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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Business is business and at least they're trying to get the word out regardless of the pie in the sky bull they're looking to sell. The lesser of three evils would be an option instead of sitting on my ass and refusing to vote. Those that choose not to should be ashamed as it is a freedom of choice that was bled for.


    As far as this Justin kid goes he should stick to something he's good at and if someone has any idea what it is let me know what it is cause it sure isn't politics. All he shares with his late Pappy Pete is his last name and one look at the other side of the gene pool he was spawned from seals the lid on that coffin of debate for me. No nine inch nails needed unless the masses of unknowing and easily fooled, forever down looking generational unwashed vote for this boy. Votes for this political lightweight would solidify my belief that the Zombie Apocalypse is truly upon us.


    No name calling here, simply an independent observation.

    Do have to agree with one sentiment. Those who enter politics in Daddy's footsteps tend to be incapable, inept, incompetent.

  2. My uncle once said to me..'they are not all pets' referring to the horses on his beef farm..



    I was always taught that in farming their are 3 types of animal; a]Vermin, b]work animals, and c]livestock.

    If group b fails to earn its place it joins group a or c


    Too true. Food choices are very cultural. Just as 1 trivial example,pickled herring on a bun is sold like hot dogs on the streets of Amsterdam, but probably would not be a bi hit in TO. People turn up their noses at blood pudding, but what do you eat when you eat good steaks? Yep, blood!

    Pickled herrings, and pickled smelt, are still a big thing with the son and I. Forget the simple dutch stuff, too basic. Get some of the Scandinavian sil . it comes in close to a dozen different pickling brines and is to die for. Now I'll have to run over to IKEA and get me a fix.

  4. Modern North Americans have got to be the biggest "holier than thou's" on this planet when it comes to food. Not uncommon to eat horse, or jackass for that matter, in Europe. We get on our high horses because the Chinese eat dog on the other side of the ocean. We get into stupid arguments over which species of fish should/ should not be consumed. Reindeer has always been a popular meat in Scandinavia, yet people here will protest the sale of it at specialty import shops. By the way, I like spring bear and curried goat.

    These are the arguments of a society that has more than it needs, and lacks for near to nothing. A society that consumes far more meat than the world average, and certainly far more than is good for most of us. We have the luxury of deciding what is too cute and cuddly to cull. The ARA's play on these selfish based emotions to promote their agenda

  5. Everyone says that Bruce.. and no disrespect or issue your way.. but what do you spend at roads end? Personally if I go to say Innisfil ... I have full tank of gas before I leave. I take my lunch.. I MIGHT stop at Timmies on the way to the parking lot for a donut and OJ, but mostly to leave some liquid behind and use their facilities. I have no issues paying their $10 to park and have a great day on the ice with Terry, Joey and Paul. I take my garbage home and leave no other foot print other than the sled tracks. The township.. rightfully could care less about my $2.45 purchase at Tim's.

    We usually drop a 100 every time I'm up to Orillia on one of my 16 hour day trips. Brekkie, dinner, and top up the tank. Heck of a lot more if the Mrs hits Rama. But I will not subsidize any town council. Just the same as NOTL with there resident only fishing permit. I won't spend a dime in that municipality.
  6. Love the application, not many teens however would be able to fill it out, it's a piece of paper not a touch screen thing.


    Since we were all boys, and did what boys did later in life were all blessed with daughters, Devine payback?


    We had a fun thing we all did. My brothers would insist a niece bring the kid over on Sunday to the family home to say hello. Before date one.


    She would have go around the big table and introduce everyone, this is my Godfather Uncle Cheech, this is my Godfather Uncle Santino, this is my Godfather Uncle Felice, etc. We all played it up, whispering in each others ear talking in riddles and code. Of course if we knew we had a new victim we all were sure to drive or borrow the Caddies and have fun like saying Uncle Joey couldn't be here because he's away at University, yea for 7 to 10.


    They couldn't wait to get out of there, but not before of course our mother insisted they sit down and eat. Some never made it through the dinner, some never asked for the first date. Some are hanging around 20 years later with kids of their own, maybe too afraid to leave.

    It's the ones that can take a joke, and handle the ribbing, that are worth keeping around.

    So far, the daughter has not brought around any I would deem worthy. Although there was Matt, one of my scouts and part time sons, but Anna thought that would be like dating her own brother.

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