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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. For me, I can't stand touch screen keyboards.

    My fingers are too big and I never know what letter is being hit until it's too late and I have to backspace and retype.

    I have a BB Torch 9810 which is a touch screen with a real keyboard.

    I have a much easier time with that.

    I also deploy and maintain a BB server here at work so we have a bunch of devices out there.


    I really love it for email and texting.

    Not really one for doing a lot of internet surfing or game playing on my phone but I do use it for weather, directions etc.


    I've tried to use iphones and have a terrible time with the keyboard.


    My pay as you go Alaska phone is just a cheap LG but it also has a slide out real keyboard. ;)

  2. Never heard of these guys until today.

    Went to the site and never went further than the home page.

    Just a way for them to make $$$$ off Joe fisherman.


    I've also been on various companies pro staff over the years and as M&S says the reduction in cost of the gear is what kept me on board.

    It's nice to have the latest high tech gear at below dealer cost pricing.

    It's a companies way of having their gear really tested in the field as well as having the pro's endorse their product.

    I know that when I use a product that is good quality I will tell people so.

    Word of mouth is a powerful thing. ;)

  3. Agree with getting the season started........


    However, I went to the Sabres game last nght and was pleasantly surprised with the turn out, and the atmosphere for a pre-season game.


    It was quite full, with a decently competitive game going on.........and got to watch the new kids dangle a little. Heck, there were even sections of Leafs fans shouting "LETS GO LEAFS" obnoxiously :) You guys must really like it down here to show up when your teams not even on the ice lol


    Leafs were off last night.

    They are Canucks and Canucks like hockey.

    Doesn't matter where, if there's a game going on we're there.


    I have tickets to watch Tampa Bay in March while on vacation.

    I'm going to the game on the 8th against Boston, the 17th against the Canucks and the 24th so I can heckle the Sens!!! :D

    OH, and tickets are cheap down there so I'm sitting in the 4th or 5th row visitors end top of the circle for all games.

    In TO you would need to sell your first born for these seats!!!! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

  4. Sump Pump and a fridge will easily run off a 2KW genny.

    Pick up a nice little Yamaha or Honda and you'll be set.

    A little different if you want to run the furnace and other loads.

    5KW and up would be minimal and 7.5KW-10KW if you want to run most of the loads in the house.

    What ever you go with you will need a transfer switch to keep from back feeding the grid with your generator.

    You can get as manual for the smaller generators as most you will have to start up manually any way.

    If you get an automatic like LEW then you also need an automatic transfer switch.

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