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Everything posted by urbanangler1990

  1. its huge! how much could she weigh?
  2. yup should be great! careful driving tho...
  3. stop fiddling with my mind
  4. im in, tea in china??? lol
  5. thnx guys, weve decieded to head to island lake, i cannot wait!!! By next weekend there should be enough ice. thnx for input...
  6. nice one!
  7. great report and fish as usually, i sometimes think there are noooo Chrome Gods, lol
  8. awsome report and fish, btw i would love to try to go for those specks and brooks, where do u guys think r good? Ive never got at these fish b4...
  9. wow that is amazing, a memory that will last forever!
  10. im righty and reel left, it was weird to me at first, but got use to it. I think if u toss lures that fall fast and get hits during fall, by makin the switch u could miss a hit. Other lures that float or sink reall slow are fine for switching. I cast right and switch to left reel. Another point u could consider is if ur battling a trophy fish, which hand would ya want holding the rod? Strongest right? Hope this helps.
  11. i mainly fish from shore for pike, bass, steel, and carp, been in a boat a few times and would love to but one for myself sooon lol...
  12. hey guys have yall ever been to either of these places for ice fishing? Any luck, any size to the pike?
  13. thnx, spring would be best cus they in shallow i guess...
  14. guys when do yall usually fish top water for pike? in spring?
  15. hmm thats an interesting question actually, would like to see what others have to say, i wouldnt know... but would like to find out also, that fluro stuff, cant pike even easier bite through that?
  16. amazing, wtg, im in awwww
  17. possibly yeah, ur call...
  18. lol yup we got ur heat and u get our cold! haha
  19. welcome, great intro!
  20. with these past few freezing nights and days, not sure it would be a good idea.... especially for the boat....haha
  21. i remember this past summer i was supposed to fly to Serbia, but thnx to my dad lol it got all complicating. On the day of the flight he looked at my passport for the first time, and he has possesion of it, and saw it expired!!! We moved the trip up 1 week, and got a brand new one made in a few days, its a mistake that shouldn't happen but could, so check passports at least 2 weeks before, haha...
  22. welcome, nice looking fish!
  23. nice ones! ummm ill just toss this out, 1.3lb
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