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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Best part is you'll have a substantial asset to sell when it finally comes time to leave Yellowknife. Very smart move!


    On my end It'll be a nice place to visit. :)


    Yep, should pay for my retirement property in the Bulkley valley in BC with enough left over for a jet boat and a drift boat. ;)

  2. Thanks Dave ...i bet it was like a gold rush....well done ...now i need to get my arse in the loop ...lol...might mean ill have to delete my facebook account though if i want to make political friends...nice catch with the fishes (seen them in your other thread) and nice property...im going to assume 14 k to the boat launch is where the closest town is for supplies...im happy for ya ...when are you planning to start the build? Is there land access to the property in the summer months or will you haul your material in the winter over the ice


    14 km is to the highway. Yellowknife is another 15 or 20 km.

    I can leave my place towing the boat and be at my cabin within an hour.

    No land access just boat in summer and ice road/ snowmobile in winter.

    The plan is to transport materials in early spring before the road disappears for the summer. ;)

    Hoping to install dock and do foundation next year and close in the following year.

    Then I get to do the interior after that but will be able to work during the winter then. :D

  3. The lease is through the Federal Govt as it's crown land.

    They are transferring management to the NWT over the next few years and then the lease will carry over to the GNWT.

    No septic (outhouse) as it's all granite. No well, will draw from the lake like most Ontario cottages.

    Those of us who were following things new that the Feds were reopening leases after being closed for many years due to native land claims. I went out and searched for a spot and applied as soon as they started taking applications again.

    The few spots that were available on the lake I wanted to be on were gone quickly and if I had not been in the loop I would not have had a chance.

    It was like a gold rush when it reopened. :D


    The lake is the biggest (other than Great Slave) lake close to town. My lease is at the far end from the launch about 14kms down the lake. I only saw 3 boats out there today. 2 fishermen and the fish cops. They had to wait while I landed a 20# pike before they could check me out. :D


  4. Got out this morning to my cabin lease site and did a little late season trolling for gators and lakers. :D Picked up a few good fish and a few little guys. Biggest fish of the day were over 20#'s B)


    Only a few pics as my internet is super slow tonight for some reason (been uploading pic's for over an hour and they still aren't all uploaded yet). :(


    First things first, got out to my new leased property to get some shots with my new UWA lens I just got for my DSLR. This first one is a 5 shot pano from the boat of my lease.




    Another pano taken from the location I intend to build.




    Another pano from the highest spot on the site.




    My favorite of the day. A 360* pano shot from the high spot on the site.




    Looking West from the high spot. Looks to be some critter trails in here.




    The Subhunter sitting where the floating dock is going.




    Now some fishing related pics. ;)

    This is me heading out this morning in the balmy +2C temps. :wacko:




    And a few fish pics.

    First fish of the day a 20+# pike.




    And another in the 20# class. I landed this fish while the CO's were waiting to check my license and that my barbs were crushed. B)




    OH, I got a trout too. :D





  5. Dave a few questions if you dont mind

    how big is the lot that you are leasing

    how much is a lease per year

    will the lease go up in price when there is a cottage on the property

    is the real estate and lease transferable to family or can it be sold outright to another person


    Congrates on your new acquisition !!



    There may be no grass to cut but granite is high maintenance to keep clean :D


    70 meters X 70 meters (the nearest other allowable lease is 300 meters away) ;)




    Thanks :D

  6. Hope it'll have an ice road.

    Aye, she has an ice road bye. ;)

    It runs right past the cabin about 1km out.

    I can park there in the winter and ride my sled into the cabin.

    In the open water season it is a 14km trip from the launch.


    If you look to the right of this picture you can see where the road goes into the bush and behind the spindly tree is a car on the road.

    This pic was taken the end of the first week in March this year when I was scoping out places to put a cabin.



  7. Foundation is yet to be determined.

    Probably going with short concrete piles anchored into the granite with epoxied in rebar.

    Then a permanent wood foundation set up on grade.

    This will be a crawl space under the cottage which will be 2 levels.

    Gonna be some work for sure.


    Y'all wanna come and help? :whistling:

  8. So back in March the Feds reopened the NWT to recreational leases and I applied on one of the best lakes near town.

    I got my lease papers to sign today and filled them in and returned them to the Feds for processing.

    Next week I will have binding lease in hand and can start the process of going broke building a dock and cabin to spend my free time at. :D


    Here's my spot from space. ;)



    A view towards where the dock will be.



    Good solid place to bolt the land end of the dock ramp to.



    A view from the water to where the cabin will be.



    A closer view.




    Time to start running up the old credit card this winter. :D

  9. Most days I have eggs scrambled with or without ham/bacon or just a few strips of bacon and a piece of cheese.

    The most important part of my breakfast is one that is never missed even on vacation. ;)

    A large, properly brewed cup of espressowy goodness!!! :D



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