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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. predominently specks at this time of year are in 18" of water to about 7-8 feet. you may catch the odd one in 15 feet or so but as a general rule come winter time they head for the shallows, try fishing around some down trees or logs if you can they like to prey on bait around them and as for the black water beatles and other bugs they are often found on bottom, also specks can be full of frogs sometimes digging them out of the mud in the winter. hope this is a good enough answer for ya Matt!
  2. i can definatley relate to what you feel about the paranoid part. i am the same way a lot of snowshoeing but when i walk off the beaten path i walk on either side just out of sight before i put on the raquettes, looks like a moose track and many people dont even notice. i also leave a large part of "my" speck lakes alone all winter long so i dont leave a track into them. although i just found out that 2 people i know found there way into one of my 2-7 lb speck lakes thank god they snowshoed and didnt put a track in by sled or they just dont know theres a trail into there! Matt!
  3. hahah but the deer already broke the trail! makes for easy walkin as a predator!
  4. hahah i had forgoten all about you saying that man! good times good friends!
  5. i was thinkin wolf but you read my mind roy!
  6. i must admit it is quite true for a LARGE part of today's youth and society but not ALL of us are involved! i try my best to play my country music loud my pants around my waist my boots tied tight and a fresh piece of straw to chew on all day long!
  7. it feels great! she sure was a beauty coloured fish. and as for "she" i dont know no eggs or milt? in it when i cleaned it up but the head feautures of a female! and as for cracking the code, it may take a while but good to know what this fish was eating, it makes for a big big help!
  8. if i had a sign we could have pike walleye whitefish and a big perch on there too!
  9. So i decided last night that my buddy rob and I were gonna get out to a little lake for rainbows. Now 21 years old and driving i can recall biking to this lake some 10 or 12 miles back when i was 15. I have now fished it a good dozen times, spring summer, fall, winter, and to no avail! had one get off 4 years ago and saw a couple down the hole through the ice 2 years ago but would not bite! None the less i figured a day of getting skunked would be better than sitting at home watchin the tube or sorting soft plastics for the spring. we managed to hit the lake at about 11 bells and set our lines and set up the deer hunting blind. very windy and even on a small lake i would have never lasted without it! so we were sitting in the blind jiggin away when i thought i heard a subtle "ding ding" i look out the window and sure enough a small tap on one of the switches, i ran out to the line and grabbed ahold, and had a very short game of tug of war and knew she was on so i set the hook and pulled her up finally the skunk is off!!!!! so for the first time ever i have caught a rainbow trout, needless to say i had to cut her open and find out what they're eating in there and to my suprise it was'nt bugs flies or insect it was full of SMALL 1/2" to 1" stickle back minnows probably about 15 of them. we manged to stay until 1630 and never got another bite. but none the less the company was good the grilled cheese were yummy and the DISSARONO was chilled! a great day was had and another is in the works again before the end of the week! she was no monster at 1lb 1oz but at 14 3/4 inches she gets team 6 on the board! stylin catch (rob) was not pretty stylin' today with the new hat too! Matt!
  10. i have been using egg shells for years often for speckle trout when looking down the hole when cleaning a few we have found shells in their stomachs. and when fishin wallies on lake nipissing i use them for the sole purpose of an attractant a bright white area on a sand flat helps me outfish buddies all the time i still have not told them what i'm sliding down the pipe.
  11. why is that? quite a bit of current in there?
  12. i told ya i'd be waiting for a report!!! and a darn good one at that, nice lookin' white and 7 lakers! sounds like a good day no matter how chilly it was! thanks for sharin' Matt!
  13. try some swim bait paddle tail rubber minnows around those weed beds fast and slow and just play with them storm sells a half deccent one.
  14. PLEASE dont feel bad for me, i can ice fish here and you cant i think i'm the one who needs to feel bad for someone!!! hahahah excellent shots they lookk incredibly well done and some beautiful scenery. Matt
  15. sorry bout that Ramble On, i will from now on, and normally do, and as for the munchies Bob they were amazing super clean fish with a transparent fillet have one more for tonight yet!
  16. best of luck Jaques! i'll be waiting for the report! and pics!
  17. hard to say Bob, the past few days i was fishing wallies in 12-18 FOW and it semed as though the fish bit when there was some noise. whether it was the chainsaw running and knocking down some firewood or simply running round on the ice tossin a football. and also everytime there was a "thud" from the ice cracking a line was goin down, so i dont know exactly to be honest.
  18. walls are lookin pretty frosty in the flip over too! i can relate on being outside all day Clamp-it, although i had a fire nearby. good job on the young one for beating ya'll
  19. so i heard! my sister lives in Ottawa and my parents in pembroke, they skated the rideau today!
  20. did I mention they tasted amazing!!!
  21. so i managed to get out for a variety of fish this past week, monday tergetting specks i hit 2 lakes and went home with my 5! all between a pound and 3 pounds! no pics of these ones unfortunatley. tuesday i managed to get out for some "waleye" action and managed to catch 2 snot rocket pike of about 2 pounds. once again no pics wednesday was a day to go around and gather parts for my ski doo and thursday i put them all on. yesterday i went out for wallies again on a secret little lake of mine that i snowshoed into with a pair of friends, i managed to pull up 4 while my buddy Adam L managed 1 and Adam A didnt get a bite all nice eatin size from 13-16 inches one even got snacked on right over the fire. a few pics are attached of this day, and finally today i walked into the lake again gettin a late start as it was 29 below this morning and i didnt plug the truck in last night not to mention it is a 92' carbeurated truck so it doesnt like the cold, i ended up at the lake around 2 o'clock and was off by 5 i managed to catch 2 well kinda hahah i came home with one, got about 6 hits in total lines were freezing in quick and we had been robbed twice without the line getting pulled off the switch!!! two more managed to evade me and my incredible skills somehow and the second one i kinda somewhat sorta caught came up outa the hole and spit the hook, landing about 3 feet from the hole and just like a trained sniper he managed to take one flip and land nose first in a froze 6" hole which was more like 4 and got away. so all in all it t'was a great week with friends and by myself a few times with a total of 5 specks 2 pike and 6/7 walleye! Matt!
  22. WOW! have not heard this song in likely 10 years ! good pick!
  23. nice and healthy lookin too! good job!
  24. thats a beauty of a rack Bob!!!! my uncle has a 6 that looks almost identical!
  25. good report wayne! that potrable looks nice and warm even on a day like that!
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