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About SylvanOwner

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  1. Is this to say that if you registered before 2010 that the boat license is good forever?
  2. Princess Auto for a basic folding cushioned seat, not a lot of color choice but the price is right
  3. I had ACL reconstruction surgery done almost 3 years ago. Hockey and ultimately beach volleyball were the culprits. I'm 46 now and tore the ACL about 5 years ago, so surgery 2 years after the tear. I have an active lifestyle and felt I needed the reconstruction surgery to continue to enjoy this lifestyle. There were several incidents of what I called "slide-outs" after the tear where I was doing very non-stress full movements like walking down the aisle at CT and turning/pivoting on the bad knee (to change direction for the cash register) when it would feel like my fibia and tibia were just wobbling about and I felt like one day it was just going to keep wobbling/separating and cause further damage so a repair was in order. My doctor referred me to a surgeon who I think was terrific, Dr. Di Pasquale in Mississauga. The surgery only takes about 1-1.5 hours, you go home the same morning (as long as you have crutches and a ride). They harvested a hamstring to use to replace the torn ACL with, there other methods but this is the current favourite it seems. Physio starts 2 days afterwards. I wasn't much of a believer in physio beforehand but am now. I'm totally convinced that I wouldn't have recovered the full range of motion without it. I also believe that it helps to be in good shape beforehand, by good shape I mean having strong leg muscles. I didn't do much more than the minimum of physio and wish I'd done more. It reduces recovery time and improves the final result. My benefits covered the expensive brace (still from California and about $1800, can't remember if that was CDN or U.S.). I've almost completely given up sports but am told can do it without problem or much risk with the brace I just choose not to and it's ok. Biking, ice fishing, hunting, hiking, walking and some others I've chosen not to count as "sports"....lol. My advice is start to mentally write-off a good chunk of the ice season (you'll have many more if you play this right), my surgery date was Feb.21 (I think) and what scared me even more was trout opener (slippery rocks and mud banks) so I skipped one year of this. Crutches, no working and no driving for 6 weeks (or until you can show enough movement) even though it was my left knee. They want you using the knee as quickly as you can so be smart, don't push it tooooo much and you'll be good. Do the physio!!!....and then some
  4. I'm with Dave on this. Thought the idea looked cool when I first saw it a few years ago but when you think about it in practical terms....makes no sense imho
  5. buy a pack of white Power Grubs. Tip spoon with one or even 2. They last forever. Lifetime supply in one bag....almost.
  6. Cool thread....haha, get it, get it...... That pink worm is very cool FloatnFly, would you be willing to share details? The pink chenille is fairly obvious but I'm curious about the black 'blob' on the shank of the hank and the wrap. Thanks.
  7. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss Cliff. May Sue rest in peace.
  8. No charge for National Parks if you order a free pass on-line. Covers entry only. Good deal from the OP.
  9. My experience has been that lmb can be very muddy tasting. I eat smallies quite happily and stick to 1-2 lb'ers.
  10. Jeremy, this is the one that I know of; http://www.invadingspecies.com/report/, for Ontario but there isn't a single comprehensive source that I'm aware of.
  11. Nice report. Thanks for sharing. Interesting about the larvae. Good eating size fish you caught.
  12. Do you wait until spring to change spots?
  13. Seems to me we've passed the point of people venting towards a political thread and are now reading some very intelligent and productive discourse. My $0.02 worth is to note that Harper also had a plan to phase out the tar sands. His timeframe was much longer than the current gov't, by 2100 was the previous plan. Had a quick look but couldn't find a date for the current gov't but I did hear on the news the other night that it was shorter/sooner. Conservatives had 2030 for phase out of coal and current Liberals have chosen to stick with this.
  14. I saw some of the discussion in another thread about Hurricane Hazel and thought I would share some of the work that has been generated by the TRCA. For those with stories I'm sure you'll find this interesting. http://www.hurricanehazel.ca/ssi/about.shtml http://camaps.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=348944d100a34124be2a4d126390a121
  15. This may also help someone in their build. Lee Valley item # XC609 - Gravity feed Water kit.....sorry, the actual link wouldn't "paste" in to this response. I have no experience with this kit, just happened to see it on the website.
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