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Everything posted by scuro2

  1. Something has been missing from the board summer and fall, your fabulous reports. Thanks for taking the time to share that. It put a smile on my face and now I can go to sleep with happy thoughts.
  2. Congratulations!!!
  3. You can tell she is really having fun here. The easy way is to just spend money! If this is the one you love, then you have no problems forking over cake so that you can share your passion together. Two years ago I took my wife river fishing in Terrace BC, for Chinook. She still asks about going back to BC. She comes with me on one yearly week of fishing per year. We spend a good chunk of change to make sure that the place we go takes care of all the creature comforts. I don't regret spending a single penny of that money, and I'll treasure those memories forever.
  4. I never regretted spending money on travelling to fish. Fishing brings you to some really awesome places. Thats for the pics. I'm surprised that there were still blackflies that late in the season.
  5. Is there some place I can get all my conspiracy theories in one nice package?
  6. Okay so the car is stuck up on that rock. And you can't figure a way to get it down. The two of you go off to get help, walk 2km and leave the car for at least an hour or two. What I kept on thinking about last night is what if someone came during that time when you were off to get help? How would they react, here is a car with the hood and trunk open, what would they think?
  7. Is it just me or does the side panelling looked a little worse for the wear?
  8. Will it drive you crazy to be near water and not fish? If not, enjoy your week because you could fish the week and catch little. If it would bother you near that water, bring a good pike rod, reel, and leader set up. Cudas are always around, and love a very fast chase. Their hits are electric. Sweedish pimples in silver and gold work well...nothing with a lot of wobble, at least that is what I have found. Spooks and chugs work too. Bring some deerhair jigs in white, silver and party colours. You can usually get uncooked seafood from the resort. Try sunrise on an incoming high tide. Watershoes and a very good pair of polarized sunglasses also helps. If you do venture into the water to fish, do the moonwalk shuffle. Nothing worse then stepping under a buried stingray.
  9. I have to ask, why is the trunk open? Looks like someone was torturing the poor thing and taking it's innards out any which way they could. By the way, I gotta say you caught the reflection of the car beautifully in the setting sun. Had we seen that pink water under the car we would know that the picture was a photoshopped hoax.
  10. We've all had a day like that. Thanks for posting...I like the map so that I can get a sense of the landscape in that area.
  11. Your out on the water at least...catching fish!!
  12. Enjoyed the report...that's my type of fishing.
  13. That looks like awesome spring fishing in the fall. Must of had you all mixed up with the leaves turning and the light dimming....other worldly in a way.
  14. So Jamie, are you quitting your day job?
  15. Good luck on the fishing today. My skepticism on global warming would be based on data, and not the proponents or skeptics involved in the debate...and their possible motives. Carbon in the atmosphere is rising, as are surface temperatures. In reality a large majority of scientists support the theory of global warming, no matter how some want to paint this as a titanic battle between equal and opposing sides. But as they say, the proof is in the pudding. Contrary to your opinion, surface temperatures have been been rising over the decade. Below you will find a graphic NASA video showing global warming over the planet, over the last 100 years. But, again a few years of unusual weather doesn't mean much. So even if temperatures had cooled that wouldn't "debunk" the theory. This is exactly what Dr. Latif had pointed out, and had been mistakenly misinterpreted by the NP as a "debunking" by a "former" proponent of global warming. The theory believes that global warming is to intensify as more carbon gets put into the atmosphere. Unique events and highly significant statistical variations will happen. Over time the pattern would be that things will get worse. The shrinkage of the northern ice sheet stands out as an anomaly. Is this anomaly concrete proof? Nope. But it is the most visible piece of evidence in a larger body of evidence. How else to explain what has happened to date? Your "counter balance" theory doesn't seem to hold water. But please, my skeptial nature is always open to the counter argument.
