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Everything posted by Trevor0179

  1. Does anyone have a line on the monster corn that used to be available from Steven at New World Carp 12 to 13 years ago? Or does any know of a supplier of monster corn, even the zoom xxl corn would surffice?
  2. Went to the pier lastnight and chucked spoons for 5 hours but got skunked I heard two fish were caught a friend of mine had one on but it broke his snap swivel.Definately fish were moving around after 2am once the wind shifted Heard and seen a few fish jumps. Lost between me and my buddy were 7 glow in the dark spoons and a full reel of line not such a good night but thats how it goes sometimes. Still had a good time with lots of laughs.
  3. It was almost to 42 inches took about 10 mins to fight with three real good runs I was using a twelve foot rod and could tell right away that I had a big fish on what a blast good times Tight lines Trevor
  4. 30 Lbs Common Carp caught from The NIth River
  5. I have three american Bulldogs I love them and could probably get you one if you wanted
  6. OMG what a trip excellent report hail to the kings
  7. Here's a little snap shot of what it says on wikipedia about the longnose gar The longnose gar ranges in length from 60–182 cm (24–72 in) and weighs 0.5–3.5 kg (1.1–7.7 lb); The world record is 50.31 pounds, caught in Trinity River, Texas in 1954; FishBase reports a maximum size of 2 m (6.6 ft). Average life span is 17- 20 years. Tight lines Trevor
  8. Gonna be a nice weekensd hope everyone has a chance to get out and enjoy the weather

  9. Nice fish it's always nice to have a creek like that close by
  10. Nice fish man
  11. Absolutely remarkable pictures good job man
  12. Thanks Vic we should get together at a spot soon
  13. Went out to Hamilton this morning Had a great time My buddy started the day day with this beauty of a mirror Our wonderful ground bait mixture and pineapple monster corn seemed to turn up a frenzy as I ended 11 for 14 with the biggest one coming in around 17 Lbs all and all a real good time at the fish barrier Here's two pics of the big one And some of the other nice fish caught Marko Had to take a picture of this the two guys beside both caught the same fish
  14. That is one of coolest gestures I have heard in a long time. Sorry if I affended anyone with the photo of the OOS fish that was not my intention. Anyway no harsh feelings toward anyone. Tight Lines and Happy Fishing to All
  15. I don't even watch hockey the hat was gift (lol) or was It?
  16. Looking for advice how can laying a fish down in the grass be harmful to a fish? Why are people so affended?
  17. Fish was out of the water for for less then a min I was fishing with an my eleven year old son it was biggest bass he had seen seen so he asked if we could take a picture if anyone one has a problem go fly a kite
  18. Got this one at the grand river sataurday went back in to become a turnament winner some day
  19. Marko and I woke up before the birds to try and get some carp action things have not been good so far this year but thats all about to change here are a few nice fish from this morning biggest fish of the day was 20 lbs marko and I had a few double headers enjoy the pics Heres the big guy of the day
  20. Wow indeed my condolences to the family John will be missed by many
  21. wow that looks terrible man there were some big old fish in there that sucks!!!!
  22. The run was real good the thing took off like a bat out of hell the line was peeling off fast the first run had to been about 100 to 115 yards then it was a good ten minute battle with a few 30 to 40 yard dashes all in all it was a good fight lots of fun
  23. went out last saturday to the grand in kitchener and in the first ten minutes of me being there this guy takes off on a hugh run once i actually got it in I knew why it ran like a hundred yards what a fight 36 inches 24 lbs
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