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Everything posted by Mattones

  1. Geez! those are some crazy pictures you guys have posted! Amazing! :|
  2. i wouldnt take a albino moose but i would take an albino deer. But thats me saying it now but if it ever walked infront of me I would prob be frozen stiff.
  3. Girlfriends sisterwas getting voer swine flu. NO ONE told me before I came over until I saw her in the mask in the computer room. I stayed for 10 minutes and left. Next morning woke up with a sore throat. I actually took a shot of moonshine hat morning and have been doing it all week. Once I start feeling ill I always resort to moonshine. Works for me.
  4. a coworker went. said LOG blew it away! .I havent seen them since Sounds of the underground.
  5. I got a flyer from the Ontario out doors magazine and they had a few baby stuff like this pretty cool
  6. Awesome doe man!! Congrads! I am waiting on my first deer could of had a doe on Sunday morning!
  7. Very cute daughter! I always said I wanted a daughter first.
  8. I use Fukken Wax on my car, uncles boat, ATV works nice
  9. The young kid ran out chasing it thats classic
  10. Went out today saw a doe but not the area i have a doe tag for. Out from 7:00am-6:30pm When i got back to my truck someone tried to break into the tuck buck but since my tannou cover locks when my tail gate is they only open one side and gae up as they still couldnt get their hands in. Pisses me off peopl try this.
  11. Nuce SUV, SHould look nice hauling a boat!
  12. the lady at the MNR office gave me the piece of paper and im suspose to get the card in 2010 as its to close to the new year, This was in May.
  13. every since buying my clothing I got a nice size rubbermaid and folded them all in with about 3 earth wafers. Everytime i open it the smell of dirt reeks of the room. I came home from hunting the last day of deer season last year and the girlfriend asked if I rolled around in fresh dirt. She said the smell was so strong it made her ill. haha So i removed a few wafers. Every few months i would flip the clothes and such. Hope it works.
  14. Work is slow and im back doing landscaping for a few weeks and every time before starting work we have to walk around picking up garbage in the complex or apartment. One one guy at a corner unit must smoke 1 pack a day on his porch. We come once a week to landscape the complex and every where there are 100+ on his lawn. Its disgusting How hard is it to put them in a waterbottle or something.
  15. My father and his friend agreed to both sign up so myself and his daughter could do the test and get it. My father did it that night which was a month ago and she passed. Now I'm here asking every other day if his friend has signed up yet and he still hasent. gahh
  16. I went to get tims at 730 am and the line up was horrible. blocking all the people wanting to leave after getting gas. and at each pump there was another car waiting to take its spot. it was just nuts. I actually had to fold my mirrors in to get the hell outta there.
  17. Sweet vids just watch everyone of them.
  18. You must have been right behind us or near us! Did you see a red boat with four guys fishing from it? haha The one of the left when it touched down we where 200 yards from it.
  19. Minnows. Thats all they seemed to be hitting Around noon 12. As we sat in the boat until 2 to go back out when it was light rain which later stopped.
  20. A bunch of us were going to head to Lake Simcoe as a friend has a cottage on an island there. But were told the waves were pretty rough so we decided to go to lake Erie. The fishing was great all morning! Lots of bass! Everytime one of us put our lines back into the water you would have another bass on. Anyway around 12 the clouds started to get dark where we entered Lake Erie but figured as everywhere was sunny put that area it would be fine. Another 10 minutes go by with us fishing and one of us turns around and spots a tornado on land and another about to hit the water right across the canal where the other one was. We quickly reeled in and got the life jackets and hammered it back into the canel. My coworkers son was freaking out because we were heading in between them. I can honestly say that we were no more then 200 yards from the tornado that was on the water! the sky was pitch black now and the water was pelting down. We had lost direction where we were going for a good 10 seconds which felt like forever as my eyes were glued for to the tornado! I dont think I did the kid any help by yelling 'ITS 200 YARDS AWAY SPEED UP!' about 10 times. Once we got through and entered the canal area it pretty much ended as far as we could tell. When we stopped the engine to have a look there was a family on a little boat with a 25HP motor. He pulled up beside us and said he saw us about 6 miles out onto the lake when he started to head in. When he turned around we were flying towards the twister. I figure if my buddies boat didnt have 150HP we would have been screwed. I can honestly say It was pretty neat being that close to a tornado and seeing through it but I never want to do it on the water again.
  21. It is just a spammer. Reply to her e-mail and see what happens. hehe
  22. And I thought I was special!
  23. Stopped raining here. the Sky is yellow though..
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