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Everything posted by KelfuN

  1. i got this KNOWING no one on the river will have this colour..lol
  2. i was lucky enough to find a crazy colour combo. i wont write much, let the pictures do the talking.
  3. centerpinangling.com they carry okuma, bare, and raven neoprene pouches
  4. i would have to say the fall season. temperature is very confortable, and the beautiful scenary. AND the fall steelhead runssss =D
  5. i was planning to hit up queenston/whirlpool today... maybe it wasn't a bad choice going to work
  6. i think okuma-sheffield did that same thing tonight...he told me the exact same thing.. hmmm, maybe its my turn lol
  7. this is what i was told/personal experience... i started off with a sheffield, and still using it until today..it spins nice and the start up speed is moderate. but after playing with my friends purist II, i realized my pin is not up to par in terms of smoothness and startup speed. in conclusion, its always good to start with a decent ($200-300)reel, then work your way up to a better one..you WILL appreciate your pin more! some of you may disagree, just my 0.02
  8. when its warmer than -5, but that depends if the rivers are frozen. i dont ice fish, so ice is a bigger problem than the cold
  9. just buy some hand warmer heat pads...$1.29 for 2. they will keep your hands warm all day long...better than hard warmer pockets!
  10. i spent about $800 ever since i got into steelheading. when i had my normal fishing seasons, i spend maybe about $200-300 per year buying new rods, reels, baits and lines
  11. i've been fishing for almost 10 years...and got checked twice..
  12. the winds are really picking up now... my car was frozen solid with the melted snow from the morning... it was tough scrapping the ice off i heard thursday is suppose to be even colder?!
  13. oh man..you dont know how jealous i am right now!!! don't let me see u on the river bud..lol
  14. there is no need to think what reel to pick up. Kingpin. btw, i shotgun the black/red..so you better not get that
  15. FISH ON! but when i lose one, i tend to swear then whip my rod into the water..
  16. great stuff man!! you sure found open water today.hahaha
  17. nice coloured up male...its been in the river for a while man you wear a canada goose jacket to go fishing??what if those fish slime gets all over ur jacket??
  18. nice pictures mike! whatever river you were at..it looks blown out...yumm, chocolate.....
  19. my fishing buddies picked up the L2 today for me while i was stuck at work from 5am-4pm. i agree with the bad attitude with BPS staff...ESPECIALLY the guys in the flyshop
  20. i guess no fishing for you for 2-3 weeks
  21. didn't really hit up many lakes/rivers this year, always stuck with the ones close to home. lake scugog balsam lake buckhorn lake cameron lake rice lake chemong lake grand river oshawa creek bowmanville wilmot duffins big head river beaver river nottawasaga river
  22. anyone had experience with the simms fanny pack?!
  23. you guys have sick minds!!!!!!
  24. had about 3 hrs to fish after my exam today. so i decided to visit a lake O trib and try my luck by myself..... i was getting hits every other drift, but they were all palm size babies. i drifted a different seam and about 3 drifts later...BANG!!! she took me up and down and into the logs...luckily i had the current to help me pull her out after measuring the length of the rod after i got home..the fish was about 22-24" im guessing about 10lbs..she was FAT!!
  25. i wear my vest everytime i go steelheading, along with my wading jacket.
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