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Everything posted by duxbware

  1. Sweet!!! thats great to hear. Do you know much about the duck hunting?
  2. Has anyone ever been to Moosepoint cottages or fished Tomiko & Chebogan lakes in mid October? We are looking at booking a cottage there this fall for some duck hunting and fishing. Looking for OFNers input.I heard that fishing there in the fall is tough. I find this hard to believe as fall fishing for smallies and walleye is great. Any info will help. Thanks, Todd.
  3. Wait till your buddies are using the outhouse, if the outhouse is anything like I have seen before you can tip toe from behind and drop a firecracker into the outhouse. Man its funny. Great post!!
  4. What a joke!! Just makes me shake my head at what the leaders of the world are worrying about and gets me thinking about my kids future.
  5. He just past away. My thoughts and prayers are with with family and his OPP family.
  6. Wow great year Scott. We have to hook up again this year. Drop me a PM sometime. Todd.
  7. ttt for one last try. Thanks Todd
  8. Hello everyone, My late grandfather used to take me there every summer when I was a kid. I know the owner of the camp has changed a number of times and I can't seem to locate a phone number. Gillies is just south of Tobermory. I want to go during the hard water season see if I can get a laker and most importantly rekindle a few great memories we had. I know the fishing was slow when I was there, has it changed at all? Any info about the camp,cabins or fishing would be great. Thanks Todd.
  9. I wish I had his pay cheque!!!!
  10. So why don't you take a picture today? or was it because the cop was in line? I bet you would be the first one to complain that a cop was giving out tickets to people getting coffee and that they don't have nothing better to do then get real criminals? think about it, your wait inside would be real long...... Dara I am not attacking you I just hate it when people "go after cops" they are just like the rest of the world. The reason they parked at the back of the building is because of people who take pictures and post them on the internet. Can't people just leave them alone for 15 minutes before they get dispatched to their next call.... that could be their last?????
  11. Cops can't have a 15 minute coffee break like the rest of the world??? ALONE in a drive through line. Shore lunch, that picture of all the OPP cars was taken in Western region a few years ago. A mother went into labor in the rest room. That picture sure has drawn a lot of negative attention.
  12. Hello everyone, Does anyone one have any experience mounting the rail system( I think that's what its called) on your boat when the gunwales are too narrow. I want this system so I can hook up my down riggers and trolling rods...... I looked at the rails and they look to be about 3 to 5 inches. The side of my boat is maybe 2 to 3 inches. I have a 16 foot smoker craft stinger. Any suggestions or pictures? Todd
  13. smoked salmon mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
  14. There is no law as to where the child seat must be located. Making sure its installed right is a different story. rear facing infant carrier seat use the seat belt or U.A.S assembly and make sure the handle is DOWN at all times. I see parents driving all the time with the handle up and it just burns me up knowing that they could not have taken the time to read the instructions for the safety of there own child. Your child is in more danger with the handle up then if s/he is not in a seat at all. If its forward facing use the U.A.S or seat belt assembly and a tether strap. Common sense says the rear middle seat in any vehicle is the best for your child. If you have no rear seat then you have no choice to put them in the front. Make sure the air bag is off. I took the three day course for work. Any other questions I would be happy to help:) Hope this answered your question and taught some others also. Kids are our future lets keep them safe!!!
  15. Spent a week at red cedar in June. Fished everyday sun up to sun down. Four Pics, two pike and a small mouth. Fishing was very slow!!!!!! But who knows things can change in a day. Its a beautiful lake. Good luck. Todd.
  16. Take the drive north, HWY 6 (20 min)to belwood lake. Try below the dam you can get bass, pike, pics, cat fish and brown trout. spinners, jigs live bait all work. Good luck Todd.
  17. Want to give lake Simcoe a try for the first time with the boat. We want to target lakers and white fish. Where is a good spot to put the boat in and where to go from there? I am not asking for your spot, just a general area where to start looking for them. Thanks a bunch. Todd.
  18. Thanks Rob, that's where I was thinking of going. Never fished lady Simcoe in the soft water. Where do you suggest I put the boat in and where do I go from there? I am not asking for your spot just a general area to start looking. I assume you are talking lakers and white fish? thanks for your help. Todd.
  19. Thank you very much. Any advice where to go then? We are open to anything. Todd.
  20. Thinking of going to Kincardine tomorrow. They are calling for 20km winds from the West. I have a 16 ft boat with a 50Merc. This is my first time going there, are these safe winds to fish or are the waves going to be to large. I am new to boating and want to take it safe and slow, if you now what I mean. If these are good winds anyone have advice to help us catch some fish? Thanks. Todd.
  21. Prayers are sent. God bless.
  22. Sorry to hear about your loss. Remember the good times you had as a family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Todd.
  23. Thanks for the replies and PM's. I might hit lake O a few times, but I don't want to hear and whining about a new bee at the boat launch LOL. I might head out later then most to stay out of the way. Keep the info and tips coming. I love this board!!!! Todd.
  24. Hello everyone, I just got into downrigging and I have a few places I want to check out. Where would you guys go? Kincardine, owen sound, simcoe staying away from Lake Ontario until the end of the derby and Erie until I get comfortable in the new boat( it gets rough fast!!!). Anywhere else? We want to target anything that will hit on a down rigger, salmon, trout, pics.............
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