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About dnb_cbr

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  1. 44" 30 lbs
  2. So you took a day off to fish, but only fished for 15 mins? Never heard that before!! Good job, enjoy your meal!
  3. captured these with my phone, wish i had, had my point and shoot with me that day.
  4. I had a professional photographer tag along one day...
  5. that's exactly what mine looked like, however mine was an otherwise blemish free specimen. I'm thinking now that it may be some type of infection.
  6. small pike, i think the picture is on my dead laptop.
  7. I have no idea what it is, but I have seen what I assume is the exact same thing, One pupil completely neon green. I have a great picture of it, I am just trying to locate it, its either on an old phone, or sd card. I have always wonder what could have caused it, and if its harmful.
  8. Up at a popular fly in lodge, I usually have some success and a lot of fun trolling buzz-baits with just a few yards of line out, right beside the boat. I don't waste a lot of time on this, and haven't caught anything huge, but watching them strike a buzz-bait right beside you is an amazing sight! BTW...Leaving for our 2012 trip next weds!
  9. south bend non removable are a good alternative as well. They are already fairly dark, and if you dont crimp them on too tight, they slide around fine on your shot/main lines. forgot to add, they are available at walmart
  10. genetically identical, its a behavioral difference.
  11. Ive never owned a scale, and dont carry a tape, the only measurement I got was the pike @ 44" These are all from 2009-2011. Im sure i have topped the lake o, and huron fish, but no pics=no fish. Lake O buck: Hen: G.B Buck: Hen: Huron: Pike Bass Walleye Brown
  12. I need help...... gettin her to come to the rock pile with me, if Ya konw what I mean. Har Har Har
  13. the fish in the bottom pic has the most aesthetic face i have ever seen on a fish. What a cutie!
  14. This looks like more fun
  15. they clearly ask not to link to that page, as their servers can't handle it.
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