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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Another government waste of money!what happened to stocking rainbows?The last major stocking was in the 70's and the run blossomed to almost 20000 fish for a few years in the ganny.I know it is basically put and take but I will bet some of you folks will remember catching them damn lake trout in the port hope harbour for a few years,they were a nuisance.What fish scraps better and runs up the streams in the spring,RAINBOW TROUT!Maybe should put a few walleye in the kawarthas also but no they are still wasting there time with atlantic salmon.WHAT A JOKE!

    There have been regular stocking of rainbows and browns in the western basin with stocks from Normandale. However, the breaching of the dam a couple of years back, would have reduced recent efforts. That and the recent upgrades and reconstruction.



    As for trying to put the fish in at night. It all depends on available resources of manpower. I've seen the tanker bring salmon in at night in Pt Dalhousie.

  2. Bob Rae will be the new Liberal leader... then we will have two NDP leaders!


    Bob Rae is no labourite. Anybody remember the service cuts made by "Rae Days" and public service layoffs. Hospital budgets were frozen and entire wards were closed to make up the shortfall. Hospital beds that never reopened.

    He is a political opportunist capable of speaking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. He had that skill mastered by the time he left the U of T. Give him enough prep time and he could give a convincing debate as a proponent of the Nazi party or the Monarchist League.

    He was quite entertaining to listen to when debating.

  3. Death of the Liberal party is also symbolic of the death of the middle class. Now we have a split of big money vs. the little guys. Once the liberal party finally disappears, the politicval scene will either go 2 party, or the Italian chaos model.

  4. My child pulled that "I'll call the cops" thing once. At that point I made him pack his bags. He had a choice. Live by my law in my house, or live by their law in some foster home. Issue never came up again.


    I don't cut any poacher slack. If they realize they are wrong, and stop, after a gentle reminder, fine. If not, thwn the CO gets all the help info I can provide.

  5. 3 fireplaces.. 16 years... they still take my insurance premiums.

    They'll keep taking your money. It's when you file the claim that they point out the clause in extra fine print. The onus is on the homeowner to have proof of compliance, aka a receipt.

  6. Got out with the good folks at Cag for their spring carp-in. Tough bite today with the colder water temps. Figure the season is 2-3 weeks behind. Even so, a few fish were landed. Even the peanut and I managed one for the team.



    Despite the poor bite, I was in great company. In all a thoroughly enjoyable day.

  7. Got out with the good folks at Cag for their spring carp-in. Tough bite today with the colder water temps. Figure the season is 2-3 weeks behind. Even so, a few fish were landed. Even the peanut and I managed one for the team.



    Despite the poor bite, I was in great company. In all a thoroughly enjoyable day.

  8. Current insurance rules require a clean and inspection, on a regular basis, by certified professionals. Else your insurance for the property is null and void as pertains to fire. I got into a nasty fight with an insurer some years back over that point, and lost.

  9. Here's one you guy's that grew up in the 70's might remember. :D

    Oldfield has a huge amount of talent and on the album version of this piece played 20 different instruments. :w00t:



    Back in the 70's the only portion that anyone cared to listen to was "The Exorcist " theme. Not many listened to the rest of his work. Still considered an eclectic style by most.

  10. OFAH affiliation, might be your best bet with insurance. Most insurers shy away from group insurance for kids. Those that do offer coverage, levy a hefty premium per child.

    Scouting is literally raped in order to have suitable insurance for their programs, and the insurer will give you a list of preconditions and limitations that must be met; especially any aquatic activities.

    Not trying to be a wet blanket. Just trying to make you aware of what it all entails. I've jumped through the hoops for years running large scale youth events and been stopped dead in my tracks by the insurers.

  11. You bought a radio from a Canadian retailer, for user in Canada, took a course for certification in Canada. American regs do not apply in Canadian waters.

    Same reason a camouflage pattern Mustang suit is not approved in Canada. Different regulations.

    Unless you are boating primarily in the U.S. I don't see the problem.

  12. i'm in agreement with all that has been said.

    i was referred to this site a few years ago and i have never looked back. it was far more informative than the other pages, and definitely more personal and welcoming.


    we have our lively debates and dreaded winternet, but i keep coming because i do feel like i get far more from this page than fishing. when some of you have faced hardships, i only wish is that there was more that i could do. also, i know that if i ever faced any hardships, my comrades on OFC would always be willing to lend an ear.


    cheers OFC!

    Admit it! You come back for the food porn :rolleyes:

  13. Nice to be able to get out and catch some fish for once. Just my buddy Bill, the Scandinavian fish retriever and myself. There were also a number of willing victims. Mostly mudcats.



    And the fish retriever with a sucker.


    Must admit I was quite surprised by the number of fish caught. Water was as thick as a chocolate milkshake.

  14. i have a friend with a vet clinic, always busting her chops about the bills. she raised an interesting point. an overnight hospital stay for a human patient with some doctors care, a few tests and an xray is likely to run up a bill of around 10000, maybe even 2-3 times that (sick, but true). we've all heard the story of the broken leg on the US hockey trip with the 40000 bill from the american hospital.


    so she points out that the dog hospital uses all of the same equipment, follows the same procedures, and is staffed by doctors with similar (read expensive and long) educations. and the bill is say 1200 and everyone freaks out.


    not sure how valid the argument is but it did give me something to chew on.


    hope for speedy recovery!

    The point was made a couple of times, but has been overlooked?


    In an Emergency vet clinic you will have 3-4 staff on hand at all times. That is the Vets fees plus $600 per shift to pay out in wages, let alone the medical supply costs. There are all the other costs as well.

    Against that you have a number of pets in house for treatment. Some vets are more reasonable than others, but the Emerg clinic is a business without ties, or loyalties, to clientele. It exists to provide a service for a profit. No different than a private hospital or clinic for people.

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