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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Thanks, great link have seen it before will have to try and keep my eyes open and look at the face better.


    As right now I would not say one way or the other as to what we looked at earlier and the tracks are long gone.


    Could a wolf be this far South? Woodbridge / Vaughan?

    Even as far South as Niagara we get the occasional wolf brought in by a farmer or hunter fresh after a shoot. The last one I saw brought in was brought in by Herb Shnick about 5-6 years back. Far bigger than a yote, and certainly had the paws.


    Whatever the case, they are fantastic animals to watch . I hope you see many more, Justin.

  2. The storm may have hit late, but Niagara sure is getting pasted. That morning change from rain to snow laid down an inch of solid ice on the roads. Made for some fun driving to the cancer clinic. Good thing we got back home long before the worst had hit.

    Might have to harness the sled dogs.


    Casey loves this stuff, but poor Baxter can't plow through the heavy deep snow. he keeps getting stuck.

  3. Sorry you will not convince me that stuff is good. Joe ran into town and got us a tray and the first 3 bites were heaven and the 4th one just hit me wrong. The 5th one was my last.




    Can't be any worse than the chili cheese fries they serve up in the States, or butter biscuits and canned gravy

  4. Thanks guys. We're pretty happy about the choices we've made. However , I don't know what possessed me to put wife and son together under the same roof once again. Worse than a pair of sibs trying to get the better of the other. :rolleyes: Hard to find another adult in the house :jerry: . At least we're having fun.

  5. Big change from Grimsby to Thorold, what brought that on?

    Thorold is the Bride's hometown. Central to most of my friends, and the fishing in the region House in Thorold worked out to be more affordable for the 3 of us.

    We had outgrown the place in Grimsby, and it was poorly maintained. Especially the elevators. Every week you risked get stuck in one, or both had failed and you were doing 4 floors of stairs. Very hard for Judy, tough on me on my bad days.

  6. 2 straight days of moving with a convoy of vans and trailers. And day one of unpacking under our belt. Just need to find all the stuff for the Niagara Outdoor Show a week from now, Mar. 9th.

    "Granny" will show up next week to set things right around this place. I even have a man cave. Got to admit that I am blessed with all the good folk that turned up to help move. Lord knows I just could not physically manage it.

  7. Our hydro bill has averaged $80 in winter, $120 in summer. The discrepancy, by season, is simple. Summer time sees a lot of food processing and canning. That means more kitchen usage and heavier demand on the A/C.

    Some folks I know have lower bills than I do. It's all about efficient usage.

  8. i'm sorry, Finland ALSO got their heart ripped out yesterday.


    it was equal playing field.


    Finland just came back with a bigger HEART and showed who was boss.


    Selanne went out in style.


    I'm so proud of my boys. If it wasn't for Rasks illness during the Sweden game I'm confident it would have been a Finland Canada gold medal final.

    It's because Finns have something special. It's called "Sisu"

  9. Afraid to ask,


    I don't think even P3TA considers a deceased laden rat an animal, no I think they do. I wonder if snapping them slightly in half with a loaded spring leaving them to die slowly would be considered cruelty? I've never heard P3TA even complain about that. Poor Mickey. I imagine they would be great in the weeds for Bass, Pike and Musky. If only I could catch one, my cat sure can't.

    That was a different time and an age gone by. Remember my 3 categories of animal??? a} work animals, b} vermin, c} food.

    Vermin need exterminating, but if you can put them to work to catch fish as food, you've covered all 3 classes. Fish were food to be harvested back then, not play things.

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