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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Awesome report Bruce.Ma looks like a real pro on the boat ! Good on you for getting her out there with you.



    Mom is more than capable of putting most fellas to shame when it comes to fishin. I love to get out with her every chance I can.

  2. This year, both our birthdays zipped by with out our being able to see each other and go fishing. So I booked us a date up at L Dalrymple, and rented a boat. Mom would provide a "simple" picnic basket. Even the son chose to join in.

    It was a great day and the rain held out till the end.

    Mom got the front of the boat and Rob got to sit in the stern sheets. They were able to cast spinnerbaits in every direction and attract several pike. Pike everywhere.





    Meanwhile I was sitting in the middle. We had a trolling motor with a cooked battery, so i beacame the human trolling motor. Would have been OK if the oars were in good repair. Mismatched in sizes, the one oar lock was loose, slipping up and down the oar. The receiver for the thole pin was missing it' s collar. It was quite the comical experience to watch me row to keep station on the fish, while also drifting harnesses. Even so I managed my new pb on crappie with a whopping 14" specimen.


    Later I would get a nice smallie on a harness and my ultralite rod


    There were lots of big sunnies and, of course, decent sized WGSF.


    Did I mention thaty the bass were kinda skittish? Managed all of 4 for the day.


    I am now whooped and pooped.

  3. I've fundraised for school trips, and baseball. It was always with the express understanding that the kids earn their way and take ownership of a special event.

    In scouting, we fundraised heavily so that 25 youth and leaders could spend 4 days in Ottawa to participate in Remembrance week. The local Lions Club ( their sponsors ) agreed to cover the cost of a chartered school bus. The rest of the funds came from 2+ tons of recycled aluminum cans. My home looked like a mini scrap yard. With funds left over they also purchased tents and chartered 2 buses for a day trip to the Science Centre.

    They earned and deserved the rewards, and learned some valuable lessons.

    ORganized panhandling can only lead to a poor example and bad habits.

  4. Went for a walk along the waterfront to beat up on some bass. Seems the morning shower turned the fish on as there was no shortage of participants.





    Had one monster smallie that I could not land. I was standing on a 12' wall, so I just shook him off at the wall. Beyond that the rest were all 1/2 to 1 1/2lb.

    Of course a bass outing isn't complete without the ever reliable WGSF attacking a bass lure.



    Legs are feeling a wee bit worn now. Probably overdid it some, but it was worth it



    A rumour I have heard, but cannot confirm. If you are prescribed the kit, you must ALWAYS use it. It records when you do and such. If you get in an accident and have been found guilty of not using your kit you could be charged?

    CPAP is also used in treatment of narcolepsy, which is a more serious condition. Not only do you risk being charged, your insurance would be void and you would face immediate suspension of the drivers license. The doctor also faces being in deep doodoo.

    Cosequences similar to driving as an epileptic.

  6. Most people don't know but most of the garlic sold in grocery stores is grown in CHINA! That is why I grow my own!


    Rob C

    The Chinese had a huge crop failure last year. They had buyers here offering over $500 a bushel for quality seed garlic.

    There is also a huge difference in types of garlic. I only grow hard garlic varieties. They have richer oil, stronger flavour, and a purplish hue to the skin. Chinese garlics are usually soft garlic. Easy to plant mechanically, but the lasting quality is iffy.

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