300 Water St., 1st Fl., N. Tower,

    Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5

    Office Phone: (705) 755-3271

    Fax: (705) 755-3290

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