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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. One thing to remember LED TV's are LCD TV's.

    The older non-LED versions of LCD TV have a Liquid Crystal Screen with CCFL back lighting (florescent tubes) and the newer LED TV's have a Liquid Crystal Screen with LED back lighting (light emitting diodes). The LED's make for a brighter image and use less power. They are also less likely to have the back lighting fail or dim over time.

    If purchasing LCD make sure to get the highest refresh rate available so you don't get any motion blur when watching action flicks and sports.


    I have a plasma as I watch plenty of sports and I also believe the colour and image quality is superior to LCD units.

    I find the LCD units to be a bit harsh and I notice motion blur even on the high end units.


    I bought mine at a local retailer but would probably purchase at Bestbuy or Future Shop if it wasn't 1200kms away. ;)

  2. Doubt it has a cotter pin Bill.

    Most likely has a retention washer with 2 tabs that need to be either be bent up if it has the notched nut or down if it has the regular nut.

    Once the tabs have been bent out of the way wedge a 2x4 between the cavitation plate and prop to hold it in position while removing the nut and retention washer.

    Remove the prop.

    Reverse the process to re-install.

    As Bill said use a sharpie and mark the nut so you can get it tightened back up to the correct spot if you don't have a torque wrench.

  3. You do realize that you drove right through Pike and Lake Trout heaven about 1/4 of the way on your journey up north? We use 6lb. mono for everything "down" here. No leaders. Flouro is just something that we read about on fishing forums. Apparently it's invisable to the fish?

    Yep, and I've fished it too. :D

    Spent over an hour fighting a large laker on Nipigon with light line before eventually losing it. I was fishing for brookies at the time with a 2/5 oz firetiger little cleo on 6# test.

    Best I could do with the fish in that hour was to get it 1 foot off bottom several times.

    The fish hit in Orient Bay trolling a 30-40 foot deep slot between an island and the main land.

  4. I don't know what attachment you're adding; but if you have the original steering bolt, pull the sucker out and confirm the size and thread pitch. Take the bolt into a fastener supply store. Here in London we have places like A&H Bolt & Facca Fasteners; Scarborough must have similar places? Those guys will tell you exactly what you have and they'll likely have whatever you want for your attachment. Facca is like a cookie store to me, only to be beaten out by the candy store Princess Auto. LOL





    I told him what size and thread earlier.

    I measured the one off the engine I don't have on a boat at the moment. B)

  5. And oh Drifter was that pic taken this week? Sorry but I'll fish the Florida Keys in Florida on a bad day over any great ice fishing day anytime while I can still stand on this great planet of ours. Just not in the DNA, the first time I went Italy to see where my grand parents came from I saw palm trees in Rome, I'll take palm trees over no trees any day.

    That's late March. ;)

    I have no issues with fishing the salt either.

    I'm heading down to FLA in late February for 6 weeks in 2014. :D

  6. that's tornado #2 seen for me this year in the arthur/mt forest/grand valley area and we just moved closer 3 weeks ago (grand valley area). it lifted before hitting town.


    Welcome to tornado alley Raf!! :D

    I lived in Grand Valley from 1995 until 2005.

    We only had one tornado in that time and it was an F3.

    Came through the marsh heading straight for our house and when it got to the field beside us it hopped across the road and wiped out all the farms and houses over there. :o

    We had some minor damage from micro bursts but nothing more serious than a couple of broken trees.

    After the storm we found a 3# small mouth in the back yard about 20 yards from our pond.

    My guess is it was picked up out of Damascus reservoir.

    I wonder if it would have lived it it hit the pond? :dunno:

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