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Everything posted by l2p

  1. ...... okay well let me start off with, I didnt catch any pike. was out from 2ish - 8 today, figure there should still be some hammer handles to play around with. Well i was wrong, every single pike that i saw today was big and fat with the exeption of 1 smaller pike that turned out to be one of two pike that i lost today. I dont thnk ive ever seen so many large pike in a day down at this spot, but heres the catch. They were all just basking in the sun, not one of the atleast 30 fish that i saw today looked one bit interested in my lures and i tried all of em! My guesses are they stuffed themselves when the minnows bloomed and now want nothing to do but sit and digest the food. Oh well atleast they all looked healthy and fattened up compared to a couple weeks ago when they just finished spawning lol. Im sure it wont be long now til they shoot back out into the lake, water temps are deffinatly on the rise. Now heres the awsome part, mid way through all the pike frustration i get a nice solid hit. Finally get some adrenaline running and this thing just went crazy back and forth from boat to boat. I already knew it wasnt a pike and could only be two things. Either i snaged a carp or a brown. About 7 min into the fight i still havent seen the fish and by this point was almost certain that it was a brown since it was swimming way to fast to be a carp, it jumps and confirms my guess. After a 10 min battle and almost running me out of line twice i get the beauty 6-7 lb brown to shore. I also managed to catch the attention of a cruising rainbow trout with my rap but didnt feel like hitting it, aswell as another follow from a larger brown that also did not hit. Whatever 1 is enough to keep me satisfied, I just love it when these gems give ya a nice surprise, been 2 years since i caught one down at this spot. couple pics and back in she goes!
  2. "Marinas don't usually allow you to fish em... against their rules and it's private property... u weren't harassed by them?" its not private property where he was fishing.
  3. wait til night, dim flash light and walk sofly.
  4. wow pike and steelies in the the same river section! awsome, but odd in a way lol. i once saw a 3 foot gar pike at the fallingrocks pool on the credit while fishing for salmon lol
  5. that thing has teeth!! saw a show on the dicovery channel about people altering fertilized chicken eggs by adding "dinosour" genes into the embreyo and they hatched a "chicken" with a long tail talons and teeth. kinda messed up in my opinion.
  6. theres almost 100% that there are still some post spawn pike in there wanting to put some weight on as with most marinas right now. one thing that i did notice though is that the weather plays a huge role in hitting pike or not. was at my spot 3 days consecutively last week, first two days was nothing but sunshine and hot weather and i hit a good amount of fish in those two days. the third was cloudy and rainy and i did not hit any pike what so ever, as if there were none there at all no follows no nothing. so my advise is to wait a couple of warmer days to warm up the water temp and go try again!
  7. l2p

    Soo Steel

    that water looks stunning!
  8. l2p

    Some Steel

    sweet, i love may steel
  9. "why didnt you try to throw some lures to get his rod???" we did no lcuk, went back down today with my friend rob, slower for sure. they did alot more following rather than taking. rain musta shut em down, rob did manage to land his first and second pike tho! im sure his report will soon follow
  10. unfortunately as he went to gill the fish it turned around and decided to head home, by this point in time he had already set his rod down thinkin the fish was all tired out. sure does suck!
  11. After a long night of bar hopping i woke up this afternoon feeling worst than better, i ate a small breakfast(granola bar) and was out the door. with all the recent pike posts i figure i go down to the usual and see if i could get into some. ended the day going 7/8 all smallish fish lost the largest one(go figure) sucks pike fishing by yourself specially when you forgot your pliers enjoi beat up one(looks like the bully that had him could easily fit a chunk of this fish in his mouth) bumped into my friend taylor later on, he ended up landing this one and then loosing the largest fish of the day. the worst part is the fish took off with hook line sinker... rod reel.. turned to be the sad ending of a good days fishing
  12. haha that definatly an odd day to be out, we all hooked into fish but only landed 1 each... after you left me and mike checked another river out and hooked into couple more fish each but i couldnt land any and mike beaches a huge unspawned female. heres a couple more pics from that day ahah my 1 fish lol mikes huge unspawned female(anyone know why this one has reddish fins? you cant tell from the pic but the color of this fish was certainly different also)
  13. hahah i remember this day vividly, i dont think he uttered a single word while fighting the fish. just a big ol grin on his face hahaha
  14. id say he won it just in the first.. dropped him twice before the bell rang
  15. looks like you had a banger of a season! goodjob!
  16. ive seen a small shaker take off from a logjam in the tail end of a clear pool to take a worm i was drifting at the run at the head of the pool. pretty cool imo, i saw the flash came to almost a complete stop and waited 2 feet for my worm to get right infront of him before he took it.
  17. hahah nicee, when we checked back at that spot most fish alraedy made their preliminary push down stream. we found more fish in pools south rather than up. nice lookin fish!
  18. l2p

    april 25 09

    *btw anyone notice the lack of spots on the fish 4 pics down from the top. different strain maybe?
  19. l2p

    april 25 09

    "Beauties - looks like a great day. I'm at a loss though how you guys do that in the dark !!" well, glowsticks are a must lol and a good batch of extra stinky roe kept us busy for most part of the night!
  20. from 12 am - 3:30 pm april 25 09 opener fire, keep in us warm through out the night. first fish by mike(floatman_mike) my first then this is how the rest of the day went, il let the pics do the talkin. one of a FEW double headers, good times boys! (nice meeting you silvio) hope ya'll had as fun an opener as we did!!
  21. tightlines to all and a safe opener!! **ohh and btw, let em go
  22. l2p

    PB crappie

    haha i would also say its a little longer than 8", in the first pic i have the fish directly adjacent to my chest, i wear a medium tee comfortably. im not gona go measure my shirts but i think its safe to say its a littler longer than 8 inches lol
  23. l2p

    PB crappie

    hahah like i said this was by far my largest crappie, the guy next to me said it looked about that so i based my opinion on it. it did have quite the gut and im sure ya'll know pics dont do fish justice. but then again i could be completly off. this is actually my first season fully targetting panfish at this time of year and i must say it is quite fun and could become a part of the whole opener ritual.
  24. went out with a buddy today before the rain and ended up catching my largest crappie to date. didnt get a chance to properly measure but was easily pushing 2 lbs for sure and was atleast 8" long. after a couple pics back in she went. kept a couple smaller ones for the grandparents.(these were the average size of the crappie being caught) Goodluck to everyone this weekend!
  25. ahha thought we were the only ones feenin enough to have something on the end of our lines heres some from the week past, they can be fun when nothing else wants to hit.
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