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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Hey Ryan. Cool pics. Love the video idea. Sorry to hear about the lack of fish.
  2. Hey Mike. I phoned friday night and they had 14 of them. I called saturday and they had 5 left. The sale starts on Monday but that gps has been on sale since last monday. If you really want one, you had better get on it.
  3. I think that only works once in your life and you have already used yours up (don't worry so have I), but jut in case, I have never pulled a 10lb walleye or a 20 lb pike out of the ice either. All my fish were taken on the same lure that I made. Nice. It is a Lindy Darter hybrid and I outfished my buddy sitting beside by about 5 to 1. He was using williams half and half, Bad boys and a variety of other spoons.
  4. I am pretty sure Dave Mercer has left Rapala. The only reason I say this is because I have his book and in his book there are no rapalas but tons of LiveTarget stuff. I also saw at his book signing at BPS that it was a Live Target booth and during the signing they were offering deals on Live Target lures. Dave is however in the BPS master catalogue decked out in Rapala swag but I am willing to bet that catalogue was edited and had already gone to press by the time Dave inked a new deal.
  5. How are these units. I know they are a bit older and not colour but my fishfinder is completely broken and I wold also like a gps. I know the Eagle fish elite 480 is not a new model as it has an external antenna and is not colour but it is a gps unit and seems to have pretty good resolution, and It is on sale at Bass Pro Shops for $209 and that includes everything, antenna unit and transducer. Seems like a pretty good price for a gps/fishfinder. Any opinions?
  6. Never threw in the towel, ever. I just finished watching the NFC game GB vs ATL. Under two minutes left and a 4th down to Atlanta who are losing and they...................wait for it..................punt the ball. Their coach Smith, might be coach of the year. Too bad they threw in the towel. He deserves to be fired!!! PS Did you understand how a goalie's GAA can increases if he is pulled?
  7. Yep, 10 chips. He just asked if we were innisfil residents. I guess if you were dishonest you could say yes but I don't have my sticker yet. We said no. lol. Herring are big. They chase just like a laker on teh vexilar. very cool. They chase about 3 times faster than a perch.
  8. You are right about the dorsal fin. I meant it would not get caught in my throat like a perch dorsal fin does. I should remove those before I eat them but I usually can't wait until I get home so I just eat them on teh spot. I know that is funny I was saying how I never catch herring. lol. Now I am know as the Cisco kid.
  9. Hey Terry, I was out about 100 yards further than we were last week but there were people way beyond me. Whe I went into my shelter there were 3 other groups setting up. I stayed in the whole time. When I got out of my shelter it looked like a little city out there. It looked like there were people all the way to the island.
  10. Nice day. Was on the ice before 7 and got off the ice by about 12:30. Fished about 76' of water. Lots of good perch and I caught 9 herring. If I were a bigger fish I would eat those. No dorsal fin just smooth and slick. Mouth looks exactly like a tarpon. I can see why they are related. 5" of ice lots of sleds and ATVs out.
  11. Only Z1 I know is a BMW. A little sports car back in teh eighties I believe. You cold kind of take it apart, a bit like lego. Pretty rare but not really sought after.
  12. Here is an example of how the NHL calculates GAA. If the goalie plays a whole game and allows 2 goals, his GAA for that game is 2.00 for that 60 mins. I am pretty sure you understand this. Now lets say we pull the goalie with 1 minute left in the game and he has still let in 2 goals so far. He has no longer played a full game. He has played 59 minutes but has still let in 2 goals. 59 mins is only 98.33% of a whole game. Because he gave up 2 goals in 59 mins, his GAA is 2.03. Even if the other team does not score, the goalies GAA still increases. Does this make sense now? take care Cudz
  13. Well if we are going to use your logic, then tell me why don't we see teams pulling the goalie when they are down 4 or 5 goals? By not pulling the goalie dies it mean that they have given up? Pulling the goalie does not mean that you are trying harder. Building character. More than 90% of teh time when a goalie is pulled the result of the game remains the same. A win for the team that was ahead. The other 9+% of the time a team might tie it up when they are down by 1 goal. That % is greatly reduced when you are down by 2 goals and I have yet to see a case (especially at the nhl level) where a team has been down by 3 as the leafs were, not on the power play, and come back to tie the game. I am not sure how failing 100% of the time whilst down by 3 goals and attempting to pull the goalie builds character. At the end of the 1 min 30 seconds you will still have lost and probably even lost worse. NOT PULLING THE GOALIE (When your team is down by 3) DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN UP, it means that on that day your team just wasn't as good as the other. And just for the record. I have coached rep hockey, Senior boys' soccer, Senior Rugby, Football, Senior boys Baseball, Senior Boys Volleyball, Senior boys' Basketball, senior level swimming, Cross country running and senior level track and field. I have also played AAA hockey and University football, University Rugby and club Rugby in Australia, England and Dubai. I am not a quitter and have never been on a quitting team. Building character does not come from playing hard to the end. That shows character. If you are in the pros (which is what the original post is about), you had better already have character.
  14. Maybe you can show me on my post where I said empty net goals count toward the GAA. Can you find it? I said pulling the goalie increases the GAA. Read carefully. There is a big difference. I will explain later if you can't figure it out.
  15. Do perch seem to be deeper this year? I can't recall pulling this number of perch up from 70+ feet in the past. Seem to be 10 more females than males. Maybe I keep throwing the males back.
  16. You have coached a lot of rep hockey and I have played a lot of rep hockey. Not pulling the goalie when you are down by 3 with just over a minute left does not mean that you are a quitter. The difference between 5-1 and 4-1 is 1. But losing 4-1 sounds like you might have been in teh game, 5-1 not so much. Plus it makes the goalies GAA increase when they get pulled.
  17. I didn't but if I were a gambler and I did, I would be irate.
  18. They need to be fizzed. pierce a tiny hole in the air bladder before you release them or they won't be able to swim back down. I usually try to reel perch up slowly. They don't havethe ability like a laker to expel the gasses.
  19. Yeah sorry, I realized that after I reread your reply
  20. NOPE! What I am saying is that there is a lower possibility of scoring three goals in a row without having the other team get even 1 shot (which would result in a goal) against your net. I can find many situtions in the past where a team has scored 3 goals in less thn 1 min 30 secs but have yet to find that same result with the goalie pulled.
  21. I hear you Brian. How about turning the Old Barrie fairgrounds into a 2 store business. Cabela's at one end and Ikea at the other. One store for the wife and one store for me. Great location. Lots of parking. I would even take a Gander Mountain there instead of Cabela's. I am not picky. If that doesn't work, Park place has lots of land. I think if we keep writing this it will happen. Maybe??
  22. Really?????? I don't believe this is possible. All these situations of possibilities you people are coming up with occur when a team in on the powerplay or at equal strength. I would like to see a team score 3 goals without a goalie in their own net. The leafs were not on a powerplay at the end of the game so it 6 on 5. I can't find any historical evidence that 3 goals have been scored by a team in the last minute and a half with their goalie pulled.
  23. India = no rules. Actually only rule is that biggest vehicle always has the right of way. If you get a chance, check out their transport trucks without the cab. Yep. Decorated with frilly things too. I will try and find a pic. http://www.shiotsu-used-car.com/blogpics/indian-truck-decoration.jpg Egypt, not too many rules either. Lots of hand gestures and being cut off. Not a place you want a new or nice car. Man I have driven in some pretty crazy places over the years.
  24. Nice looking ride. Is that hood scoop functional. I would assume no unless the air intake is somehow hooked up to it.
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