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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Hey Folks, I've used VANISH and other FLOUROCARBON lines, but then came across SPIDERWIRE's ULTRACAST INVISI-BRAID at BPS that is BRAID; Immediately thought, WHAT?! My 1st impressions were - "How can this stuff be invisible underwater, its not 'Clear' ...its 'White'? ... Can anyone attest to this product? I really like the idea of INVISIBLE BRAID, but the fact its not 'CLEAR' kinda makes me skeptical. PLEASE! I need peoples INPUT! Here's the link to their product: http://www.spiderwire.com/prod.php?k=74406...&u=SUIB-125 Thanks, Rob
  2. My condolences bud
  3. Quick and simple - Thanks Bud!
  4. Hey Guys, Just curious on what NF means? I'm a n00bi3! Thanks!
  5. What site do you get it online??
  6. I got 2 Abu's (C4 & Record) on hand for my attempt at Musky/Pike this coming year/season!
  7. OMG!! That's awesome d00d!! CONGRATS TO YOU!!!
  8. Where abouts in Lake Ontario was this??
  9. Awesome information Joey!! Thank You!! ...Efka, I REALLY love the idea of how you went about organziging your tackle box of Spinners - Very innovative!! Why didn't I think of that?! IT'S GENIUS! - Wait a minute, when you close the box, don't the spinners touch causing it to tangle? or even more difficult to close? Or did you use that Pipe Insulation for display purposes?
  10. Thanks Guys - Hopefully MORE members will put in their input! Funny you mentioned Roy, I was ALREADY on LUREMAKING.COM the night I started looking up what is needed to get this hobby going! Thanks Again
  11. Hey Again, I've been thinking of making my own IN-LINE SPINNERS - more particularly with a BUCK-TAIL. Just curious if there is anyone out there that HAS EXPERIENCE in making these - and if so, what do I need? What tools and parts? Where can I find them? Thanks! Rob
  12. Thanks Marcus!
  13. Thanks for the TIPS FarSider - Hopefully others will put in their input. Much Appreciated
  14. I've had a lot of success using colors similar to what "Mercer's Magic" has - Hence, I bought a few (4) of 'em for next season (Xraps and Xrap Shad) I hope next season I'll catch a nice Largie!
  15. Is there a SPECIFIC AREA in PROMENADE that you catch 'em? And what are you using when you catch 'em? Live Bait or Lures?
  16. What are you using when you catch into a Pike? Live Bait or Lures?
  17. Hey Guys, I just have a few quick questions.. I mostly do my fishing from shore, and this season I decided to give it a try with MUSKY and PIKE FISHING. So, out I went to buy the equipment necessary. After doing extensive research on 'Recommended' equipment.. I now own proper MUSKY and PIKE equipment... Anyway... my question to you guys is... 1) Is there a good place to do some SHORE FISHING for PIKE/MUSKY? If so... Where? 2) Here are a few lakes I get to fish out of...(In order of MOST OFTEN) - Lake Ontario - Lake Huron - Rice Lake I do MOST of my fishing in LAKE ONTARIO (from shore) - Anyone know of a good place or area to try for PIKE/MUSKY? Otherwise, if not; I may have just spent all this money - only to put it up for sale Ahhhhhhhhhh!! I need help on this topic!! Oh, I've also been doing quite a bit of research on PIKE/MUSKY HABITAT (How, When and Where to look for them)... The only problem is, Where I fish in Lake Ontario (from shore) doesn't look like much of an area that are PIKE/MUSKY inhabited. I mostly fish out of ... - SADDINGTON PARK in MISSISSAUGA - Link: http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&ie=UT...019312&z=16 LAKEFRONT PROMENADE in MISSISSAUGA - Link: http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&ie=UT...038624&z=15 - ROUGE RIVER in SCARBOROUGH - Link: http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&ie=UT...038624&z=15 If ANYONE could help me on this topic, I would be SO GRATEFUL!! I'd love to even do some SHORE FISHING with some OFC'ers to share their knowledge on this topic. Thanks again for all the help... Sorry for the 'Yammering' Rob
  18. My Sincere Condolences...
  19. I went with the DAIWA TIERRA - SOO AMAZING!! I've never been so impressed...
  20. I've gone quite a few times this past year (2008) and have had nothing but positive service. My only beef with BPS, I bought a BAITCAST NET and had no idea it was ILLEGAL in ONTARIO - So, why would BPS sell such an item, if its ILLEGAL in the COUNTRY they're in?! Anyway, I've gone there a couple of times and have had nothing but POSITIVE EXPERIENCE. I guess, overall - SUPPORT LOCAL CANADIAN BUSINESS'. I try to stick with LOCAL BUSINESS guys (IE: JB's Fishing Depot, LeBaron etc...) If BPS has something for CHEAP in comparison to the local business', I'd ask them if they do a 'Price Comparison' (BPS does a price match with LeBaron; and Vice Versa) and go with whomever is cheaper. My 2 cents...
  21. I've done a lot of fishing in Jerzee! Just check out my profile picture - it "BLUES" or "BLUEFISH" I've also done some STRIPE BASS, FLOUNDER, and PORGY fishing!
  22. I quit smoking almost 3 weeks ago. It hasn't been easy - a lot of times I've had cravings, but in the end reminded myself of 2 major factors... 1) Health 2) Cost I must admit though, I did collapse to temptation last weekend - So, I had one. Best part was, after the 2nd and 3rd puff - I threw it out! Gave me an immediate headache, and I felt really raspy in the throat!! I'm soo glad I quit!! I hope this lasts as long as my last time (almost 4years!) Don't PLAN to QUIT, just DO IT and GET IT OVER WITH!! It's totally worth it!!
  23. I just joined the FACEBOOK group! Mind you, I'm not all that often on Facebook - and when I am, its only for a short few minutes!! PS: I too am also a fan of "Facts of Fishing" with Dave Mercer - I wanna get his tournament jersey on their website!
  24. Awesome Pics!! What program were you using to alter the pics?
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