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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Got my tickets to see Tampa Bay in March (in Tampa :) ) off Ticket Roundup.

    Going to see T-Bay/Boston on March 8th (Row 5 top of the circle Boston end) $100 a piece.

    T-Bay/Canucks on the 17th of march (same section and row but mid circle) $47 a piece.

    T-Bay/Sens on the 24th of March (same section row 4 mid circle) $45 a piece!! :D

  2. Just heard on The Edge that he has admitted to smoking crack now.






    “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine,” Mayor Rob Ford admitted at a surprise news conference just after noon.

    “I am not an addict,” he told the stunned media.

    I wasn’t lying . You didn’t ask the correct questions,” Ford explained to why the admission was so long in coming.

    “You guys kept referring to alcohol,” he told the media.

    “I want everybody in the city to see this tape. I don’t even recall there being a tape. I want to see the state I was in.

    “No, I don’t do drugs.”


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    Ford said he smoked crack about a year ago. “I don’t even remember. Probably in one of my drunken stupors. You guys have seen the state I’ve been in.”

    The admission comes six months after Ford said at a May 24 news conference, “I do not use crack cocaine. Nor am I an addict of crack cocaine.”

    Since that May news conference, Ford has said many times he does not use crack.

    The news conference came a week after two Star reporters disclosed that they had seen a clear video of Mayor Ford smoking what appeared to be crack from a glass pipe, calling Justin Trudeau, now Liberal leader, a “good dresser” and his high school football players “f------ minorities.”

    At that news conference, Ford said he would not comment on a video “that I have never seen or does not exist.”

    It was only last Thursday that Toronto police Chief Bill Blair confirmed the video does exist and it does show what the Star’s Kevin Donovan and Robyn Doolittle reported.

    Blair’s news conference followed release of half a police document about months of surveillance of Ford and alleged drug dealer Alexander “Sandro” Lisi.

    Lisi was charged Oct. 1 with drug charges and on Thursday with extortion related to “threats” to recover the video.

    Ford said he’s been advised by his lawyer, Dennis Morris, not to talk to police.

    “You ask the question properly, I’ll answer it,” Ford told the media. Yes, I’ve made mistakes. All I can do now is apologize and move on.

    “That’s why I want to see the tape. I want everyone in the city to see this tape. I’d like to see this tape. I don’t even recall there being a tape or a video and I know that, so I want to see the state that I was in. I don’t know what else I can say.

    “I made mistakes in the past and all I can do is apologize, but it is what it is. And I can’t change the past and I can apologize to my family, my friends, my colleagues and the people of this great city.”

    Ford’s apology echoed his comments on his Sunday radio show with his brother, Councillor Doug Ford, that he made mistakes.

    “The Danforth, that was pure stupidity. I shouldn’t have got hammered down at the Danforth,” he said.

    A drunken St. Patrick’s Day 2012, he said, was things getting “a little out of control.”

    Ford refused to resign on Thursday at a 64-second news conference and again on Monday.



  3. Sorry to say Fisherman not much else is made there or here any longer. I sure got the shock of the year when I brought home my first time ever brand spanking new Chevy Silverado in 2011 with the 25 KMS I put on it during the test drive. My Uncle opened the door and said " Lets see where she was made "




    I wanted to cry. México and not México Nevada. So my baby traveled over 3000KMS before I took it for a run. I made steel for the big 3 for 30 years and my first new vehicle was made in México.


    So I don't think it's much of a big deal a cup is made in China or wherever.




    Should have bought a Tundra!!!

    They are built in Texas. :lol:

  4. I think he is talking about the crappy corn juice laced gas Dan.

    Us Northerners tend to get either a lot less or no ethanol added fuels depending on where you are.

    Up here North of 60 there is zero corn gas available due to the temperature issues we experience in the winter.

    Ethanol's tendency to absorb water would have every vehicle up here frozen for 8 months.

    I expect it is the same in T-Bay. ;)

  5. It is a sad thing to see... I clip every one of the loops myself. As for the limit... I heard they lifted all possession limits on Canada Geese and Snow Geese this year for hunters, why not an open season on cormorants as well?


    Yep, I have rescued a seagull that had one stuck around his neck.

    I also take the scissors to 6 pack rings before throwing them out.

  6. Go for the 12 footer at least.

    Longer yaks are faster paddling and better if the waves get up.


    I'm picking one up in March and have decided on this one: http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=20973116&cp=4406646.4413993.4417832.4417969


    Take a trip across the border to Barfalo and hit up Dicks down there.; )


    If you have the $$ though I would drop them on one of these: http://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=1246706&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&storeId=11151&storeNum=50596&subdeptNum=50620&classNum=50621#.UnWftPmfjNE

  7. I thought that the fight was excellent..Twitter is a buzz about it too.. then there are the usual idiots demanding fighting be eliminated from the game...SIgh go watch lawn bowling of you dont like it..Brutal Philly did what ANY team would do loosing 7-0 its the way it is in the NHL you run the score up your gonna get beat on..No its not time for a change..Looking forward to what Don Cherry has to say about it tonight....


    First HNIC game starts in an hour!!! :D

    Triple header today. :clapping:

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