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About Lostchild

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  1. Did a 4 day trip last week to Wakami Lake. The weather was cold with overnite temps -1c and day time highs +8c on average. A mix bag of weather with wind rain hail and sun. The fish were all scattered with some suspending in deep water, while others were up on shoals in 10ft-14ft. Many hours of trolling with some success.
  2. Did a quick trip up to Balsam lake yesterday. Not much to report only 2 small large mouth and a small walleye. I was happy with the bass as I have only caught 3 this entire year, everything else has been pike and walleye. I have a family camp this weekend back at Balsam, I am not sure how much fishing I will get in but hopefully some.
  3. There are some awesome lakes and rivers up there. If you ever go and need info I would be happy to help you out.
  4. I did use the shade as well but for some reason they seemed to prefer the longer narrower baits. What kinda really dialed me in was the catch in the picture before...pretty close to matching the hatch as they say...
  5. Yes it is! Lol All of them were released to swim another day. This is a Berkeys Flicker minnow
  6. I would start with the fuel filter if you haven't changed it yet. The other thing you might want to consider is stretch in the throttle cable perhaps, not allowing quite full throttle? Just throwing ideas out there.
  7. I did strictly trolling there were other boats that sat on spots, they did pretty good also from a few of them I talked to. They said there were using leeches and catching lots of eater size. I found I was getting bigger fish suspended on the troll. Other boats were hitting some pretty good whitefish out in 35ft of water, i didn't try for them but maybe next trip. This lake is a fish factory. Thanks for the compliment on the pic, beautiful sunsets and sunrises up there this time of year. The corn full moon was awesome to see as well, I would have liked to have a good camera to take a picture of that.
  8. I headed back up to Algoma County to search out some more walleye. Did pretty good over a couple days. Trolling pretty much all flicker baits, almost all colors were working size 6 and 7, lures running 10ft apprx. deep, 100ft back, 12lb mono, 14ft to 20ft of water. All fish came off shoals and points that had deeper water adjacent to them.
  9. http://fishing-app.gpsnauticalcharts.com/i-boating-fishing-web-app/fishing-marine-charts-navigation.html?title=Paudash+Lake+boating+app#13.24/44.9599/-78.0564
  10. I meant to mention those 2 spare wires you have on the motor maybe for a rpm gauge or possibly a trim gauge???
  11. I have a brand new 14ft Smokercraft wide/deep tiller with a 2008 30hp 4 stroke Mercury. It is pretty much a bare bones boat, no flooring or livewell. I get 28mph top speed trimmed out and can troll down to 1.98mph on calm water. When by myself I do have a slight lean to the right, which I find is normal for most smaller boats, I compensate for the lean by putting my battery and gas tank to the opposite side. I would question your theory of the foam being saturated, I am not sure but wouldn't they of used closed foam which wouldn't absorb water? And if not then I would think that all the foam thru out the boat would be saturated from the water leeching thru, not just the one side?
  12. There is a 10hp restriction on Stormy Lake.
  13. I had the exact same thing happening with my 1990 60hp merc. The first thing i would do is a compression test on all four cylinders, mine turned out to be a damaged piston ring on the bottom cylinder...complete rebuild needed. I hope that is not the case with yours but I would definately start with a compression test if everything else seems to fine. Good luck.
  14. Condolences to his wife and two young children...and to the rest of his family, friends and fans. Lots of speculation on the cause so soon, the only thing police have confirmed was it is non-criminal. The Toronto Sun is reporting a "source" saying that he hung himself??? (take that for what it is worth) Personally I have no opinion on the cause of death all I know is 35yrs old is far too young! R.I.P. Wade
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