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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. for $79.99 I meant Abu Garcia Veritas not vendetta. If you want a real deal on a veritas (the white rod) then go to Canadian Tire. THey sell the Veritas for $99.99 but sail and BPS sell it for $79.99. Canadian Tire will price match plus give you 10% back in ctc money of the lowest price item in this case the $80 so you get $8 ctc back. My CTC in Barrie sells compre rods so all you have to do is find the cheapest compre within 100 km or 250 km (not sure) and they will price match plus give 10% back in CTC money of the lowest price. Pretty good deal.
  2. That fish would weigh alot. 9+ maybe more. that is a viscious hit. wow.
  3. I have one and it is fine. For $79.99 you can have a much lighter garcia vendetta. That is what I would buy. I have a bps carbonlite that I like way better than the St. Croix
  4. Here is the pic of that little topwater walleye and a little smallie.
  5. I am going to take the barrel off tonight and see if there are any marks below. I think it is a cool gun and I love old stuff. I want to fire it! There might have been more marks but they look to be rubbed off. I am going to take a magnifier to it tonight. The very end of the ramrod is missing the flat metal piece
  6. We actually want to try and shoot the thing. Wew will take it to a gunsmith first to make sure it is able to do so. We are also going to do our best not to get shot while loading it. haha. I think it was last shot in the late 70s. I wouldn't say it was cheaply made as there is some nice etching all over the gun and the barrelwall seems quite thick. IF it won't shoot it would be a cool wallhanger.
  7. worn off? We had like 15 guns out last night and were able to find markings on all except his one. The only thing that is clear on this gun is a cpitakl letter 'W' on the barrel.
  8. W on the barrel. that is all
  9. I was at a buddy's house and he decided to clean out some of his guns. Then he pulls out this old gun and we have no idea what it is etc. He says it was his grand father's but also said his dad used to hunt with it. We started doing some research and haven't seen the exact gun. It is an old muzzleloader and I think it is a WC Scott & Son firearm. Maybe not. Anyway, I am not a member of a gun/hunting, or antique forum so I was hoping maybe someone here could help or point me in the right direction. THe only mark that we can make out is a distinct 'W' on the barrel. It is in pretty good condition. THere is lots of decorative etching around the trigger area. We figured probably pre 1890?????? Here are some pics
  10. I went fishing on a lake in southern Ontario and caught a walleye at night on a topwater lure in 3 ft of water. I also caught a nightime smallie and a couple largies. The next morning we decided to go Musky fishing and my buddy Jaydub caught a very very large LMB a new PB for him. This largemouth had no problem taking on this musky bait.
  11. I am at a loss for words right now. Heavy-hearted but optimistic. Let's beat this!
  12. Anyway, I will redeem myself in the fall. That is the best time for huge fish anyway.
  13. deeper it is. I pulled one from 25 today. One form 14 and one from 8 so I hit up everything but not enough time spent in the 20+. Thanks guys
  14. I got out on Somcoe today for 6 hours. I managed 3 smb and 1 perch and my buddy managed 2 perch total. I went to most of my spots and I also made the trek to Thorah!!!! I did well on openning day but since then it has been a struggle getting quality fish (mid you this is only my thord time out looking for them this summer). I know I have said this before, but something is different out there. Hardly any follow ups either. On a related side note. This morning while fishing Thorah I watched thousands of comorants fly from Thorah to Geogina Island. It was a dense black cloud of comorants that actually stretched the distance between the two islands. I was shocked at the numbers. THey were in the thoudands. Maybe that where all the perch have gone.
  15. Trolling - William Dartee blue prism ice fishing - Xzone swammer white or smoke blue flake
  16. Yeah I saw that. I also saw that a guy on Harvie at the end there with a nice piece of property now has it up for sale. This thread should get back on topic now. Sorry
  17. I have done that a bunch of times but luckily pretty much any key that will fit into the ignition will start it. So no biggie. By the way this is not an invite for everyone to come and take my boat for a spin.
  18. I heard that. My friend wont be too happy as he lives just off Harvie rd at the hwy end. Currently very very quiet. THat would change
  19. Took 3 hours but we had waits at lots of obstacles. SOme longer than others. Waited at least 10 mins at everest. You can say whatever you want as there is no way to time as no one was given time chips. I think if I did this solo I could knock off at lesat 30 mins off my team easily. I know a guy from Barrie who is an untra Marathoner. That is way harder. 126km in one day in the African desert 40+ degrees, in soft sand. He finished in 15 hours and it is the 2nd fastest time in the world. THat is tougher. I found my marathon in May to be more difficult on my body.
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