Back in May, had some water leaking in the basement due to a clog rain gutter..... got that unclogged but at the same time found out that the roof had a an indent at one end
Posted a report about it on here.... here's the link
and got some good advice about fixing it and doing it right by Gerrit
A couple of weeks ago undertook the task of repairing the kitchen roof because it had rotten wood underneath and the shingles were at their last breath..... suffice to say that once all the shingles was stripped off, we could actually see the damage that the rain gutter down spout did.
Did not take any pics of it but a friend of my brother came to inspect and gave me a quote on the repair cost and material needed. The quote was $150.00 for labor and roughly $160.00 for material.
Well he was bang on!!! and now it's a done deal Took a few pics after it was all done
Applying cocking on the nails and along the gutter's edge
and today got the finishing touch done
Rotten wood ain't happening no more at that end
Thanks ever so much again Gerrit for the great advice
Oppps.... I forgot to add this pic of my next project.... re-doing all of my garden fence posts.... started with the tomatoes...