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Everything posted by Streamerguy

  1. Forget about guiding Mike. You truly and honestly deserve to have your own 1 Hour Fishing TV Show!! I could be your apprentice or carry what ever you need ? (let me know) Streamerguy
  2. you still have to pay for your outdoors card ...Conservation under $20 ....Sport under $30
  3. Nice job today Bruce ... thanx for leaving that one off the point for me this morning Except for all the fresh geese droppings
  4. Now that is a beautiful looking boat Can't wait to see the first report,hope it's a big slimey muskie to break in the new boat smell Streamerguy
  5. Hey Dave ..........So how did you do down there today? Counted 12 cars in parking lot by 5:45 am and the Glen was no better. cheers Streamerguy
  6. It was suppose to be 58,city only allowed them 53 Yes like ch312 said..except the part behind the Renessance is an addition.Don't understand how they can build these huge buildings with no tourist to fill them.Niagara falls usually has so many people walking around this time of year but the streets are empty right now. Not worried about falling but those out door lifts(elevators)I don't trust LOL ...I Thought about that many days looking down there,that big rock at the bottom of the american falls looks like the perfect drift. Glad you all enjoyed it,cheers Streamerguy
  7. huey, take a look at the bottom right hand corner of the pic and you will see the date and time Sat morning was a freak of nature cause that rarely happens there and if alot of ice shoots down in the morning it should be gone by afternoon. Shoot me a pm next time and I might be able to save you a trip... cheers Streamerguy Nice catch wiser..Don't you work lol
  8. Hey All, I have been working on this building for the past 10 months.It has been killing me every day to look at all that open water and Not be able to go toss the line in. This is the view from the "presidential suites" you will have ....if you can afford it!! (from what iv'e heard $3000 a night) but I am here to share it with you all for FREE Enjoy The front view of the Hilton few more shots few close ups And this last shot is a view of Toronto you can see the DOME and Tower, I'm not really sure how much that view should cost but it sure is beautiful,Hope you liked it Cheers Streamerguy
  9. WOW ...couple of great nights out guys,Congrats I like the action shot of Bly fighting that fish,great stuff. May I ask what the bait of choice was in the dark? Again great couple of reports coming from the both of you,keepem comin cheers Streamerguy
  10. What he said^^^^^^^^ I'm sure you have a few teasers to show us??? cheers Streamerguy
  11. Well done rich sounds like a nice day out!! Hope to do aswell when we hit Beaverton next weekend Thanx for the report/update. Streamerguy
  12. That sir... is one helluva beauty fishMount!!!
  13. Is this report gonna happen soon? I have to go fishing next week!!
  14. Great job on them Lakers guys Streamerguy
  15. U said it Jaques,BIG Congrats Streamerguy
  16. Thanx for the reply's all hope you enjoyed it as i did catching them.Soft water at it's coldest Ya it was good to see you out there tossing from shore.I'm always game for a boat ride.Thanx for the invite. Cya down there soon. Once again thanx for the comments people Streamerguy
  17. Thanx JD , freaken eh it was HARDCORE or ADDICTED? BTW.. I made that last pic my screensaver Thanx for the reply's Streamerguy
  18. well done Bruce They sure are tasty little guys,just packed up my share from sunday's outting.
  19. Just got back with this outfitter recommended by Sinker and I was very pleased with the service this guy showed us,more minnows than we needed,he drilled us 5 more holes outside the hut,excellent time out.We ended up coming home with over 80 perch and tossed back just as many...check him out, he will put you on fish!! http://www.timhalesfishhuts.com/rates.html gl to ya Streamerguy
  20. We all know how Cold and Bad the conditions have been on the river this past Month but when I got Anytime off work and weekends I did wet (I mean freeze up) my line. I picked up a new Centerpin in Dec (christmas present to me from me )I just couldn't resist after all the price was right,Iv'e never used or casted one in my life and I couldn't wait to use it.Well the weather turned out perfect on Jan 1st for a Centerpin newb with a 13' rod in his hands...NO WIND and it was also good nobody was around but a few locals.I got the feel by my 7th cast but landed this Beauty gal on my 5th cast She was the only one for that day but was well worth it...... Got out again on the 18th,caught 2 but only landed this one.Weather was way to cold for fishing but it was a weekend lol Left early from work on a friday and landed only this 1 for the day.Ran into Jack (jwl) and he had just about the same luck that day as did everyone else, 1 fish to show for it.Still better than sitting around the house watching the tube This day was just too much with the huge ice floating around the size of a pick-up truck and trying to dodge bolders all day was not the perfect conditions, but I did manage to land this huge gal... That was about it for Jan and thank god that's all over...It was a cold ,low vis,ice dodging month and I am glad it's done. Let's see what Feb report brings Cheers Streamerguy
  21. nice .....How much was it?
  22. Thanx for the information guys Did not want to end up with a snowfari adventure outfitter Streamerguy
  23. Hi Sinker, iv'e seen Floyd Hales here>> http://www.floydhalesfishhuts.com/ Would this be the same outfitter? I'm looking into going there next weekend,with over 40 yrs in the business i'm hoping he can put us on some fish? cheers Streamerguy
  24. it's like fishing in chocolate milk atm... Better off playing the slots ps. no the season is not over
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