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About Warthaug

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  • Location
    Toronto (Pre-July 2011), London (Post)
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hiking, Camping, Canoing, SCUBA, Backpacking, Science

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  1. Cyclists passing on the right is legally a grey area; if the road has a shoulder than it is absolutely legal. If it does not than it may be legal if certain conditions are met (i.e. if going around a left-turning vehicle, or if the laneway is a designated cycling lane (even if shared)). Cities may have bylaws altering the rules, those are just provincial ones. B
  2. Mine are to get out fishing more than twice. Yep, last year sucked!
  3. This is a common myth, but as the term "myth" suggests, it is untrue. The part that is missing from your statement is the concept of efficiency. Electric cars are very efficient - in current electric cars 2/3rds of the power in the battery actually makes it to the wheel. Electrical generators - be them coal, nuclear, gas or other, are also fairly efficient - 45% or so. Gas car engines are incredibly inefficient - average today is 18%; the maximum possible efficiency (determined by thermal efficiency) is 37%, so: Electric, average-case: 66% * 45% = 30% total efficiency That's near-double the efficiency of average automotive efficiency, and only modestly less than the absolute best physics would allow a car to operate at. In other words, don't believe everything the automotive and oil industry lobbyists tell you too... B
  4. I've made a few of these: http://www.instructables.com/id/8-Folding-Kayak/ Cheap, work well, can be stored in even the smallest of apartments. Add a rod holder or two and you're set... Bryan
  5. This is one part of the regs I've never been clear on - I know you're not allowed to target out-of-season fish, but quite often methods for targeting one species of fish are identical to that for another (i.e. bass & pike). Assuming one species is in season, would MNR still nail me for "targeting" the off-season species? Hell, up at the in-laws cottage you'll catch pickerel, pike, smallies, lakers (if you're lucky) and even whitefish dragging a worm through the same damned channel... Bryan PS: thanx everyone who PM'd me about the carp. I'm super-excited now!
  6. Mine says "3 Years conservation", so perhaps the sport simply says "Fishing"? Bryan
  7. That sounds easy - I'll give it a go. I've been reading some older posts here and it sounds like a lot of people throw some corn onto the water around their line - corn + bread...if I don't catch fish, at least I'l have lunch! Bryan
  8. I've used a similar process, but without the nastyness of having to shellac/oil the egg shell. Clean egg with a sanitising agent, dry, and seal using a vacuum sealer (like that used for meat), making sure that each egg is in its own "compartment" (otherwise, once opened, you must use all the eggs in the bag). I've not tried it for longer than a week, but even in hot temps it seems to work. I like the idea of cracking each egg into a cup beforehand, in case one has gone off. I've never had that problem, but it seems worth it, considering near-zero effort could literally save the bacon... Bryan
  9. In a word...no. Still nasty for anything other than mixing into breads/cakes/etc (and even then, not good). Bryan
  10. Oops, mis-read the regs; its bass that are still off-limits. I've got a few mepps-style spinners in my kit; we'll definitely give them a go. I'd still like to try carp though; sounds like they're a good fight.. Bryan
  11. Sounds awesome - SWMBO'd and I were hoping to do a bit of fishing on Monday (the holiday) in London. We're new (to London), so we're not 100% what to try. I don't suppose you' care to share what you use to catch carp? I've never tried before, and have no clue as how to do it...I was planning on just dragging some spinners through the water, but considering pickerel are off-season (and apparently in the Thames - I never would have expected that), I'm thinking that may not be such a good idea... Bryan
  12. All she learned was next time, chase the moose off the road first...
  13. I was pulling a scout canoe trailer, with 8 canoes (4 to a side; about 10' tall in total). Hit massive storm on the highway; trailer rolled in the wind and pulled the car into the ditch. If it wasn't for the damned safety chains the trailer would have simply popped off the ball and rolled into the field. Plastic (cheap) canoes were all fine, trailer was a write-off, and there was ~$5K damage to my car... Bryan
  14. We're insured through meloce monnex, and they've been pretty competitive. I do get an allumni discount from them, so YMMV. What the insurance company did is not all that unexpected, if the house was inspected by them after purchase. Your sisters first quote was based on what they asked/what she told them. The inspection may have raised issues that led to the price increase. Or they may be screwing her around. Quotes are free, and it never hurts to look. My wife and I routinely (every 2-3 years) get a few other quotes, to see if its worth switching. Bryan
  15. Careful - Acetone + many plastics = goopy mess. Before applying glue or solvents to a plastic, its best to check compatibility ahead of time (google is great for this). I've ruined a lot of expensive things because I didn't check - ya'll might as well learn from my stupid moments. Bryan
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