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About DT10Sam

  • Birthday 10/27/1953

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  • Location
    Wooler, Ontario
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing and Shooting Sports

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  1. I just learned that a member of OFC dropped some food off at our house on New Years Day. My kids thanked them and they left in a hurry not wanting to be given credit I assume. I have been battling cancer and just before Christmas we were informed that Kingston General Hospital cancer clinic can no longer assist me and they could not say how much time I have left. I will be going to Princess Margaret Hospital on Monday in hopes that they have some meds that will keep me around longer. Again I don't know who you are but my family and I thank you, it was someone in a blue Chevy pickup fairly new model. Regards, Sam
  2. Has been mentioned already and I suggest Belleville Sport and Lawn, they do good work and are honest people that do not steer you wrong. Regards, Sam
  3. Lew, I have just now read this and I am pleased that Diane is doing well and all the best to the both of you. Just simply great news. Regards, Sam
  4. Cliff, I haven't been on here much posting however I do come on here often to catch up on some of the postings. I seem to have plenty of time right now because I also have non Hodgkin's Lymphoma the aggressive B cell type and have been battling since July. I believe that I am on the winning end of it now as my chemotherapy will come to an end in January and I should be able to get back to work. My wife and I have become extremely edcuated with cancer as it scared the living crap out of us all. I have never been ill except for the yearly cold etc. and this crap blind sided us. If you need to ask any questions Cliff feel free to call us, send me a pm and I will forward you our number and either Laurie and I will be pleased to answer any questions or concerns that you have. I had 2 tumours in my body one on the side of my neck the size of a tennis ball which is now gone with chemo and the other which is quite large in my stomach. Next week I will be going for a CT scan to see how that is progressing with the meds etc. I have found that todays medical staff have a huge knowledge with dealing with cancer and the success rate is quite appreciative. I went from 50% probablility of success to 80% so I do like the odds that I have now. Rest assured that your daughter will be taken care of as medicine has come along ways in the past 20 years. We will also pray on your families behalf and a speedy recovery for your daughter. Regards, Sam ps I have saved a bundle on hair shampoo and cream rinse
  5. Hi Everyone, I haven't been on this site much as I am having to battle cancer at the present time, however on the issue of Ebola there will be many cases I would expect that will be reported in the Belleville area and the hospital is prepared to deal with them. This last case that was found to be negative is a welcome relief and the person that had it is a armed forces member returning to Canada. As we see more of our service men returning to Canada from the African area you will most likely see that they are taking all precautions and be admitted to the hospital if they have any sign or symptoms of ebola. Hope this clarifies some of the misconceptions as most of these armed forces personnel fly home on their own aircrafts and not necessarily charted flights. Regards, Sam
  6. Sorry for your loss Lew, I know how tough that decision is.
  7. We have propane furnace, propane hot water on demand (tankless water heater) propane range and a 10,000 watt generator. So we are normally quite comfortable when the power is out. Regards, Sam
  8. The ammo shortage was due to the Obama scare of gun control so the American citizens went and purchased many guns that were semi autos and handguns etc. The ammo demand followed as well as Homeland Security purchasing a great deal. I ordered a gun this past spring from Canadian Tire and was told then that gun manufacturers are way behind due to the demand in the USA. I was just recently in at Gander Mountain (approximately 3 weeks ago) and they seem to have gotten in some ammo lately and the shelves are again beginning to look stocked. All the rounds from shotgun to 22's to magnum rifle shells. Prices do not seem to be any cheaper unless you head further south then the border states. Hope this is of help. Regards, Sam
  9. My sincere condolences from our family to yours. Regards, Sam
  10. Hi Lew, I totally agree with you on this and I have certainly seen my share of disgruntled fisherman fighting over their lines in the river and their spots etc. The last time I did anything like that was 44 years ago at the Saugeen River in Southhampton and I watched guys then fighting and shoving each other around. I love the solitude of the boat as well and come to think of it I'm getting the boat ready for some walleye action on the Bay of Quinte. Will be out there for the next couple of months until freeze up.
  11. I have spent some time on the lake fishing and the fishing is actually not bad. The deepest part is approximately 22 feet deep. Lots of pan fish and pike. Consecon flows into Weller's Bay and then out to Lake Ontario. Regards, Sam
  12. 1: I prefer breasts to legs. 2: Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist. 3: Smother the butter all over the breasts. 4: If I don't undo my trousers, I'll burst! 5: I've never seen a better spread! 6: I fancy a little dark meat for a change. 7: Are you ready for seconds yet? 8: It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it? 9: Just wait your turn, you'll get some! 10: Don't play with your meat! 11: Stuff it up between the legs as far as it will go. 12: Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once? 13: I didn't expect everyone to come at the same time! 14: You still have a little bit on your chin. 15: How long will it take after you put it in? 16: You'll know it's ready when it pops up. 17: Just pull the end and wait for the bang. 18: That's the biggest bird I've ever had! 19: I'm so full, I've been gobbling nuts all morning. 20: Wow, I didn't think I could handle all that and still want more Happy New Year to everyone and I wish you all the best for 2013 Regards, Sam
  13. Incredible talent Chris. Regards, Sam
  14. Nice ride Lew enjoy it. Sam
  15. Simply brilliant Chris nice workmanship. Sam
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