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Everything posted by craigdritchie

  1. I agree with torco - enough of this political clap trap and lets get back to fishing. Besides, we can do this again in October, when it becomes Dalton McGuinty's turn.
  2. Well that didn't take long .... according to the CBC Ignatieff has officially quit as Liberal leader.
  3. No way man, that sounds too much like work! Thanks though - glad you liked the pics. We have to have some kind of fun.
  4. Ignatieff got exactly what he deserved. Call an election no one wants, and you will be the one to take the fall. Even a child could have seen that coming. The Liberals need to get their house in order. They haven't had any kind of leadership since Chretien, and let's face it - Bob Rae or Justin Trudeau are not the answer here. The Libs need to figure out who they are and what they stand for. They went into this election with no platform. None! Asking people to vote for you "because you're not Stephen Harper" is not going to do it. That's not leadership, and it isn't offering a vision that people can grasp on to. No wonder they got so few votes. The only reason the NDP got as many seats as they did is because there was no one else to vote for if you didn't want the Conservatives. If the Liberals can get their act together over the next five years, they will send the NDP back to having maybe 30 - 40 seats, max. But if they can't do that, or if they trot out another loser of a leader, then they'll be finished. God help us if the NDP ever get into power.
  5. #2 Mepps Aglia, either silver or gold. Catches everything.
  6. I'm glad he's dead, but he is only one of many.
  7. Click here for 10 popular fishing apps.
  8. Very nice fish Chris - way to go! Sweet brownie.
  9. I'll buy that, but if the Coast Guard Auxiliary is no longer doing PCOC testing, why not just remove any reference to them as a course provider? Having them appearing on a list like this makes for really bad optics. I did speak with the Coast Guard Auxiliary president, Ted, Smith, and updated the blog post with his comments.
  10. You need to produce originals of all government-issued documentation. Get pulled over by a cop and he will want to see your actual driver's license - not a photocopy. I'm not certain, but fairly sure that putting a hole through either one will void them.
  11. Try a Google search for places in the Keys. If you look around Marathon, Big Pine Key, or Islamarada you may find a few places that meet your needs. Most places will offer charters, because that's what most people want.
  12. As most of us know, you need to take a test and get an operator card if you want to legally drive a boat in this country. You pay a boating safety course provider to give you the test and issue your card. For all sorts of reasons, Transport Canada has begun monitoring its course providers, and suspended those who don't do things properly. One of the outfits they recently suspended is the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary! D'oh!! Click here to read more.
  13. In case some have still not heard - Sony's Playstation community database has been hacked. If you've ever subscribed to any Sony services, or done anything with the device involving a credit card, they're saying you should cancel the card and call your bank asap. Read more here.
  14. Uh huh!! Pike in shallow water can be crazy spooky at times. Small, subtle stuff sometimes works best. Little jigs, or a little Mepps spinner, can work wonders when they ignore everything else. Fish as slowly as you can without hanging up. Also try a wide, thin spoon that you can also work slowly. A smallish, thin-model Johnson Silver Minnow is good, or a Williams wobbler (change to a weedless hook if you need to).
  15. Liberals are known for running a lot of things, but efficient and cost-effective government isn't among them. That particularly applies to healthcare and public utilities. Another view of McGuinty's hydro fiasco ... And another ... Another one here ..... Yet another ... It doesn't end!! Okay, okay - last one for now I don't believe everything I read, but I do believe that where there's smoke, there's probably a few sparks. This guy has been dropping the ball from day one. Between stupid stuff like this, and losing $1 billion in the e-health fiasco, and promising not to raise my taxes ..... provincial election is in October and I'm looking forward to sending Pinocchio a personal message by way of the ballot box.
  16. If you really do love rain, then you're in for a spectacular week!
  17. At the end of the day, what interests the OFAH is money in the bank. OFAH does a lot of good things, but they also have bills to pay. It costs a lot of money to run their organization, publish their Ontario Out Of Doors magazine, and produce their Angler & Hunter television program. Problem is, everyone knows that participation in fishing and hunting has been declining steadily for many years. It is only fair to expect that there has also been a corresponding drop in the amount of money OFAH collects in membership fees, magazine advertising and television advertising spots. Would you really expect OFAH to support any kind of bag limit reduction that could result in lower sales for its sponsors and advertisers? If OFAH does ultimately fail to support this, the message will be clear - this is an organization that cares more about protecting its advertising revenues than it does about protecting the fishery. Simple as that.
  18. Those are some sweet looking fish. I love fishing Superior. Yes they're smaller fish, and yes it's a lot harder than fishing down here. But look where you are! I just find it funny that you're driving down here to fish .... and I'm heading your way. I guess the grass really is greener on the other side of The Nickel!
  19. Thanks for the kind comment, green&orange. Hope you'll stick around ... this is a great board with a good mix of Canadian and American posters. That Torch Lake does sound like an interesting fishery .... hmmmm.
  20. Took a picture of Bronte from the Rebecca Street bridge this evening on the drive home from work. It's not exactly blowing warm tropical breezes up my skirt, if you know what I mean.
  21. I'm not sure how IGFA would look at it either. But they're not sea-run either. Kind of a gray area?
  22. A 26 pound, 12 ounce Atlantic salmon caught in a small Michigan lake has been recognized by the IGFA as an all-tackle world record for landlocked salmon. An Indiana angler named Tom Aufiero caught the fish last October from Torch Lake while fly fishing with a shrimp pattern. He released the fish after weighing it, and wound up having to send his scale to IGFA for verification. You can see a photo of the fish here. I have to admit to being a little surprised that the all-tackle world record for an Atlantic salmon is only 26 pounds. You would expect one of the Great Lakes to have coughed up a bigger fish by now. Maybe it's just a matter of time?
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