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Everything posted by pameladallaire

  1. Cool! Pam
  2. Thanks Michael, I'll call them today. Pam
  3. Postcard perfect! I love the blurred moving water shot! Now, if my paintings could make water look like that...LOL. Pam
  4. Great shots, the deer looks like she is cooling her toes...ah...hooves. Pam
  5. Thanks all. You're a BIG help. I didn't know who to ask. Pam
  6. Thanks Cast Away, Who would think a gallery would want my paintings? Pam
  7. Hi Everyone: I need some help from those living in Newmarket. I was contacted by an Art Gallery in Newmarket called "Select Art Galleries", located at 16686 Yonge Street. I have never heard of them and can't find any information about them on the internet other than a map to their store. Has anyone ever seen this store (beside a framing shop) or has anyone ever been in the store? I am leary about sending paintings anywhere I haven't been. Any help would be appreciated. I have talked to the woman by email but I would like to know more about the store from someone who has seen it. Pam
  8. The second one is my favourite but they all look like jewels. Pam
  9. Now you're making me air sick. LOL I'm scared of heights. Very cool fish eye lens. Try placing it over a mirror ball to get a 360 degree view. That's what my brother does. Keep up the good work. Pam
  10. That's a cute pet. Will you be picking it up by the tail soon with your fingers? They only strike what is in their grasp. Pam
  11. What great guys you are!! And all the volunteers. It really looks like a lot of fun. Good job. Pam
  12. Very nice. I love pink sunsets. I have trouble getting my camera to show the colour correctly in low light. Probably my inexperience. Pam
  13. Thanks Brandon: If I have my choice....I really like the winking one on your website. Not a typical presentation. I love to make people look twice. Could you send me the image to [email protected]? I will credit you with the reference photo of course. I am very careful with Canadian Copyright Laws. Thanks again. Pam
  14. I have to donate a painting to The Owl Foundation for September to raise money. Since you have many Great Horned owl pics, I wonder if I could use Great Horned 1 or the winking baby horned owl on your website. I really like that one, he's a cutie. Pam
  15. WOW for sure! What a great shot! Pam
  16. Thanks Brandon: I thought I was loosing my mind for a minute. I have all your photos in a separate file, I'll look them over and let you know. Don't forget, you will get a free print when I finish the painting. Do you have a favourite you would like me to do? Pam
  17. Great shot as usual Dan. We always expect your shots to be top notch now. LOL So when we say great shot, we really mean, "Why don't my photos look that way....rats!" You should have a few prints coming this summer. I'm on a roll painting and catching up with all that work that should have been finished this past winter. Have a great summer. Pam
  18. There is a Bass Killer but not basskicker on board. Maybe he changed it? Thanks Cliff. Pam
  19. Does anyone know if Basskicker is still around, Jason? Or did I write his name down wrong? He will have a print coming at the end of July if I can find him. Pam
  20. OOOPS, now I did it. That was Basskickers photo. Didn't you give me permission to use one of your photos Brandon?? Now I've got to look up my files. Pam
  21. Another Mural Mosaic panel finished. Panel #163 on the mural "The Horse Gift". This is King, "The Draft Horse". I know, I HAD to do it in these dark brown and purple colours because of the mural. Pam
  22. I love the wood duck colours! But I do like the photo of the boat/ship?? I am always attracted to sailing vessel photos. Great shots. Pam
  23. Hi Brandon: Your photography is becoming amazing! Keep up the good work. Your bear painting is finally on the pile to finish in the next 2 weeks! I know, I'm slow as molasses in January. Too many things in the works. You will receive a print at the end of July. I'll keep you updated. Bear Drinking work in progress Pam
  24. They are beautiful, but I'm waiting for it to stop snowing. Pam
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