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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Use a small flashlight, not too bright. I use my cellphone. Find a grass area. THe worms actually don't often come all the way out of the ground but they come out about 3/4 of the way so you sometimes have to pull them out. They are fast and strong believe it or not. Here is what i do. Find a crawler, find the dark end vs the light end (colour wise). The lighter end is the back end so that is the direction they will try to go when you grab them. The closer you grab to the back end the more likely you will be able to successfully pull out a crawler. Once you grab it quickly, pull gently until the whole worm comes out of the hole. I get about 25-30 10" to 12" worms every night I choose to hunt for them using this method.
  2. Good vids. Funny thing is that in practice they were catching even bigger bags (50 lb+)
  3. I quote your post and edit it in my reply box. Takea look at the difference between your actual post and what I quoted you on earlier. I was hoping you would change your original. lol
  4. Cudz


    That brings back fond memories. I remember living in BC as a 6 year old and catching gater snakes and racing them against each other. My kids too love catching them and have done so quite often here. It is funny because I too am more aprehensive about picking them up than I used to be. Here are a couple of pics of my older daughters and their snakes.
  5. Hey I hear what you are saying, I just think the way you say it comes off as really harsh and as soon as you do that then people get their backs up. I can relate to having bad days at work. Wait a second, no I can't, I am a phys ed teacher. Anyway, I know how it can feel after having a bad day and then feeling like everyone is on your case about something you believe strongly in. Writing on the internet can often come across differently than you plan it to. Often, the readers will put their own tone on a post that is not the same tone as you had written. Sarcasm is a good example of something that doesn't work well on the internet or in text messages. Anyway Stonefly, I think you are a good fisherman and I think you have some good insight and info that would prove valuable to many anglers here. I don't want to see you get banned or have you stop posting over something as small as an opinion about suitable river gear. Hope you take that into consideration and make some little changes to a few post before sunrise. That would be cool.
  6. Those are really big. Managed a 27 pounder last year. It too was big. They are strong fish indeed.
  7. I am old. Bachelor of Environmental Studies 1991-1995. Played football and had a girlfriend from the Soo. lol. I worked in the Peg for 2 summers and my sister still lives in Portage. I fished the red for those big cats and caught huge drum and huge carp there as well.
  8. Hey I went to U of Waterloo as well. When did you graduate? What course?PS I fixed his Winnipeg in my post of his quote.
  9. Hey Bro, I changed your post a bit. Edit yours so you don't get the boot here. This is hardly worth getting kicked off for. Take care
  10. I beg to differ. I have one and I also have a sony 12.1 mega pix camera. The olympus is good for underwater shots but the sony is much better for every other shot. I also had a 7.2 maga pix sony that got wet and fried that was superior in almost everyway to the olumpus. Problems with my olympus include a very slow shutter speed which cause lots of blurry pics. Poor and very grainy pics when taken indoors. The stabilizer is inferior to that of the sony cameras. That is just my opinion. To tell you the truth I have a 9 year old cannon axis camera that is 2.1 mega pixels. It cost me around $1000 9 years ago. I still have that camera and it takes better indoor pics than my olympus. The pics are never blurry either. No kidding.
  11. Wow, this thread took a turn for the worse. Got a wee bit heated up. I am a brutal steelhead fisherman but I am always up for a good ruck. I don't have a centerpin reel but I have used one. I wasn't very good with it and because I rarely fish for steelies, it wouldn't be my choice of reel. I am sure once you get the hang of them they work better for most situations but for the average Joe like me to drop $200 (at least) on a reel that I would use 3 times a year seems senseless. I don't think 95% of guys are using pins but maybe that is just on the rivers I have fished. I would say about 10% use pins on the Notty but I may be wrong. I am useless at drifting and I bottom bounce but never ever floss fish. I think the satement about all bottom bouncer fishermen are flossing fish, is not true for the majority of people. Stonefly, I do like your passion for centerpins and I think you're probably a great fisherman but for me a spinning reel or casting reel would be a better choice. For you and Solo a pin makes sense and for most situations they probably work better. PS. If this turns violent, count me in. Don't know which side I will be on but I will be in it. LOL!
  12. Bocek got robbed. Carwin is legit and I can't wait for the Lesnar fight. If JDS can gain about 15 to 20 pounds he might challenge as well. Since GSP lost to Sera he fights the way he knows he can win, without taking the risks that used to make him such a dynamic fighter. At 170 he is overpowering and still too fast for other fighters and he knows this and uses it. He has found a winning formula at the expense of his former excitement (that is just my opinion). He is still a head above everyone in WW division.
  13. My buddy is going through this same thing with his invention. There is always a risk someone takes it. Only 10% change and the patent is void. Everyone you show must sign a letter of non disclosure written by a lawyer. You really need to either know someone with connections or have big $$$. Too bad that seems to be the way it works. There are many places around that can make you 3D prototypes which are always recommended when showing your product.
  14. That was no surprise. Shogun is top class. That should not have surprised anyone. Way more surprising than that was when shogun lost to forrest or when serra beat gsp.
  15. WRONG! Mir is now fighting at 265 and in the best shape of his life. 240 was old Mir. Watch the weigh ins. Read This! The UFC 111 weigh ins are complete with one fighter not making the required weight. UFC 111 weigh ins were held at 4 PM EST at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. Main card fighters Georges St. Pierre and Dan Hardy came in at 170 pounds for their welterweight fight tomorrow. The UFC 111 weigh in featured two heavyweights that both made the maximum weight allowed in the division. Frank Mir and Shane Carwin both weighed in at 265 pounds today for their interim heavyweight fight. With Brock Lesnar out due to an intestinal problem for the last year, a decision was made to fight for an interim belt. The winner is rumored to have the next fight against Lesnar for the heavyweight belt.
  16. I would like GSP to win and as long as he doesn't get caught he will win. Mir Carwin is not as cut and dry. Carwin has heavy hand but lacks the experience of taking a fight the distance. Almost all of Carwin's fights last about a minute. He hasn't truly been tested. If it gets out of the first round my money is on Frank. If Carwin wins then he is the legit #1 contender. I love the fact that the HW division finally has some talent with 5 solid fighters.
  17. I have fished that lake a few times and I have actually caught about 5 pike. I am not going to fish it anyway, I was more surprised how much faster it lost its ice compared to the other similar (in depth and size) lakes.
  18. I too bought one. THe quality looks great and I hope they can help me catch some toothy critters.
  19. Orr lake is open and there has not been any ice on it for 3 days. There are pike in that lake. Little lake in Barrie still almost completely frozen as is Little Lake in midland. Wonder why Orr lake thawed so much faster.
  20. Ads are fine. Stop winging about them. It is only one ad per thread per page. No biggie. Even click on them once in a while.
  21. I make quite a bit of jerky. Get good lean beef and a dehydrator. Yo really can't mess it up. Cut beef into thin slices and remove all fat (important). I like to marinade my beef in teriaki sauce with some garlic barbecue and a touch of hot sauce. Sometimes I don't marinade the beef and just put a rub or some Montreal steak spice on it. Put it in the Dehydrator for about 6-10 hours (sometimes more depending how dry you want it). You can buy used dehydrators for next to nothing. By the way, Welcome!
  22. My grandma used to pickle them.
  23. Try hitting up the bluffers park in Scarborough. welcome
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