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Everything posted by JerseyDog

  1. You have the right to remain silent and its one of those rights that is super handy for both crooks and honest guys. You can't possibly know ever rule and regulation, so it always best to stay as quiet as possible so you don't talk yourself into a ticket based on some obscure rule written to just tax regular folks out of a few more bucks. Then again, I might buy TWO licenses, but by the third time, I'd take my chances on running into a CO and then do my best to talk my way out of the ticket on the off chance that happened.
  2. Sorry to hear, but I have always felt these things are never as bad as they seem. Obviously you worked for idiots and in the long run, that can't be a good thing so its better to find out now then later. In the always interesting words of Mr. Trump: "What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate."
  3. You can buy a Mustang Floater coat for $139 and maybe even cheaper when on sale. It not as good as an ice suit, but it will do the job and could save your life. Money is tight all around, but I say its worth saving up for if you are going to be on any ice.
  4. Don't blame the foreign companies for being really good at what they do. The domestic carmakers for whatever reason don't make cars people want to buy. In any great # anyway. In the old days, they made junk with 4,000 mile warranties and expected people to just deal with it and the foreign makers gave consumers a choice. More recently, the domestics made lots of sport utes and ignored the car market where they are getting creamed. They don't discount Toyota's at the dealer, but you can get GM product at 30% off the list every time, so its not cost that is the issue. Its quality and/or perception of quality and for that the domestic car makers are failing and they cannot seem to turn the tide. This is just an observation. I drive GM pretty exclusively because I like to support the North American car industry, but I can totally understand why others don't and I can only blame the Big Three for being lazy.
  5. To cure cabin fever, I drink beer. A lot of it. Then summer comes and guess what, I drink beer and lots of it.
  6. I was thinking the same thing - stand up move on the part of OFC to assume duties will that board is offline. I don't even fish Simcoe, but I do like to read the posts once in a while to see how its going. And sometimes if I'm lucky, the Gbay action gets a mention, which is alway a bonus for me.
  7. To clarify, I think Norton is a great product but also a total resource pig and I would only recommend for people running fast systems with tons of memory. For older rigs, AVG is definately the choice and not b/c its free, but b/c it runs with very little overhead and therefore does not bog down slower, older systems.
  8. I have an old laptop that I use AVG on because of the low overhead, but for my main machine I use Norton. If you have a modern fast computer, spend the $50 on Norton. Get one virus and like insurance, you will have wished you spent the $50 upfront.
  9. What a show! He rocked a sold out crowd and his voice is 100% good as it ever was and I am not giving him any special treatment for being an older guy, it was 100% perfect. Turn the Page with Seger on piano goes down as one of the all time live performances I've ever seen (and I've seen a few). If he comes to your town and you are a fan, this is a show not to be missed.
  10. Nice fish. Nothing like a tasty ice pike. I can't wait to get one of my own and try out that five fillet method. As for the jaw damage, that's why I went barbless last year, to avoid the uneccesary damage. Now even the deep hooked fish are a breeze to unhook and release fast with minimal injury to the fish.
  11. What are you thinking? Of course its hugely unethical. If you really wanted fish for dinner, you should have tossed those pike back and then hit the local grocery to pick up some nice fillets caught using a more environmentally friendly fishing method such as bottom trawling. That way, when the ocean fisheries collapse in 20 or 30 years, those pike will be nice and big for your grandkids.
  12. WOW! If you look on the back, he appears to have some kind of hitch apparatus also installed. Apparently he didn't forget a thing when putting the hut together (except perhaps a steel door and about 50 locks!).
  13. OFAH
  15. I have a wild idea. See if you can find something called a fish tank :-) They are usually pretty easy to find and not too expensive. Buy and Sell will have some bargoons and any pet store can probably get you fixed up for pretty cheap.
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