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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I usually like to use a t-rigged long plastic bait with some weight, but not too much. I drag it across the top of the pads and let it drop into the holes. Too much weight and it goes too deep into the old weed growth and I get weeds wrapped around the line. Not enough and it doesn't sink in the holes. What do you use and how do you fish it?
  2. Did the package come with the roller trailer? I can't recall ever having seen an aluminum boat on a roller trailer. I'd say convert it to bunks. Is this a dealer you are buying off? Perhaps to get an upcharge of $300 for the trailer?
  3. The last time I saw a non-9.9HP boat for rent was at Elmhurst's Resort on Rice lake. They had Pricecraft console boats with 40HP motors - no bow thruster though. Pretty expensive to rent, but price is relative to many. Suggestion - put a post on kijiji and offer to split gas costs with someone with a bass boat. You may get a taker.
  4. Speaking strictly from research and not practical experience and with a resale idea in mind - hour meters can be disconnected and installed with little effort, like an old car's speedo. Also, there's no way to tell how many hours were on the motor when it went on assuming aftermarket as there aren't too many manufacturers out there that put them on standard.
  5. WTG Lew.
  6. Less than 100..... Seriously, I laugh everytime I read that line in a used boat ad. There is really no accurate way to determine the number of hours n an outboard UNLESS you have one that you can get a readout from the computer. Having said that, as long as you are happy with it and have maintained it well, the number of hours shouldn't matter.
  7. Dutch

    RIP Jack

    A great man.....
  8. Good job, Ron. Keep us posted on the Council appearance with respect to both time and date. If someone has a contact at OFAH - this would be a great storyline for their magazine.....
  9. Your problem wil most likely be something related to the fuel injection system. Did you not have it out on the water or have a mechanic look at it beore you bought it?
  10. I was out fishing on the River below Lock 19 between the lock and Rice with my nieces and nephews on Friday and they caught a goby. Just a little one, about 3 inches, snagged it on the underbelly actually. Only one I have seen first hand so far on the river - maybe they have been there for awhile, but I fish the river weekly and I heard they were in Rice, but just hadn't come across them in the river yet. I crushed it's head with some pliers - hopefully a nice smallmouth had it as a meal.
  11. I'm not sure if the sailor even saw the freighter. If you look closely, the sail is up and the captain is on the oposite side. Either way, good thing he got across the bow of the freighter. If he had been t-boned, he be dead.
  12. Not worth it to raise a stink, especially with an aggressive property owner even if they have no foot to stand on. They probably know they don't own the land and are just making that comment to get you to move on. Confrontations are the reason fishermen get a bad name, that's not good for our sport. Best just to not respond and move on.
  13. I second the heavier weight suggestion. Also, just practise. Put all the brakes on your curado, but loosen up on the spool screw - use your thumb to control the spool. I find for me pitching is better with a shorter rod (6'6"). With my seven footer, I just get frustrated.
  14. Unless you are buying bulk, tackle is rarely a good purchase on the 'bay. Shipping usually kills the deal. If you can get it shipped to the states, then pick it up yourself, that's the way to go. I have used cbiusa (in Niagara Falls NY) with success, but only if I can get free shipping, they have a $5 per item receiving charge though, that's the only draw back. If you have a friend in the 'states all the better.
  15. Hey Lew, I can't speak to the relationship between sleep apnea and headaches, but my dad used to have crazy headaches and sleep apnea, Chiropractic helped both considerably. THere was an issue with his neck and Chiro dealt with it very well.
  16. After doing a fantastic job at the Classic last year, I came across this announcement that Dave is signed on for more in the future: http://www.bassfan.com/docktalk.asp?id=8287#8287 Going to be another entertaining weigh-in. Hoipe to catch it on-line. Congrats Dave!
  17. No - but, I'd do my research beforehand so I wouldn't have a boat from a manufacturer that fit into this category, Tracker, for example.
  18. I wouldn't be buying a boat from a Company that has previously gone out of business. If they go belly-up again, good luck with warranty support.
  19. Rice is the largest Kawartha Lake - it's about 15 miles long. It would help if we knew where you were staying and what type of boat you have access to. Don't worry about the bass tournaments - most of those guys fish places others don't go anyway.
  20. http://peterborough.en.craigslist.ca/boa/2485238210 Pretty funny stuff, take a read - language is NSFW, but nothing we haven't heard before.
  21. Surprised no one has asked yet..... What is the year of the boat? What is the boat rated for motor-wise, the max HP rating should be on the capacity plate and the capacity plate MAY also have info on the max weight of the OB allowed for that craft. Either way - I don't think it is about not using a transom saver. The piece of wood may have contributed somewhat, but depending on the age of the boat and the weight of those motors (looks like a 4-stroke) it could just be rot.
  22. Joined the Peterborough Bassmasters - Enjoying it so far!

  23. These are not that expensive or hard to install: http://www.marineparts.com/sierra/sierra159.aspx Fuel/water separator.....
  24. For anyone looking for a cheap outboard for light-duty use, Peterborough Costco had the APS Brand 6HP on sale for $1,000. I know, there'll be no parts to find, no one knows how to fix them, unproven brand etc. etc. etc., but it does have the Costco no-questions-asked warranty for at least 2 years. This is also a 4 stroke motor. Shouldn't be too hard to fix for any marine mechanic, outboard technology isn't rocket science. For anyone looking for a motor for a cottage boat or a dinghy, this may be an option at probably half the price of a "name" brand black or blue outboard. Hope someone finds this post useful.
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