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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. On the question of live mice, I'm pretty sure that it is now considered cruelty to animals. Forty years back it was a different story. As kids/teenagers, we would be sent to clean out the boatshed every once in a while. Rodents loved the coils of rope and assorted materials for brightwork and coirwork (both the grandfather and great uncle were well seasoned sailors). One of us would gingerly move the piles, the second would chase rodents with the broom, the third of us scooped the mice with the net. Live mouse, hooked lightly through the skin, tossed out to swim top water. There was no better live presentation for big bass and pike. We caught hundreds with the mice.

  2. Hmmmmm, i can honestly say i have not watched a single event, this has just made me realize i do not watch TV anymore at all really.

    I caught a couple of the early games, but haven't watched since. Don't have much time for the TV, but I can hear it in the background. Wife and son are both 1/2 deaf with the volume cranked. Get to listen to 3 straight hours of the "Beards".


    Lets face it Simon, there are far better things to do.

  3. Long time no hear old friend. You have been missed. Have you given the boyfriend the dating application yet??? Here is a copy if you have not.







    NOTE: This application will be incomplete and rejected unless accompanied by a complete financial statement, job history, lineage, and current medical report from your doctor.




    NAME_______________________________________ ALIASES ______________


    DATE OF BIRTH_____________ HEIGHT___________ WEIGHT____________


    IQ__________ GPA______________ SOCIAL SECURITY#________________


    DRIVERS LICENSE #________________ IQ _________ BLOOD TYPE _____


    BOY SCOUT RANK AND BADGES________________________________________


    HOME ADDRESS_______________________ CITY/STATE___________ ZIP______


    Do you have parents? ___Yes ___No


    #of years they have been married ______


    If less than your age, explain why ______________________________________


    If not explain why ___________________________________________________






    A. Do you own or have access to a van? __Yes __No


    B. A truck with oversized tires? __Yes __No


    C. A waterbed? __Yes __No


    D. A pickup with a mattress in the back? __Yes __No


    E. A tattoo? __Yes __No


    F. Do you have an earring, nose ring, pierced tongue, pierced cheek or a belly button ring? __Yes __No










    In 50 words or less, what does 'LATE' mean to you ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


    In 50 words or less, what does 'DON'T TOUCH MY DAUGHTER' mean to you? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


    In 50 words or less, what does 'ABSTINENCE' mean to you? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________






    Church you attend _______________________________________________


    How often you attend ____________________________________________


    When would be the best time to interview your:


    father? __________ mother? _________ pastor? __________






    Answer by filling in the blank. Please answer freely, all answers are confidential.


    A. If I were shot, the last place I would want shot would be: ______________________________________________________________


    B. If I were beaten, the last bone I would want broken is my: ______________________________________________________________


    C. A woman's place is in the: ______________________________________


    D. The one thing I hope this application does not ask me about is: ______________________________________________________________


    E. What do you want to do IF you grow up?__________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


    F. When I meet a girl, the thing I always notice about her first is: ______________________________________________________________


    G. What is the current going rate of a hotel room? ______________________






    Initial each Rule after reading.




    Rule One: If you talk with foul words and dress like a bad ass, a punk or a wanna-be-gangster I will toss you right out on your tush.




    Rule Two: If you date my daughter you date only her. She has a kind heart and I will not have you make my her cry; if she does, I will make you cry. You may only date ONE of my daughters. EVER.




    Rule Three: You must know how to fish as well as I have taught my daughter(s) to fish. Frozen dinners do not count. My daughter ain't providing for you.




    Rule Four: Do not be hurt when my daughter chooses a day fishing with me over sports or gaming time with you. She was raised that family comes first and until there is a ring on her finger, I am her family, not you.




    Rule Five: Do not date my daughter for her money because I am her bank. Do not expect gifts, she has been taught to be a savvy shopper.




    Rule Six: Don't sleep with my daughter; the only rubber you should be concerned about is out in the driveway and has Goodyear stamped on it.




    Rule Seven: Do not lie to me. I may appear to be a pudgy, baggy-eyed, last-season, has-been. But on issues relating to my daughter, I am the king of her universe. If I ask you where you are going and with whom, you have one chance to tell me the truth. If you do not I will ask her. Do not trifle with me.




    Rule Eight: My daughter has been raised to respect herself, so keep your hands to yourself. Offending body parts will be removed by me with a dull spoon.




    Rule Nine: Do not be hurt when my daughter chooses spending time with me over spending time with you. She was raised that family comes first and until there is a ring on her finger, I am her family, not you. Yes, I know this is also Rule Four. It is an important one.




    Rule Ten: My daughter is not a toy. She does not have Hasbro, Mattel or any other toy company tattooed on her person. Hence, she is not an object for you to play with, manipulate, and discard at your leisure. I've spent many years raising and loving her , and will unleash an unimaginable amount of anger such that the movie 300 will look like an episode of the Little House on the Prairie should you cross me.












    Applicant's Signature (that means sign your name, moron!)






    Mother's Signature & Father's Signature






    Pastor/Priest/Rabbi State Representative/Congressman






    Please allow four to six years for processing.

