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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I completely forgot. I am down at the cottage this weekend. Stop in on Sunday if you wanna take the family to the beach or
  2. How many amps does it use?
  3. Congrats dude!
  4. Sorry :lol:
  5. I was gonna guess about 11lbs
  6. Great Story!
  7. I thought the record was 24lbs from cali
  8. lol ya the ketchup is brutal. Never have an issue with the relish though
  9. hahaha at least they can't say that i used the motors!
  10. Thanks for the help Guys! I ordered the smart tabs that Solo recommended and they should be here in a few days http://www.nauticusinc.com/index.html With these I don't have to worry about voiding my warranty and I don't have to watch a "clip on" hydrofoil sink to the bottom of the lake. I'll let you know how they work
  11. and i've got a 5# that was 19.5"
  12. Did you happen to get it from Owen Sound?
  13. 4 stroke would be good but i was curious if he's gonna add trolling smart tabs to get the speed down lol They have a used one on there website that has twin turbines at 1600HP EACH!!! It's gonna make LPB a big blender
  14. Found the make http://www.nor-techboats.com/index.php
  15. It said McNabb or something on it. I believe it was custom built.
  16. Well I'm trusting you and ordering them tomorrow, thanks for the help!
  17. All the seats automatically fold up for access. I'm sure they pop out of there
  18. What size would you recommend for a 16.5 footer?
  19. Thanks Solo, I read your review on them and the only concern I have is drilling holes in my hull I would probably have tears in my eyes while drilling!
  20. I WISH!!! Who is my son flashing
  21. I need a little help getting on plane with a lot of weight in the boat. I was thinking about getting a hydrofoil but I'm pretty sure that it will void my warranty, is that true? I've got a 08 merc 50 4 stroke. I don't want to get one of the clip on ones due to all the bad reviews. Does anyone have good experience with them? Dan
  22. As much as I CAN'T STAND baseball I think I will be attending. Dave my wife wants a hug when we are there. Me not so much
  23. I don't really buy beer that often so my favourite is whatever someone buys me. I love my rye and diet coke
  24. Shrek and Donkey will be fine in it.
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