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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. Awesome season!
  2. Just wanted to let a bunch of you know that fellow Fish-A-Thon'r/WFN Ambassador/Good Guy, Daniel Roy will be on CBC tomorrow morning at 6:12am for a live interview to promote Port Rowan in the Ultimate Fishing Town contest. And if you could vote for Port Rowan http://www.wfn.tv/ultimate-fishing-town/Port-Rowan
  3. A little while ago I found this reel at the cottage. Anybody have any idea what it is or how old it may be??? It still works fine.
  4. If they got a good offensive line they would do pretty good
  5. yep
  6. That's what I wanted to know, thanks
  7. Brandon is an amazing photographer, I can't wait to see his pics when he gets back
  8. My boat is making the move from the dock into the boathouse this weekend for the fall. But I would like to spray out the boathouse to clean it up first. I was thinking of hooking a hose up to an old bilge pump and spraying it out that way. Will a bilge pump be able to handle that? I think it's a 400gph pump
  9. FYI - 6.8 FOW west of Willies
  10. It has an amazing elevator too
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3px0m1Y9Tuc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BICCMZ9jspk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikKDga2Xzmc
  12. Knock Out Lures
  13. Jumla http://www.averystackle.com/
  14. Luremaking.com has it, I believe I put at least one thing of paint with each lure making kit.
  15. I will click like if you promise to not give him a boat!
  16. Yep! Jacob just played in the sand until I woke up. I'm still laughing thinking about Luke face down in the grass falling asleep
  17. Wait until Jacob starts dating her
  18. Big??? I'm 5'4" and 150
  19. Here are some more pics Our 3rd guy backed out so Dave came along! All my fish for the day were 10 inches including the gills and WGSF and I finally got my sticker
  20. Awesome day and night! Enjoyed almost sleeping till noon and will post pics a little later. Again a HUGE thanks to all the amazing sponsors and pledgers!
  21. Sooo tired!!! See ya in a few.
  22. Well I'm at the cottage and the steam whistle's a flowin', see ya'll in the morning.
  23. Well I am speechless with the generosity from all the supporters of this event. Luremaking.com sent the package to me today and I picked up a massive box of spoons from Knock Out Lures today. Thanks to everyone!
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