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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. I got those pics a while ago, very cool , I think the pics were taken near Algonquin park but not positive.
  2. Well, I pinched the tail for the extra 1/2 inch.
  3. I've only landed one musky off the dock 48-49", but have seen quite a few and some bigger ones eat the walleye off my hook at the surface, they tend to be in there out of season up here so I don't try to catch them off the dock but they like jigs and minnows sometimes.
  4. CCMT, this post is just an excuse to show of those little Wally's you and Bly get....lol jk Here is my longest of the year caught directly under my dock in May on GBay, the pic does no justice but it was 32.5" and freshly spawned out so it was a little slim. Very nice fish by the way fellas.
  5. If there's such a shortage of gas why do we ship most of it out of country ? The US (corporate, I'm not talking about the hard working American citizens) have raped their own natural resources so now they want ours and all our lumber too.
  6. To funny. I really stink at these birds eye views, but I can navigate this whole area at night with one eye shut, except for that one rock I hit last year (jk) I'll have to start learning the names to, I feel bad because people out in their boats stop and ask me where certain things are and I have no idea, even though I do know how to get there but don't remember the names..lol Unless they have a map.
  7. Ya, type I love Cougars into Google and take a gander at what comes up, I couldn't imagine. Kids don't try that at home.
  8. Told you wouldn't even know if it was my home town. I fish that area all the time. Hahaha.
  9. My friend emailed these pics, I don't have the story but it's a big cat from Alberta near Grande Cache, to bad it was killed, I'm guessing they are rare but I wouldn't want to be wondering around the woods with this Cougar, the local bar will do.
  10. Mouth of the French ? It's all rocks and trees to me, lol.
  11. Good luck Jamie. I've always wondered what a musky tackle box would produce down south ? Bulldawgs ? Why not, I would like to try some huge spinner baits south, they seem to work on everything else.
  12. I'm jealous....Nice fish.
  13. Just a question Wayne. Almost every day out fishing I see at least 1 or 2 planes fly over fairly low and I usually always wave. ( I'll keep an eye out for your green machine ) Do you see us waving ? Grew up in the Beach area a didn't even get that one.
  14. I'll stick to going to the Raptors games. They are surprising me this year, hope they do good in the playoffs, if only we could get Steve Nash. He's a contender for 3 MVP's in a row that would put him in with Doctor J, Larry Bird and I think only 1 other, what a feat that would be. Go Raptors ! and Nash
  15. Have a good one.
  16. Cool pics Wayne, you could probably take a picture directly over my home town and wouldn't know what it was. It's a whole new perspective with the birds eye view. Was there another fish under that Montreal Canadians flag ?
  17. Some very nice bows there, nice job, nothing better than thinking a spots going to be busy to find out you're the only ones there.
  18. She looks happier on the couch than the bath. Nice looking dog.
  19. I got one last year, worked good all season for casting musky, seems to have some plastic parts, only time will tell. The Okuma Nemesis is my new favorite walleye, bass reel though, very nice.
  20. I'll check it out and register. Do I still count as a kid at 26 ? It's always good to see the kids out having fun fishing.
  21. Yes he was the man, I was thinking of going to casino Rama to check him out, just before he passed.
  22. Hahha, could you imagine going to your cottage "Honey where did the dock go ?" Must have been anchored poorly, or the chains broke some how.
  23. That's the one I was thinking of Mepps, what a beast, haven't seen that top one before but it's monstrous too. Looks like it just pooped a 20lbs fish with that loose skin though.
  24. That thing is fat. Full of eggs ?
  25. Sweet day Greg, nice fish.
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