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Everything posted by Ben_Daniels

  1. Hey Mike! Seems like you haven't been posting alot lately...probably because school just started, I'm in the same boat. I always like your topics! Always things I wanna know about. Anyway I like a 7MH Shimano rod, 7:1 reel, 50 lb braid...unless I'm slow rolling a spinnerbait, then its 20lb fluro and a 6:1 reel -Ben
  2. Don't you mean to bad it wasn't?
  3. Got this pic in an email from my cousin who lives in Yellowknife. Lets just say I'm jealous... Hasn't even hit puberty and he's already crushed my PB Pike. -Ben
  4. Where ya been GCD? miss your comments, hope all is well!

  5. If you don't eat the day before it makes your stomach shrink and it would be harder to eat a 5 lb burger
  6. I like the show a lot, Boudain's "No reservations" is my favorite though. -Ben
  7. As a Canadian/American dual citizen I agree that its both countries that will NEED to act on this situation to protect our fisheries, not just the Americans. In all fairness I can see where people are coming from saying it's the Americans responsibility contain the problem seeing as the carp are in American waters first and gunning for our waterways which are Asian Carp free, but its not a time to say whose responsible its a time to act.....There sure is a lot of new Czars....Bed Bug Czar, Health Czar, Car Czar, Housing Czar etc. http://gothamist.com/2010/07/27/mayor_calls_for_bed_bug_czar.php I just hope the Asian carp czar has more funding than the half million that the bedbug czar has to work with. -Ben
  8. I'd go with Shimano no matter what price point you choose. I bought a Citica at the start of this season and its been working really well. I have multiple Cruxis' ($120 when I bought them) and their all still holding up really well, no issues. The Citica does have less plastic parts and cast's a little bit better, but it was $160. I bought the Cruxis's about 3 years ago when people told me I should spend a little bit more money on the Citica but I chose the Cruxis. I don't have any experience with the Caenan but looks really similar to the cruxis's I Like. Something about a baitcast reel under $100 makes me little skeptical.....which is what people felt about the cruxis's that have worked well for me....either way I'd get a Shimano. -Ben
  9. Amazing report Solo Your reports always make me so jealous, those are some monster Walters for anywhere! -Ben
  10. That's a hog! I'm itching to hook up with my first 5+ smallie. -Ben
  11. Sweet Pike! I have a hell of a time getting any decent Pike at this time of Summer. -Ben
  12. That's good to hear, I'm not too familiar with BJ's but I have heard their name come up on here a couple times and it was always good things from what I remember! -Ben
  13. http://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=99745&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&storeId=11151&storeNum=10103&subdeptNum=10251&classNum=10256 I've had 2 of these for a couple years and they've never leaked. -Ben
  14. Danng 24/7....so much for the dog days of summer! Amzing fish! -Ben
  15. All of you are NOT smokers or drinkers? Whats wrong with you guys? -Ben
  16. I think the subject is definitely a double edged sword. Having all the top pro's on one body of water pulling trophy fish that are the biggest spawners in terms of egg's and some of them dying is not the best for a fishery....but at the same time they're the people that are drawing attention to our sport which I feel is a good thing, but at the same time I wanna have more and bigger fish! I guess you can't have it all in life -Ben
  17. I have an In-Fisherman mag somewhere with an article on Lake Erie Smallmouth, but I can't find it. It had a chart showing the diets of Smallmouth's based on stomach contents for a whole year for each month, their diet changed a lot from month to month if I remember right... gobies to perch to crawfish to shiners to....I think its at my parents house though, next time I'm over there I'll take a pic and post it. I'm thinking the live target perch would work really welll when there feeding on perch. -Ben
  18. Try a leach with a smaller hook, a real small hook behind a weight like 3-4 feet with a lighter fluro leader. -Ben
  19. The Steamwhistle is a great beer and a great company, I converted my dad who's been drinking Heineken for years but now prefers the Steamwhistle hands down, its only got 4 ingredients! Now that I'm looking at my pics, I'm thinking I caught the same pike two years in a row...Look at the horizontal white line by its eye... Could it be? If so catch and release sure does work! -Ben
  20. Artificial: jig head and gulp minnow or tube.... or a live leach on a tiny hook dragged on bottom -Ben
  21. Just got back from a couple days at Lake Kashwakamak in the Land O Lakes area. The fishing was tough, caught a bunch a smaller bass, one eater size walleye (Tasted great), and a couple of small Pike. Last year when I was up there I caught an blue/silver pike and was told that there pretty rare...well I caught another one I go up to lake K once or twice a year and 2 silver/blue pike in 2 trips seems like alot eh? It's a bue pike factory I tells ya! I didn't take a lot of pics but heres some... "Got enough beer for two nights dad?" "You're right...we should get some whiskey" Blue Pike Last Years Blue Pike -Ben
  22. I haven't really caught anything that weird well a shopping cart one time.... I remember reading a topic like this a while ago....something about one of our members catching an "adult" toy -Ben
  23. Nice fish and tat...Is that one of the BPS Carbonlite rods your friend is holding? How does he like it? -Ben
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