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Everything posted by KelfuN

  1. bill i hope you didnt hit the eastern lake o tribs. i checked several creeks today and was it DEAD. total of 2 fish pulled out all day long.
  2. my buddy told me this idea and i might try that tomorrow morning. slap on hockey tape or electrical tape on the backplate of your pin...so your palm isnt touching straight to metal.
  3. i guess i'll just respool my line again with siglon V. i tend to find the F series have a bigger memory than the V...or maybe im just paranoid about perfection..lol
  4. I've been using 10lb siglon V as my mainline for steelheads so far this year....and my spool is starting to run out..im thinking of trying ande lines or raven lines. just wondering what lines you guys use for steelheads in the winter?
  5. great job boys..i hope you guys saved some for me.. that trib is so HOT lately..
  6. great job silvio. i ALWAYS get skunked at trib 2. im glad your hauling them in!
  7. nice pictures! i guess its worth the far drive for those pictures
  8. great report boys the first picture is amazing, it seems like that pillow/bag is just there for you guys to lay the reel when taking a picture haha
  9. notty is a big river, so its harder to target them. well maybe im just too noobie to know where they are..lol
  10. buddy just called me up to go steelheading tomorrow morning. the funny thing is we JUST went today "
  11. so i took super dave's advice and checked out lebaron today. they have the columbia river queets on clearance for $80, thats a steal. now im fully equipped until i lay my eyes on another product
  12. nice catch, im liking the chrome very much. your catching fish anywhere you go, maybe next time i'll just follow you to whereever you go..lol
  13. some of you may know this is my first season fishing steelheads. im currently looking for a decent wading jacket yet affordable. I looked into the Cabela's gore tex model but its out of stock until 2-3 months later. i still cant find a store in toronto which carries wading jackets, and it would be better if i can try on the jacket before i make any purchases. im just wondering what you guys are all wearing for winter steelheading and what you would recommend?
  14. amazing browns kemper! those are beauties.
  15. the first picture is amazing, the steel is so round! so i guess dew worms do work on trout i gotta give that a try next time.
  16. sorry to go off topic abit..since this is a steelhead advice thread today i was 0/3. first fish it was a bad hookset, second fish my leader line broke, third fish i have NO CLUE what happened..i had it jumping out of the water a few times, a few acrobatics then my hook just came off when i was about to land it. is it normal to lose 3 steelheads in 1 day?? or i just suck.
  17. nice looking fish solo! looking at the pictures doesnt help much, i wont be getting out until friday
  18. sorry for bumping this. i realized i am down to my last batch of roe, so i had to buy them at angling specialist for $8 for 4 oz!!! that rapes my wallet. if someone knows where i can buy them for cheaper or even a charter service place where i could pick them up would be awesome. thanks guys!
  19. i just started float fishing maybe 1 month ago, so don't count on me 100%..lol i run 10lb siglon F main line..using a swivel, i tie a 6lb siglon FC leader about 18-24'' long depending on the situation. i then put shots gradually down from my float to the swivel (no shots on my leader). and i ONLY use no. 6 shots, i believe they are 0.105grams. 90% time i use the 2.0gram blackbird float since its a good all around float for slow to medium current. as for casting, just watch some videos on youtube and you'll learn in no time. one thing i realized is that after a cast, i have to guide my line back to my pin in order to have a smooth drift.
  20. thanks for all the great comments guys! im hoping to go back friday to try my luck again. about the biting rod picture, i saw other guys doing that in some pictures, so why not?!?! lol
  21. me and (okuma-sheffield) and a buddy hit up the eastern tribs on sunday risking the rivers might be full blown from the rain we got on friday, saturday. surprisingly, the water was PERFECT. nice greenish colour, current not too fast, and not much debris from the rainfall. we showed up at about 6:30am and there were about 8-10 anglers fishing already. while setting up, those guys were pulling fish after another. i had no hits for a good solid hour, then it happened. my first ever steelhead then i tie on a new leader due to the fray it caused from the fight, but i insisted on using the exact same bait. about 10-15 drifts, at the same spot, my float sank fast! she gave me a good 10 minute fight bringing me up and downstream. it was a fight and a half! and the release. it was definitely a day to remember, my first ever steelhead and a decent size one too.
  22. i don't know if my okuma 13'6 guide select is a sleeper rod. got it for $150 i've tried other people's rods and nothing is comparable with how light the rod is. some people are saying its almost as light as the GLX.
  23. im going to pickup some florencent pink lines for my pin. who cares if you catch fish, it looks hot!
  24. i was just thinking the exact same thing the other day. whenever i have early classes or early shifts for work, i would STRUGGLE to wake up. but for fishing i can wake up at 5am no problem.
  25. greattttt. i was planning to head towards the eastern tribs tomorrow morning, would it still be worth going?
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