  16. We see here that July indeed was cool in the NE but overall globally, it was the second warmest July on record. But I'm a skeptic at heart and regional and yearly variation don't mean much to me. I'm looking for unique events such as when the north pole became one huge iceberg in 2008 as it did when it melted around the edges. That happened for the first time in possibly 125,000 years, just before the last ice age. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10...-ice-melts.html Could this be part of natural variance? Possibly, I'm sure others could speak with greater understanding on that issue. Now, you believe that there is some sort of counter balancing going on here. That while the ice sheets have decreased rapidly at the north pole, they are increasing rapidly at the south pole. But that doesn't seem to be the case. http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summa...86-33695472_ITM I'm open to hearing new ideas and perspectives about what has happened to date at the north pole. What I don't like are bombastic publications and news sources that don't even try to hide their bias. The National Post makes it sound like there was an earth shattering defection, that shows the theory is "debunked". Take a look at the tone of another paper reporting on the same issue. Dr. Latif is simply stating that climate change will not be linear or parabolic, but rather there will be oscillation and that the variance can happen over decades. "Dr Mojib Latif, one of the world's top climate modellers, believes predictions of imminent global warming may be wrong and that the Earth could be heading for up to 20 years of cooler temperatures. However, the dip will be temporarily - and the long term trend is still for a warmer planet, he says". http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/art...t-predicts.html
  17. Someone forgot to give hotrod the "denier" memo. Never talk about this issue!
  18. What exact point are you trying to make? Using your "climate depot" website which links out to "whats up with that" website for references...you believe the ice sheet is growing? By area or volume...or both? Was this a one year trend or has it been happening for a decade? How do you explain that the polar ice sheet didn't connect to any land in the summer of 2008, and was actually one giant iceberg? How do you explain the northwest passage being open two years consecutively...which hasn't happened in recorded history? How could this happen when the trend is one of growth for the ice sheet? Don't see much growth happening here.
  19. I figured it out. All the "deniers" watch Fox News! Makes sense, doesn't it? A lot of the younger viewers don't watch much TV at all.
  20. Crap? Would that be when people don't even bother answering simple and direct questions? Over a three year time period, three threads specifically were started to point out the remarkable changes happening with the ice sheet that covers the north pole. The simple question was asked, why is this happening? Yet we have no opinions about this fact, except for one, and unfortunately...that contributor has not responded to requests for references. The rest of the contributors simply don't how to respond. There is nothing on their "denier" websites on the melting of the polar ice caps. They can't venture an opinion because to do the topic justice, it's a question of science and statistics and they are in over their heads in this regard. There have been some incredibly illuminating responses on this thread, yet instead of acknowledging the validity of the points made, they retort in the only way they know how. Stay tuned folks, next September the summer melt will once again be measured and reported in the media. Will we have a record melt and once again see both northern sea routes open? Or will we see the ice sheet gaining in thickness and area. Either way I'll post, because of all the unusual things that are going on with the climate and our earth, the recent heating trends have been greatly amplified at the polar regions. Nothing like this has happened in anyone's life time, and if predictions come true, and the north pole completely melts over one summer, there will be no way for the "deniers" to keep their heads stuck in the sand. Such an event hasn't happened in over 125,000 years or longer. As we speak, scientists are drilling core samples to determine that length of time...perhaps 800,000 years.
  21. He's looking at the lure and realizing the lip is broken and it wasn't running right!!! :D
  22. I'd be a about 50 and I'm not a "denier". So far on this very lengthy thread, I've only seen one plausible theory to account for the highly significant changes happening with northern ice pack and that theory wasn't referenced when requested. The north pole was an ice island last year. None of the ice attached to land. Speaking of cycles, the northern passages were never free of ice during recorded history, and that goes back around 500 years. Predictions are that the northern ice sheet will completely melt during the summer in a generation or less. That hasn't happened in at least 125,000 years. Can someone give an alternative explanation to what is going on here? It's been three threads over three years and it's surprising that virtually no one has an opinion on why this is happening.
  23. What a nice story. Nicely done.
  24. A humpie? When I saw them in BC they didn't have that white silver look to them. Looking at this pic from the net, I'd guess coho. That blue green top is what I saw. These fish were totally fresh, very lively, and jittery. The chinooks I've tangled with have all been dogged.
  25. While the urge to retaliate in kind hits all of us who seek intelligent dialogue and are taunted and mocked, you will find that those who really don't have anything meaningful to contribute, seek your type of response. That allows them to partake in a means of communication that they are all too good at, and take over the "conversation". Fight that urge, and "kill them" with kindness instead.
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