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About Burtess

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    Dundas (the town, not the street!)

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  1. Like you said above probably everybody is out of everything. I bought mine at LeBaron…. I do miss that place!
  2. Lol Brian... its a big burger. Ya I still exist 😁
  3. I've had the Eskimo QuickFlip 1 for a few years, the reason I bought it was, at the time, the lightest flip on the market. It's held up well has a fold up seat instead of a built in one, but I take that with me when I fish in the pop out too. Its pretty comfortable.
  4. It should have an RTS screen or the ability to show it down the right side. I use that as it gives an instant return of what's going on down there.
  5. I use this stuff but any Dacron or polyester thick line will work. This is the 50lb stuff which is easy on the hands when a fish runs. https://www.sail.ca/en/sufix-perform-tip-up-ice-braid-50lbs-blk-50y-258481
  6. Hey they are better than anything you can buy right??!??? ?
  7. I used a Piranhamx 160 portable for a couple years and it worked just fine. Could see my jig and swivel down 100ft no problem. Went to a 570 after because I got it cheap and it had higher res and a bigger screen. I think that unit will work just fine.
  8. I use tip ups mainly for pike and use 30 or 50 pound Dacron tied direct to a 30lb 7-strand SS home made quick strike rig. How are you guys using mono for larger fish? Do you have any issues getting cut when they take off and run? That's why I like the heavy Dacron, not really for the strength but for the ease of handling. Easy to see and untangle too after a fish and you have a pile of line on the ice. Burt ?
  9. I will be up at Chilly Willy's Jan 19-22, this will be my third time. Scott takes good care of us always and his huts are really clean and well maintained. Burt ?
  10. Hillsound Trail Crampons from Sail, reviewed them a while back..... http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=77520&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  11. For next time, get a dash cam with GPS and speed etc. and you will know exactly how fast you were going when you passed the officer. Burt ?
  12. Not live minnows but imitate them.... try larger bass sized white tubes (3 to 3.5") on a 1/16 to 1/8oz tube jig head and bottom bounce them through runs on the smaller flows (Bronte etc) . This works really well for fresh fish. Burt
  13. Wasn't intentional??? Doing the right thing?? Shoot the "coyote" if it was deemed dangerous..... don't run it over.... bad judgement call by the officer. Burt
  14. Awesome Mike, you can count me in too when it hits print! I have enjoyed your writing on here for a long time, it will be great to be able to hold it in the hand! Burt
  15. Just saw this thread Brian (visitors staying in my computer room!).... Quite the ordeal your going through. I wish you well and it looks like all the other positives vibes from everyone else are taking good effect!! Kevin
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