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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Actually it's technically all wheel drive, but yes they are much more capable than a 2wd pickup.

    Just ask the guy in Alaska with the 4wd suburban who got stuck on the beach and me with my widdle Honda got his arse unstuck and pulled out. :lol:

    It pulls my boat, camper and snowmobile trailers just fine too. ;)



  2. Yup another win for the boys in blue. Lets keep it rolling boys!!!!

    The team had all 4 lines playing well, and without JVR too. What can I say, Toronto has a deep team. Can't wait until Mclaren comes back and we play the bruins and the sabres...


    The Sabres don't have a team this year.

    They just won their first game tonight.

    Now they have a whopping 3 points. :D

  3. Holy crap that's sweet!!! Is it a private lake whereas you are the only one on it? Road/boat/sled access? What's the cost to build something like that up there?


    There are other leases but they are minimum 300 meters apart.

    Boat in summer, ice road and sled in winter.

    Don't know until I build it. :D

    The good news is I have a friend that can get me windows and doors at cost. So that will cut costs.

    They are also working on a new multi-story building in town and they have been bringing me the syrofoam SM off cuts (3" thick) to use in my floor insulation. ;)

    I'm ordering my dock hardware from the South as well as my siding. Save a bunch of $$$ that way.

    May bring up my lumber too. Not sure yet.


    Here's a map of Yellowknife and my lake. The red X is where my lease is.

    The lake is 14kms long and 3 1/2kms wide. It is over 300' deep at it's deepest spot.



  4. Got out again this weekend for some fishing on "MY" lake. :D

    Took a few more shots of my land so I could PS my cabin and dock design onto the lot to get an idea of what the place would look like when finished.


    A wide view of the site shot from the middle of the bay using my 250mm telephoto lens.

    This view shows the top dome of rock that you can't see from closer to the site.




    Same view with dock and my preliminary cabin design Photoshopped into position.




    Closeup view of the cabin.




    This designing and planning is fun!!! :lol:

  5. Not sure where you get your info but just to clarify;




    14 Canadians

    3 US

    1 SWE

    1 CZE

    1 FRA





    5 USA

    1 RUS

    1 SWE

    1 DEU


    Seems both teams are filled with North Americans, Sens with more Canadians and the better ones at that


    :clapping: :jerry:


    Seems you missed the large number of Canadians and added a Kraut for some reason. :tease: :tease: :tease:





    19 Canadians

    4 USA

    1 Sweden

    1 USSR




    15 Canadians

    3 USA

    2 Sweden

    1 France

    1 Czec


    France? Really?

    How do they play hockey in France while drinking wine and eating stinky cheeses?

  6. Long weekend and things will be icing up soon, so I hit the lake this morning for a little fishin'. ;)

    T'was a tad on the brisk side but you gotta earn your biguns.\




    All of the small pot hole lakes and ponds were already frozen over so tomorrow may be my last open water trip of the season, time will tell.


    Ended up boating a bunch of small pike in the 5-7# range and a couple of 6-8# lakers.






    Luckily it warmed up to a balmy +4 degrees so I could ditch my parka and snowmobile pants.




    Now onto the best fish of the day. :D

    This big girl came out of 6 FOW on a large black dot Wolverine spoon.

    When it hit, I thought I was hooked up on the rocks and until I had pulled the boat to the fish I still thought I was on bottom. Once I got on top of the fish we had drifted over deeper water and I spied her about 8' down and new she was a goodun'. Didn't weigh or measure her but I figure mid 40" and mid 20# range.








    Back at it again in the morning. ;)

  7. I ran about 25 miles at 7/8 to full throttle with my 18' Fisher with 115 Merc 4 stroke and burned about 18 liters of fuel last Sunday.

    It gets much better if I can cut my RPMs back to 4K or under (I eas running 5-6K) :D

    I should get good mileage tomorrow as it's gonna be chilly in the AM.

    Supposed to drop to -5C by then. :o

    Doug out the rabbit fur bomber hat and snowmobile suit for the morning run. ;)

  8. No it is not flossing at all.

    The reason for the gap between the hook and bead is to make the bead look more like a natural egg.

    This is key when fishing pressured fish.

    I fish the Kenai River in Alaska every fall and bead fishing was invented here.

    They estimate that each trout and dolly in the river (90 miles long) gets caught 20 times per year!!! :o

    The fish have seen a lot of baits over the years and can be very selective.

    You can tell when your bead has slipped down to the hook as you will stop getting hits. B)

  9. I am in Hamilton.

    They came last night with a 300 foot snake and a camera.Snaked the drain and then put the camera down.Came up with a mass of tree roots and after the fact the camera was put down the drain.


    I just spoke to another plumber,friend of a friend and after a lengthy description of what was being done he said that quote is decent. He said the company i choose are licensed to do the work and being right beside a huge tree adds to the hassle. I dont mind paying if that is the going rate I just dont want to fund someones vacation .

    Backflow valves are great but in my understanding if the problem is between the street and your house the backup must go somewhere. i would guess out the toilet ,might be wrong but it makes sense to me. I will ask the plumber about it today and if it will help I will be getting that installed as well.


    A backflow preventer stops sewage from the street backing up into your house if there is a blockage out side of the house.

    If there is a blockage down stream of your house the backflow preventer will close and keep all of the upstream homes sewage from entering your home. They are installed in the main line in the basement just before the line exits the home. It should also keep sewage from backing up into your home if your line gets clogged although it will still overflow through your basement drain or toilet if you don't stop using your water/toilets until the clog is repaired. The same is true if the clog happens down stream. But it will keep you from having a messy clean up and insurance claim.

  10. For exterior teak I have always used Cetol.


    That is what is probably on your Grew.

    To refinish sand the wood down to remove the old finish and freshen up the wood and recoat with either Cetol or if you're ambitious Spar varnish. ;)

    Interior teak can just be sealed with some teak oil since it's not exposed to the elements.

    You can use teak oil on the exterior wood but it will need to be recoated at least on a yearly basis.

    The Cetol usually gives 2-3 years between refinishing.

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