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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. If I answer this question.... Will you give me free tickets? If I can manage to win tickets - I'm down for sure. Otherwise, its a maybe.
  2. LOL! no bait... Buwahahahaa
  3. I'm wondering if it'd be effective for FLOAT fishing... (stupid me, should've mentioned that from the get go)
  4. Hey OFC'ers, So... with each day drawing closer & closer to TROUT OPENER (even though we're still quite a ways away)... I went to my local CT and was ABOUT to pickup a product called "Mike's GLO Mallow's".... but decided to hold myself off... and see what information I could dig. Just wanted to know some 1st hand inputs on people whom have tried it. - What did you think of it? - Did it perform to your expectations? - Overall judgement on them? I'm going to dig now... so see what I can find... 1st 15min is usually blank responses anyway. I'd like to know what your inputs were on this product? HERE is a picture of it.
  5. Wow.... That's some wicked craftsmanship! I'd buy some off ya, if I knew how to fly fish!
  6. Seriously! I really liked that idea... up your odds! Thanks everyone for your input!
  7. Hey Folks, Just a quick question regarding Dropshotting for 'Eye's... I've seen shows of pros doing drop-shotting for walleyes... my question is... Do they use Leader Material? or regular line? Your thoughts?
  8. Just block her.
  9. There's also Angling Specialties in Mississauga.... at Confederation Parkway & Central Parkway... here's the link... http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=...e=UTF8&z=16
  10. My wife had the idea of going to Bruce Peninsula this year for camping... I LOVE THE IDEA! Georgian Bay area!!
  11. WICKED REVIEW BRUH!!! Bring on 2010...
  12. I used to go to the Cheasapeake a lot growing up... fishing for PORGY, then when I got older.... eventually for BLUES!! I LOVED GOING THERE!!
  13. Vote Dude... I'm actually REALLY interested in the outcome of this poll.
  14. Here's an interesting topic... Explain why you prefer HARDWATER (Frozen) over SOFTWATER ....or vise versa...
  15. I would give my LEFT NUT to be there!!
  16. CLICK SHARE > GET LINK CODE (Tab at TOP) > IMAGE FOR BULLITEN BOARDS & FORUMS (grab the code under that) Getting the 1st code gets you THIS... 2nd code gets you this (clickable version)
  17. I'm with you...
  18. Hey Folks, Just wondering if anyone out there can recommend a pair of Bib Pants? I'm looking into getting a pair for my Deep-Sea adventures in the states... If there aren't any recommendations... What pair do you have? What are your experiences with them? Good? Bad? Thanks Folks!
  19. Do you guys think the mouth would be frozen or no? I would think no... just cause of the 'somewhat' warmer weather lately... What do you think?
  20. Hopefully it isn't... with all the 0 and + weather over last 2 days. Thanks!
  21. Thanks Tibbs.... Anything biting this time of year around MOUTHS of RIVERS??... Thinking of going to the mouth of that river now...
  22. Hey Folks, I tried checking the REG's and the BOARD but couldn't find any information regarding DUFFINS. So, my question is.... I'm thinking of hitting the park by HWY2...Am I ok to fish NORTH of HWY2? Or should I only be fishing SOUTH of it ONLY?? Or is it only CERTAIN times of the year, I can ONLY fish SOUTH of HWY2? I apologize ahead of time... I couldn't find information on this... My "Google" skills are failing me a lot lately!!
  23. The ONLY good thing that EVER came outta that mall (aside from BASS PRO)... It gives all the LOCAL MILFS a place to CONGREGATE.
  24. Awesome Guys - Thanks. I am trying to find a "GO-TO" line for Fluorocarbon. At 1st I was PURELY using BERKLEY VANISH and thought (at 1st) that it was the way I was tying the knots. Then came a post online... saying Vanish was ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE! Now, I know why! Anyway, I'm gonna use this stuff next season, and I'll let you know. PS: I got this VICIOUS stuff @ BPS, they were on sale at the time. EDIT: What do you guys recommend for FLUOROCARBON lines? (non-leader material)
  25. Hey, I tried doing a search on this product already... both on here and online... Was wondering, has anyone used this product yet? I bought it a couple months back, but probably won't be spooling it until soft water season returns. Just wanted to get a general idea of what people thought of it, for those whom have used it. Here's the link on WFN, for 1st timers hearing about this product... http://www.wfn.tv/video/video.php?video=401731 Thanks! A2F
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