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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Mybe not for fishing licences, but i would love to see an IQ test be taken, to get a pleasure craft card.you should see the Yahoos i had to deal with last nite on the waterwallbash.gifmad.gif Power boats passing at full tilt less than 100ft of the boat beers in hands, stereos booming out hip hop!!!!!mad.gif


    Sorry, back to the original topic.angel.png

    Happens here all the time, despite the need to pass a boating exam. Again, just because you passed the test, does not mean you will act lawfully.

  2. I'm sorry, Junior can't go fishing until he is 12 years old and capable of writing the junior anglers test. most of us started at a wee age. Should we deprive future generations of another simple pleasure because adults behave like :asshat: !!!

    I could just as easily argue that no one operate a canoe/kayak without ORCA II, or better, certification. Campers should have to take a class in woodcraft, and all should have basic first aid before being allowed loose in the great outdoors. I mean, really folks! If we are going to be :asshat: s we might as well go full out.

    A test, certificate, license, will never impose or bring about compliance. Enforcement does.

  3. I have a feeling the city of Oakville passed that by-law due to the amount of garbage left behind by fishermen. Doesn't make it right, but people need to pick up their crap.

    If that be the case....? Considering the amount of crap floating arounf yacht clubs and marinas, Boats should be banned from tying up in public marinas. There are enough wealthy slobs who still dump their garbage over the side.

  4. The problem, today, is that there are now a lot of counterfeit certified cheques floating around. No different than counterfeit money.

    The only security a bank has is to wait for direct confirmation from the issuing branch.

    Until that verification the risk is all yours. Same if someone pays you in counterfeit currency. YOu bear the loss.

  5. Sounds and looks like a good morning Bruce :thumbsup_anim: Kinda hard to read your tape in the photo but it looks like it was over 38 inches. My first carp outing will be June 11th and I can't wait.

    Just a hair over 39" and 26" around.

  6. From first cast onward twas a great day on the water catching a very wide variety of specimens.

    The highlight of the day came only 10 minutes into my morning. I'm talking to some folks walking their dogs, and they are commenting on how they have never seen any fish caught. At that moment, the rod starts to bounce and double over. I set the hook on a log, then it starts swimming away a good 100ft. Adjust the drag a little and turn him then he doubles back to me and races out to Lake Ontario. Finally get her to shore and into the net. She rips through the net as I lift her out onto shore. All the while, Peanut has been diving into the water after the beast. This will be my biggest for the year, and probably my best fight in a long time. Good thing I took my meds before going out :D


    Kept myself a nice brekkie as well


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