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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Which ones? The Canada Post executives, or thee politicians???
  2. Like I said, I have not "bought" lard in over 30 years. Anything hydrogenated tends to be a bad choice. Does not mean I don't save my bacon drippings to mix in with my frying oil
  3. Everybody squawks about Canpost rates. Why? Without CP look at what you will pay through CanPar, FedEx, Purolator. Small parcel anywhere in Ontario $8 with Canpost. FedEx charges $14 to the next town 15km away. Is FedEx or Purolator going to deliver a letter for $1??? Privatization just means certain fat cats get fatter at the public's expense
  4. Strictly oil. Haven't bought lard in nearly 30 years
  5. 10" pan Taters were already fried and in the oven
  6. I lit off a concoction once in the bathroom. One blue flash and shattered the small sink. Boy was I in deep doodoo when mother got home. No more chemistry set. I had all but buried that awkward memory until I read this.
  7. Yuup! I also know that a regular diet of real fish and meat will make for long healthy lives
  8. Whenever I warm up my frying pan I get the staredown. Casey and Baxter(the son's dog) are fed better than the Queen. The 2 have good taste too! Nothing like a perch dinner to keep us healthy..
  9. At -35 the handle bars froze off the MWO's moustache . Colder than -40 and your spit freezes in mid air before hitting the ground. You hear it pop. At -50 exposed skin will suffer from frostbite in 2 minutes This was learnt from a week's arctic orientation up on Hudson's Bay
  10. If you are looking for non role type/ non stereotype toys you are going to have to look at some of the more independent toy shops. They are out there, and yes, more expensive. Mastermind and Teachers Choice come to mind, but even they get caught up in some story specific toys like "Thomas". Yes I remember Lincoln Logs and Tinkertoys. I got those under the tree alongside green ( Brit and yank) and grey (German) army men.
  11. I forgot to put the big red coat on this morning.
  12. The son dragged me out to try our hand at troutin over the weekend. I must admit, I'm not big on targeting trout beyond hitting a few smaller streams in spring. Only got one the whole weekend, but it was worth it. Lot's of shakin and jumpin.
  13. The news that my Mrs has beat that nasty disease Other than that... A home much closer to L Simcoe and the Muskokas
  14. Grappa comes from the last squeezings of grape, and from wine that didn't quite turn out right. As for shine, it was always made from whatever fruit was leftover. Old apples in the cellar, canned fruit turned brown from age, soft taters, etc... It all boiled down nicely. Used to be easy to find locals who kept a cooker in back somewhere.
  15. The easiest way to tell the difference between grades of whiskey is simply how it finishes as you drink it. harsh vs. smooth, burn or mellow. The biggest giveaway is whether there is an aftertaste.
  16. Thank you, everybody, for your prayers and best wishes. It means a lot to both of us.
  17. Chemo is done. Dr. is pleased with the results. Touch wood, Judy and I can get back to a semi-"normal" life
  18. Get those simple interlock foam mats if you want an insulator from the cold. Simple and effective http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/kids-reversible-tiles-24-in-0686044p.html
  19. If you want brutal. Nothing beats Grappa. Some recipes are near bad enough to make you go blind
  20. I never lost interest, but when the kids were small, priorities were different. Life got in the way of leisure for 7-8 years. I had a mass coronary and came back to my senses as to what was important in life.
  21. Used to love picking up meat from Stemmlers back when they still had the booth at St Jakobs
  22. You have obviously never experienced the thrill of the bargain hunting mob at Honest Ed's.
  23. I guess the other thing about Christmas that I cherish was this. I grew up in a home where Christmas was not 1 day. It was a season. Like a symphony, Dec 1st. started softly and quietly like an opening movement. it then quickened, a week before, to a rising crescendo and peaking as a glorious noise on Christmas Day, and the noise didn't stop til New Years Day. There was something to do with Christmas happening every day. I could write a book on every activity we indulged in at Christmas.
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