  4. Yep...Tried this and the stainless bar with success...also toothpaste and ketchup...the latest I heard of was used coffee grounds...will give them a try...

    Fresh grounds straight from the can. Powerful enough to even mask the smell of raw chicken flesh and blood that builds up in a reefer trailer.. We would spread a 1lb block inside a reefer trailer before loading it.

  5. The funniest moments all involve my son and ice fishing. Almost every year, if there is a soft spot, hole, open water. Robert will find it. It's not just that he falls in well past his waist. He is like a cartoon character when he hits the water. Shoots straight back up and out of the hole without having enough time to get more than his feet wet.

    Then there is the epic fight with the Loon. Robert tosses a spinner bait, not knowing there is a loon swimming underwater. Wham the bird slams the bait. Here is Robert thinking he has a whopper bass until the loon finally surfaces. Shoulda seen the look on his face. One of his buddies caught a gull. Once we got the bird in the poor teenager was so terrified he was running all the way back to the car just squealing.

    By the way both birds were carefully unhooked and released no worse for wear

  6. speak slowly and clearly so when I forward this to the CRTC it is you who will have to pay the fine, because I told you the last time NOT TO CALL back and I am on the list. Then could you put your supervisor on the line so I can get his name recorded too please.


    They haven't called back.

    The "list" is another useless scam. Just government making a show of doing nothing. Every telemarketing company now routinely calls from rotating phone #s so you rarely get a call from the same # and they bypass the law. Bell Mumbai has been doing that for a few years now.

  7. Judy has had a couple of telemarketers try to bully, harass and threaten dire consequence. Then I get on the line, threaten to hunt the :excl::excl: down to his home and spend a few days harassing his family. After all fair is fair." You harass my family, I'll harass yours." We don't get a lot of telemarketers calling any more

  8. BigUgly you wrote,


    "I had one neighbor who was always calling the fire dept because of the smoke from my woodstove which wa our primary heat source."


    That kind of hits close to home with me. We had the neighbour from hell that burned unseasoned wood and we lived downwind of him. My wife has a chronic lung condition and when the smoke billowed from his stack she sometimes had to leave the home. I know you don't burn anything but good dry hardwood that should not give off smoke of high opacity but it does effect some adversely.


    This guy was nuts and when he knew it bothered her he then started burnt anything he could on the beach that is 30 feet below the cottages and the smoke would come right into ours all day and night long. I had to get the authorities involved and he never really stopped even after he was fined. I later learned his main source of income was collecting from injury law suits for assault by previous people he irritated. Tough way to make a living.


    Unfortunately he committed suicide, shot himself 9 times. (just kidding he moved and blamed me for turning the neighbors against him, man what a nutbar).

    Funny thing was the neighbor was upwind of us 90% of the time, unless the wind blew in off the lake. He also like to complain about the wood pile, and the compost, the berry stains on the front sidewalk, the smell of manure from the chicken barns, bird bangers, etc.... The bylaw officer would show up and we'd both have a few chuckles at his expense. The citiot move to Niagara for the rural small town quiet, without once considering what life in an agricultural town was about. He lasted 3 years.

  9. And FWIW, area code 518 is in eastern New York state.

    Yes, you have been blitzed by the Mumbai mafia.


    The New York area code is just them using a local number to forward their calls through so you don't suspect a foreign number. Bell Canada's telemarketers do the same thing routing their Mumbai call center through a 416 exchange

  10. I love Olympic hockey, no ifs about it. Player names don't matter much because these men and women are playing all out for their homelands. Also love watching speed skating, ski jumping, skeleton and bobsled.


    I have not had the pleasure to experience high end competitive sport like GBW. Some people I know have. One girlfriend was qualifying for Skate Canada back in the late 70's, a bad fall doing a jump ruined hip and knee. My dentist was a marathon runner, running Boston a few times. Knees shot before 50, now contents himself with walking a few k each day.

    I did clerical at the Ortho clinic at TGH when Podborski was receiving treatment for some of his skiing injuries. Would hate to think what condition some of his joints are in now, Some of what he had undergone was radically new and experimental back then.

  11. You should see the hydro bill holiday some businesses are getting. I know one shop owner. Runs a lot of 220 equipment. Over the past 2 years his hydro bill has shrunk to $30 a month. He called several times to inform them there is a problem. How hard is it to realize there is a problem when a business running at $3-400 monthly usage is now only burning $30 a month

  12. I guess the best thing to do, like Les Stroud used to say :P , would be to get off the grid ;) If I could afford a house out in the country that's what I would do for sure...

    You can still reduce your reliance on the grid while still living in an urban environment. Of course, your neighbours may not like you much. I still remember the screams from down the street one morning in Beamsville. One of my buddies had got a deer in the evening and hung it from the birch in his yard overnight. His neighbours and children got the full view at breakfast. What a comedy that was. ROFL

    Then there's the looks of disgust from the yuppies as he rolled home on his 4 wheeler with another doe strapped on the front rack.


    I had one neighbor who was always calling the fire dept because of the smoke from my woodstove which wa our primary heat source.

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