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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. You have never had my venison pepperetts have you ;)


    If you can find someone that has some extra venison or moose meat, there are a few Mennonite places in Elmira and I'm sure other areas that will make it into pepperetts for you. If I get a deer before the season closes I'll be getting a bunch made and let you have some, you just cover the cost of them. IF I get out and get one that is. Also, can you say venison summer saussage? Try it if you can.

    Venison summer sausage.... Droooooooooooooooooooooooooool. Now I'm hungry :(

  2. P3ta also has a history of random act of vandalism and destruction of property, and members have been convicted of criminal offences in relation to their cause. There is also a cross relationship between P3ta and some of the radical fringe groups.

    If you choose violence or criminal acts to forward your message, or platform, or if you support groups that engage in such activities, that makes you a terrorist.

  3. What haven't I caught. Caught another boats anchor cable. The other angler was perplexed that his boat was moving, and I had one heck of a fight on my hands. I thought I had the mother of all Grand cats on the line until my son pointed out the other boat coming towards us.

    I've caught hats, bras and panties, old rod and reels, gulls, mallard, turtles, a mukrat, tires, old shoes, etc... Haven't dragged up a corpse yet, but I tried.

  4. :P


    All these year end reports and evaluations when there's still fishing to be done.


    May not be able to go far or stay out for long, but it's still fishing.

    Last week the son, Rob D, caught his PS pike while I was catching dink perch.


    Was out again, today despite the raw wind to play with pannies.


    Had the good fortune of running into a long lost OFNer, JWL. Glad to see he's been doing OK.


    There's still 3 1/2 weeks good fishing out there. ( As long as Mamma and the chauffuer let me) :canadian:

  5. It was a great adventure going to Honest Ed's. I'd follow along beside my Gram as she jostled and elbowed her way to the sales tables. After that we would cross to the NE corner at Bloor for lunch at Chico's greasy spoon for a big plate of fish and chips and a chocolate shake as reward for being a good boy. Run down to Queen st. to Hutti's Finnish store.

  6. I'm glad you like d the trinkets Jacques. I enjoy making them. Sure beats watching WFN reruns at night. :lol: Certainly doesn't tax any physical limitations either :P


    loving those jigs!

    i'd love some in dace colours for specks...very alike the nipigon jig flies.

    Doc S: Don't mind tying custom patterns at all. There are lots of variation in dace colours.

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