Before any fish porn I gotta give credit where it is due. Thank you Marko for showing me the ropes around carp fishing and taking me to a few honey holes.
Hers a crazy pic of Marko at our all night carp adventure at peer 4 in hamilton
This is a nice carp I caught at the Bayfront tournament in Hamilton to bad i wasn't in the tourny
now i got some some pictures from a really carp fishing spot the fish are generally smaller then Hamilton but the action sometimes is just none stop again thank you Marko for showing me this sweet little honey hole
I dont know what happened to this guy but it looks like he had a head on collision
This is an average carp for the area
do I look excited enough the action is just great
heres a nice one the wife got but she wont hold the fish but at least she like to go once in a while
Hers a beast the young one got this guy almost pulled a rod in
another beast for the area
another carp out of the nice little hole
more fish to come soon