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Posts posted by bigugli



    A lot of this is spawned by the same greedy oil speculators that drove the economy down not long ago---and no secret---every item somehow is tied to oil----heat---food transport---manufacturing..fishing....and so on.


    Heaven forbid anyone thinks of the people that are barely getting by----what do they have to go without now? It will be harder for the middle class to give more to help---they're being stretched also and left with less dispoable income to help.


    So I too am sorry for the rant..but I hope they can't sleep nights.



    I'm one of those now on a semi-fixed income. Watching a gas hike of 20% over a year, and the subsequent price hikes on everything else, there are consequences. Scrimping and saving are the order of the day. Meat only gets bought, in bulk, if it's on for cheap. I have a set limit on my gas allowance unless I make extra. Slobby's and the Stupidstore are not in my budget.

    I have taken the lessons learnt by my grandparents, through war and depression, to heart. We waste too much time and effort on frivolous "I wants", and don't focus enough on needs. We don't need a TV plus accessories in every room. Can't justify $500 on a rod and reel.

    I've been quite creative in finding extra money the past couple of years. Despite my disabilities I refuse to give up, surrender, and lock myself in my room. There aren't too many options

    Pension funds and RSP's aren't that secure. Funds fail, go bankrupt. At the flip of a switch, governments can change the rules and start taxing the RSP's. They already did that on some money funds a few years back.

    The food banks and benevolent funds can't keep up in most cities. Churches are, once again, opening soup kitchens. There are a lot of people without heat and hydro, again, this winter. That is the lot in life for a number of low income and fixed income families.





    In Honour of Stupid People !!


    In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity,

    here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods.






    On a Sears’ hairdryer --

    Do not use while sleeping.

    (That's the only time I have to work on my hair.)




    On a bag of Fritos --

    You could be a winner!

    No purchase necessary.

    Details inside.

    (the shoplifter special?)



    On a bar of Dial soap --

    "Directions : Use like regular soap."

    (and that would be?)


    On some Swanson frozen dinners --

    "Serving suggestion : Defrost."

    (but, it's just a suggestion.)



    On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom) --

    "Do not turn upside down."

    (well... duh; a bit late, huh?)



    On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding –

    "Product will be hot after heating."

    (...and you thought?)



    On packaging for a Rowenta iron --

    "Do not iron clothes on body."

    (but wouldn't this save me time?)



    On Boot's Children Cough Medicine --

    "Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication."

    (We could do a lot to reduce the rate of

    construction accidents if we could just get

    those 5 year-olds with head-colds

    off those bulldozers!)



    On Nytol Sleep Aid --

    "Warning : May cause drowsiness."

    (and I'm taking this because?)




    On most brands of Christmas lights --

    "For indoor or outdoor use only."

    (as opposed to what?)



    On a Japanese food processor --

    "Not to be used for the other use."

    (Now, somebody out there, help me on this.

    I'm a bit curious.)




    On Sainsbury's peanuts -- "Warning : contains nuts."

    (talk about a news flash!)



    On an American Airlines packet of nuts --

    "Instructions : Open packet, eat nuts."

    (Step 3 : say what?)



    On a child's Superman costume --

    "Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly."

    (I don't blame the company.

    I blame the parents for this one.)



    On a Swedish chainsaw --

    "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."

    (Oh my God.. was there a lot of this

    Happening somewhere?)




    Now that you've smiled at least once,

    it's your turn to spread the stuupidity .

  3. Had one pulled off the dock by a bass. Lost my fave mitchell reel. A friend of mine found it diving 2 months later, 80' from the dock.

    I've lost rods over the side and almost always managed to retrieve them. I have also hooked up and retrieved lost rods while drifting for walter. In good shape too.

  4. It was a great day out there for my first time out. Was fishing with Governator and friend. Nice to make the acquaintances. No white stripe for us. Too bad the whitie grounds were just a bit too far for this body :blush:

    Good to see a number of good folk again. Even better to meet many for the first time.

    My mother's happy too. We brought home enough perch for her and a couple of church friends to have a perch lunch this week. More brownie points for me :D

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